We have 20 pupils in our year 5 class.
Mrs Wilson is our teacher and our teaching assistants are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Clark.
We also work with Miss King on Thursdays and Fridays (PE), and Mrs Sanders on Tuesdays (Spanish).
Welcome to the spring term in Rowan Class. This term, we will be studying a wide variety of topics and themes across all the subjects including 'The Ancient Maya' in history, and 'Mixtures and Solutions' in science. Please see this term's curriculum newsletter for more details.
Our PE days for this term are Thursday and Friday. On Thursdays we work with Commando Joe. Please ensure your child comes to school on these days wearing the correct PE kit. Make sure to leave earrings at home on PE days.
You will need:
- Your PE Kit (team coloured T-shirt, shorts and trainers, plus track suit type trousers and top during the winter months). This term children will wear their PE kits to school on PE days. This will be on Wednesdays and Fridays.
To know if you are having school dinner or a packed lunch and what your after-school arrangements are (going home on the bus, going to Puffins, going to a club, being picked up or walking home on your own).
Your reading book, reading record and any completed homework.
A drinking bottle of fresh WATER.
A fresh fruit snack for break time.
A coat or waterproof jacket - we work and play outside in all weathers!
Outdoor shoes and a change of clothes for the school field in winter.
A warm hat and gloves in cold weather.
A sun hat during in hot weather.
All stationery is provided so you do not need a pencil case.
In Rowan Class, We all have been involved in a dialogue about the high expectations we have of all pupils. Effective feedback involves a dialogue between to identify what has been done well and the next steps to learning. Pupils are regularly given verbal feedback about their work and areas to work on. Where appropriate, we use pink highlighting to identify where we are 'Tickled Pink' that the Success Criteria (expectations set out at the start of the lesson) have been achieved. Green highlighting identifies a next step (Green for Growth). Children are also encouraged to self-edit and correct or improve something using their purple polish pen. For more information, please do ask your child, read our policy or speak to us directly.
In Rowan Class we are particularly focusing on:
ALL marking responded to
No 'OK' as a response
Sensible faces (as part of pupil self-assessment)
Success criteria written
Correct letter formation and joined handwriting
Start writing at the margin
Write on the line
Spellings copied correctly
Capital letters
Full stops, Exclamation marks, Question marks
Their, there, they're used correctly
To and too used correctly
No doodling or scribbling
No rubbing out
DUM TUMS (Date, underline, miss a line, title, underline, miss a line, success criteria)
Welcome to our class page

We are a Year 5 class.
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