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Welcome to Ash Class!

We have 25 pupils in Ash Class.

Our teacher is Mrs Parkinson and our teaching assistant is Mrs Squires.

Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Commando Joe is also on Thursday. Please remember to wear your PE kit to school on these days.

Autumn Term

Our topic for this term is Travel and Transport. We will learn about different types of transport from now, the past and start to think about what travel and transport in the future might look like. We will think about transport around the world, the journeys we do and think about where we might go.
We will also do a traffic survey of our local area and discuss the results.

PE Timetable

Our PE days for this term are Wednesday and Thursday. Commando Joe is on Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school on these days wearing the correct PE kit. Earrings must be removed before school on these days.

What do you need for school?

- Your PE Kit (team coloured T-shirt, shorts and trainers, plus track suit type trousers and top during the winter months). - Your book bag, with reading book and any completed homework.
- Named bottle of fresh WATER everyday.
- Outdoor shoes and a change of clothes for the school field in winter which can be put on over your school clothes and a coat.
- Warm hat and gloves during the winter.
- To know if you are a school dinner or a packed lunch.
- Sun hat and sun cream during the summer.
- Swimming kit (one piece swim suit for girls; trunks and NOT baggy shorts for boys; towel and swimming hat for ALL). We will let you know when this is needed.

All stationery will be provided.

Feedback to improve our learning

We all have been involved in a dialogue about the high expectations we have of all pupils. Effective feedback involves a dialogue to identify what has been done well and the next steps to learning. Pupils are regularly given verbal feedback about their work and areas to work on. Where appropriate, we use pink highlighting to identify where we are 'Tickled Pink' that the Success Criteria (expectations set out at the start of the lesson) have been achieved. Green highlighting identifies a next step (Green for Growth). Children are also encouraged to self-edit and correct or improve something using their purple polish pen. For more information, please do ask your child, read our policy which can be found at or speak to us.

This is most likely to be related to letter and number formation or adding in capital letters or full stops.

Non Negotiables

We have discussed, agreed and modelled the 'Non Negotiables' we have adopted as a school for written work. Yellow highlighting will identify for pupils where they need to correct. These Non Negotiables are age dependent, but once an aspect of presentation has been mastered, we expect pupils to apply this in all contexts and yellow highlighting reminds them if this is not the case.
Non Negotiables are year group dependent but include:
ALL marking responded to
No rubbing out
Correct letter formation
Start writing at the margin
Writing on line
No doodling or scribbling
Capital letters
Full stops

As a class we are particularly focusing on correct letter formation, capital letters and full stops.



