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Latest News
5th Sept - Welcome to the start of the 2024-2025 academic year. Today school opens for the autumn term to pupils, parents and visitors. We are delighted to welcome back all our existing families and to welcome our new families, in EYFS and all the other year groups, who start our school today.
4th Sept - Staff and Governors attended our second INSET training day today for Safeguarding training. In addition, we attended training as we launch our new PSHEC curriculum which focuses on equipping our children with a greater emotional literacy.
3rd Sept 2024 - Today teaching staff are in school for staff training focused on the learning environment and the school curriculum.
19th Jul - School is now closed for the summer holidays to pupils, staff and visitors. We reopen to pupils on Thursday 5th July. Wellbeing resources can be found on the 'Pupil Welfare' webpage under the Safeguarding menu should you need more information or support. Happy Holidays!
19th Jul - Thank you to our AMAZING staff team for the consistent support and high quality teaching this year.
19th July - Thank you year 6. Your Leavers' Assembly brought back so many memories! You do indeed have the skills to succeed at secondary school. Always continue to shine brightly! Good look!
Latest Publications
Is your child due to start school in September 2025? If so, click here to visit our admissions page.
As per County and national guidance, Petersfield will only close in exceptional circumstances or where instructed to do so. The decision will be made ASAP and displayed first on our school website in the 'Latest News' above.
Please see our vacancies page for an opportunity for a Playworker.