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2024-2025 Events

1st Oct - Thank you to Rev Felicity and our pupils for leading our Harvest Service in church. Thank you for the donations to the food bank and for the monetary donations for Machemba school.

25th Sept - Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Open classroom session. It was great to hear so many conversations between pupils and parents sharing this term's learning.

23rd Sept - Well done to our EYFS pupils who attended for their first full school day today!

19th Sept - Today 'Data Sheet' documents have been sent home with children. Please do check these documents carefully to make sure we have up to date emergency contact information. Signed documents (whether changes are required or not) should be returned to school on Monday please.

18th Sept - Today our Full Governing Body (FGB) met for the first time this academic year. One of the agenda items was approving our updated Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. You can read this on the Policies and Safeguarding Policies pages of the website.

17th Sept - Thank you to our volunteers who renewed their volunteer safeguarding training today. This is required to volunteer in school. We have another session planned on the 1st October if you can join us then.

16th Sept - Today our EYFS pupils enjoyed their first school lunch together.

12th Sept - Thank you to all the parents who came to today's EYFS Little Wandle to help you support your child learning phonics. Please do speak to your child's classteacher if you have any questions as you support your child with daily reading.

11th Sept - Year 5 and 6 focused on resilience and team work today in a team building day as part of our SCSSP Sports Partnership.

10th Sept - Today our KS2 Spanish lessons started for this year with Mrs Sanders.

9th Sept - Well done to our EYFS pupils who all enjoyed LEAD time (Learning, Exploring and Developing) in school this morning.

6th Sept - It is great to hear from the pupils about the rules and routines that have quickly established in each of our 6 classes already this year thanks to our transition days in July.

5th Sept - Today we talked in our welcome Collective Worship about equality and equity. Together, we thought about how, through our lives, we continue to develop a toolkit of skills, knowledge and strategies. We reflected on our individual and collective responsibility in this.

5th Sept - Welcome to the start of the 2024-2025 academic year. Today school opens for the autumn term to pupils, parents and visitors. We are delighted to welcome back all our existing families and to welcome our new families, in EYFS and all the other year groups, who start our school today.

4th Sept - Staff and Governors attended our second INSET training day today for Safeguarding training. In addition, we attended training as we launch our new PSHEC curriculum which focuses on equipping our children with a greater emotional literacy.

3rd Sept 2024 - Today teaching staff are in school for staff training focused on the learning environment and the school curriculum.

2023-2024 Events

19th Jul - School is now closed for the summer holidays to pupils, staff and visitors. We reopen to pupils on Thursday 5th July. Wellbeing resources can be found on the 'Pupil Welfare' webpage under the Safeguarding menu should you need more information or support. Happy Holidays!

19th Jul - Thank you to our AMAZING staff team for the consistent support and high quality teaching this year.

19th July - Thank you year 6. Your Leavers' Assembly brought back so many memories! You do indeed have the skills to succeed at secondary school. Always continue to shine brightly! Good look!

19th Jul - Today we enjoyed a whole school picnic followed by signing the year 6 pupils' shirts as a lovely memory of their time at Petersfield.

19th Jul - Thank you to Rev Felicity for leading today's Leavers' Service in church including our year 6 reflections of thanks.

18th Jul - Welcome to our new EYFS parents who joined us in school today to share in exploring the learning environment with our new pupils.

18th Jul - Today we continue our Transition Days in our new classes - entering and exiting in our new classrooms for September.

17th Jul - Welcome to our EYFS pupils - we are delighted to see you in school for your first transition day today.

17th Jul - Today is our first transition day as year 6 visit BVC. We start with a Collective Worship led by our Key Stage Leader Mr Carter. We are reflecting on respect in school.

16th Jul - Thank you to Miss Whitehead, our school staff and the Sports Leaders from BVC for adapting to make our well attended Sports Day such a success.

16th Jul - Based on the forecast and ground conditions, we are currently planning to hold the activity section of sports day at 9:15am. Pupils should already all have a change of shoes in school to enable them to use the field. Please make sure they bring a change of shoes if not currently here.

15th Jul - Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate living life to the full for the final Headteacher Awards today.

12th Jul - Wow Rocksteady! We have really seen the progress in your playing across this year and that resulted in a fabulous concert. Well done! Thank you to everyone who joined us to enjoy the show!

11th Jul - Thank you to all the volunteers and Rev. Felicity who welcomed KS2 to St Andrew's Church for REActive Church today.

10th Jul - Thank you to the families who welcomed us to this week's Home Visits for our EYFS pupils today.

10th Jul - Thanks to the Sports Premium, 8 children were able to enjoy the tennis at Wimbledon today.

9th Jul - Wow! The delightful feedback from everyone who attended tonight's performance illustrates what a fabulous performance we were treated to as we learnt about crime and punishment on Treasure Island.

9th Jul - Today we welcomed the EYFS advisor into school as we are delighted to continue to install the new furniture and resources into our Ash class learning environment.

9th Jul - Rowan and Yew class delighted the school with their Dress Rehearsal this morning.

8th Jul - This afternoon we welcomed Emma Fuller, County Advisor, into school to celebrate the many successes evident in school and the good progress we have made against in our School Development Plan, particularly in phonics, this year.

4th Jul - Well done to all our musicians who delighted us at today's concert. Thank you to Mrs Lynn for organising this and to the parents who joined us to enjoy it.

3rd July - Well done year 6 - your activity morning was great fun for all the school pupils despite the rain. Well done for organising and leading this.

2nd July - We were delighted to be invited to take another team to today's cricket festival. Thank you to the staff and parents who responded quickly to enable us to make the most of this wonderful opportunity.

1st July - Thank you to the September 2024 EYFS families who welcomed us into their home for this week's home visits.

28th Jun - Thanks to Mrs Bonfield for the fabulous ASH class Safari day today. Ash class you looked amazing, enjoyed a safari themed lunch and themed learning activities to support your topic learning.

27th Jun - KS2 enjoyed a fabulous day at the Northampton rugby stadium today, playing tag rugby and touring the ground.

26th Jun - Thank you to Ash class for our FOPS fundraising cake sale after school today.

26th Jun - Thank you to all our lovely new families who have welcomed Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Penrose on the first two days of the home visits this week.

25th Jun - After a fabulous trip to the Tower of London, the return ETA is 5:30pm.

20th June - Smile! It is class photo day today!

19th Jun - It's World Music Day and the school staff enjoyed performing for the children in Collective Worship!

19th Jun - Our EYFS Advisors joined us in school today as we continue to put in place all the new resources and furniture we have funded thanks to a community donation.

19th Jun - Today we welcomed the skipping ninja into school to demonstrate his skills and teach us all.

17th Jun - Today all staff were in school on the INSET (Staff training) day to participate in First Aid and English training.

14th Jun - our pupils were delighted with how many fathers and male carers were able to join us virtually to share in our celebration event in advance of Fathers' Day. The cards, creations, songs, jokes and heartfelt messages from the children illustrates just how thankful the children are.

13th Jun - Today we welcomed a County Advisor into school as part of their statutory duty to conduct random, unannounced checks during the phonics check. As anticipated, the advisor confirmed our compliance with all the requirements. We continue to be very proud of our Petersfield staff team!

12th Jun - Today we were delighted to welcome our new EYFS parents to our intake session in preparation for September 2024. Thank you to our Co-Chairs of Governors for joining us and to FOPS for providing our uniform swop shop.

11th Jun - Well done year 1,2 and 4! This week many of you are taking part in the statutory phonics and multiplication check. Mrs Meredith (COG) joined us as part of the statutory checking. We are all proud of your attitude to learning.

10th Jun - Today GenR8 were the popular visitors to lead our Collective Worship.

6th Jun - In our Collective Worship today, we reflected on the events of 80 years ago as we marked the anniversary of the D-D landings.

6th Jun - Well done to the children from Petersfield who represented our school at today's Quadkids athletics event.

4th Jun - Today Ash and Elm class are enjoying looking for animals related to their safari topic at Shepreth Wildlife Park.

3rd Jun - Welcome back to the first day of the last half term of the 2023-2024 academic year.

24th May - Happy Half Term everyone!

22nd May - Thank you to Rowan Class for the fabulous cakes on sale at the FOPS cake sale today. Thank you also to FOPS for continuing to offer our swap shop with pre loved school uniform available.

21st May - Thank you to the EYFS County Advisor who worked with staff today as we continue to develop the provision for our EYFS pupils. Thank you for any donations of money, time or resources (as per last week's Petersfield Press newsletter) to help us with this project.

20th May - This afternoon we welcome the Ely Diocesan representative - the EDRA - into school virtually for her half termly meeting.

20th May - Today we welcomed the County English Advisor into school as we continue our work to further develop our writing curriculum, focusing specifically on the progression of writing skills our pupils acquire through their years in school.

16th May - Well done year 6 - you did it! An afternoon of clay sculpting to celebrate completing your SATs today!

15th May - Today Elm class visit Kettle's Yard as part of their curriculum work.

13th May - Well done year 6! Day 1 of SATS. We were very proud of your application today.

10th May - Thank you to our Rowan class visitor who taught us to harmonise our voices and shared her experience of singing in the Sidney Opera House.

8th May - Wow Ash class! What a superb assembly today to showcase your learning. Thank you to all the family members who joined us to enjoy hearing about their learning journey.

7th May - We hope you have a lovely Bank Holiday today.

25th Apr - Well done to our football team for a strong performance and a well deserved win in the last football match of the season today!

22nd Apr - Ready, steady, skip! It's skipping week at Petersfield this week. It is great to see lots of children having a go and practising today!

17th Apr - Well done to all our Headteacher and Music award winners today. Thank you to everyone who came to hear about how these pupils are being a light to others in the celebration Collective Worship.

16th Apr - Ready, steady, go....we're all learning to speed stack today!

15th Apr - Welcome back to the summer 1 term! Thank you to Amanda for launching our new Collective Worship theme - humility - to start the term today.

28th Mar - School is now closed for the Easter holidays until 15th April. Welfare information can be found on the 'Pupil Welfare' webpage under the Safeguarding menu if needed. Happy Easter!

28th Mar - Today's Easter Hunt was a great fun! Thank you to FOPS for funding the Easter treats.

27th Mar - Dance moves at the ready, it is school disco time!

27th Mar - Thank you to Rev. Felicity, our fabulous readers and all the parents and family members who attended today's Holy Week service at church.

26th Mar - Well done to our football team. What a fabulous result at tonight's home game.

22nd Mar - Thank you to our fabulous band leader and all the amazing bands for their performances enjoyed by pupils, parents and family members today.

21st Mar - Well done to the year 5 and 6 pupils who represented us today at the Tag Rugby tournament. We were impressed with your skills and sportsmanship.

20th Mar - Well done Rowan class - what a fabulous showcase of learning in today's class assembly. Thank you to all the family members who came to share this with us.

18th Mar - Thank you to all the volunteers at St Andrew's Church who led our REActive Church this Lent.

15th Mar - Thank you for all the online donations to Red Nose Day. The array of red accessories on show in school is very colourful today!

13th Mar - Thanks to our wonderful staff and volunteers for organising the fabulous visit for Pine class to the British Museum today.

13th Mar - Today our EDRA (Ely Diocese Regional Advisor) came into school to hear about the religious literacy learning in school. The pupils she spoke to were eloquent and informed and able to make links between the Bible stories and our school values.

8th Mar - Thank you for the FOPS donations today as we enjoyed a dress down day!

8th Mar - Thank you to everyone who attended our virtual Mothers' Day class celebrations and for all the lovely messages about how much you enjoyed this!

7th Mar - What a fabulous selection of costumes and books on show in school today. The range of World Book Day activities and reading opportunities have been enjoyed by children and adults alike.

6th Mar - Wow Pine class! What tasty cakes on sales for the FOPS cake sale today.

4th Mar - Welcome to Emma Fuller, County Advisor, and Colin Wilson, SEND Governor, for their visit today to celebrate the positive progress in learning behaviours and SEND support.

26th Feb - As well as the planned Balance Bike sessions with EYFS, year 1 got the exciting chance to take part in the first session of five this week.

26th Feb - Welcome back to Spring half term 2! The amazing range of homework projects brought into school already this week are a fabulous start to the term.

16th Feb - School is now closed for half term during which a electrical building work will be undertaken to improve the school environment. School reopens to pupils, parents and visitors on 26th Feb. Please see our 'Welfare' page in the interim if required. Happy Half Term!

16th Feb - Thanks to Mrs Bonfield for introducing the Bishop's Lent Challenge through sewing today. We look forward to sharing the children's collaborative creation.

14th Feb - Thanks to Rev Helen from our Whaddon Parish for leading our Ash Wednesday Collective Worship.

12th Feb - Today we met virtually with our Diocese EDRA who visits our school virtually or in person half-termly.

12th Feb - Well done to the year 5 and 6 pupils taking part in Bikeability today in the beautiful sunshine.

8th Feb - Thank you to everyone who joined us virtually tonight for Parents' Evening.

6th Feb - Thank you to all the parents who attended the first of this week's Parents' Evenings and to all those parents who have already completed the parent questionnaire.

3rd Feb - Many congratulations to former pupil Fraser Dingwall on his first England cap today.

1st Feb - Well done Petersfield football team for your great teamwork, excellent display of skills and ongoing commitment and hard work in tonight's match.

31st Jan - It was so lovely to see the children share their learning with family members in today's book look drop in session.

31st Jan - Today, a member of the English Hub visited our school to celebrate the progress we have made in implementing the Little Wandle phonics scheme and to support staff with our planned next steps.

31st Jan - Thank you to everyone who joined us as Elm wonderfully showcased their learning in this week's Elm class assembly.

29th Jan - Today we were pleased to welcome our County Primary Advisor into school to celebrate our ongoing school development since her last visit.

26th Thank you to all to speakers who outlined their jobs to us this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this aspect of Careers Week. During the sessions, the children listened actively and then asked some very thoughtful questions.

26th Jan - Thanks to the GenR8 team for their highly engaging session with year 6, supporting them to reflect on cool choices.

25th Jan - Good Luck to our maths team who are representing us at today's maths challenge in Cambridge!

24th Jan - Thank you to all the volunteers from the community who are coming into school over the next few weeks to tell us more about the exciting range of career options that are available in today's world.

15th Jan - We were really excited to have Mr Walker from Cambridge United Football Club come into school to talk to us. He is the head of the education at the Cambridge United charity. He came to speak to us all about respect in sport and how we can show respect in school and our community.

10th Jan - Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate the Headteacher Awards today. We are proud of the many ways children are a light to others in our school.

10th Jan - Our younger classes enjoyed their first session of yoga today.

9th Jan - With a wonderful, personal message to Petersfield School from Simon Bailey (who some of you may know as a star of West End Musicals such as Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables), Mrs Wilson launched the revised opportunity for children to play instruments in Collective Worship.

8th Jan - Thank you to Gog Magog Molly for coming into school on Plough Monday to teach us dances and perform to us in line with local traditions.

5th Jan - Our second day into the spring term and despite the rain, it was lovely to see the children coming into school with huge smiles on their faces.

4th Jan 2024 - Welcome back and Happy New Year! It is lovely to see everyone in school this morning.

20th Dec - School is now closed for the holidays! Merry Christmas! During the holidays, welfare information can be found on the 'Welfare' page under the 'Safeguarding' menu if needed. We look forward seeing you on the 4th January!

20th Dec - To chants of 'Santa', Father Christmas arrived on a Traction Engine this afternoon bring presents for all the children and a ride on the trailer.

20th Dec - Christmas jumpers, Christmas crackers (thanks to FOPS) and Christmas music - it must be time for our Christmas dinner!

20th Dec - Thank you to our EYFS and Year 6 pupils for leading our Nativity service so beautifully this morning. It was lovely to see Rev Felicity today and to be joined by so many parents and governors.

18th Dec - Well done to Ethan and Ida for winning the FOPS bauble completion. All the baubles have been delighting us by brightening up our tree this December. There was a prize for the winners.

15th Dec - Well done everyone, our high uptake and wonderful pupils were praised during today's flu vaccinations.

8th Dec - Well done to all the Rocksteady performers who delighted family members at last week's concert.

14th Dec - As ever, GenR8 were popular visitors in school today as they led our Collective Worship this Advent.

14th Dec - Today we again welcomed Mrs Locke who joined in in school for the day in advance of her official start as Co-headteacher in January 2024.

14th Dec - Today we welcomed Linda Meredith, Co-Chair of Governors, for a Governors visit as part of the Governors' ongoing programme of school visit to support their strategic leadership of the school.

14th Dec - Thank you to FOPS and congratulation to the 5 lucky winners of our fabulous Christmas hampers.

14th Dec - What a tremendous final performance of our EYFS and KS1 Christmas production. Ash and Elm class you are all stars!

11th Dec - Everyone in school was delighted to virtually share in the Ely Diocese Christingle today.

13th Dec - Thank you to everyone who attended the AMAZING EYFS and KS1 performance today! The feedback shows how much it was enjoyed by everyone!

13th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential final update - After a morning or exciting waves and our final fun activities, we're currently enjoying hot chocolate in advance of a cooked lunch. We will then tackle packing! We're expecting to be back at the end of the school day as planned.

13th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - we can't believe how quickly the visit is going as we have so much fun. Our final morning of activities includes rock climbing.

13th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - time for a group photo!

13th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - after a busy day yesterday everyone slept well and woke to a delicious full cooked breakfast!

12th Dec - Thank you to Mother Goose for joining us for our Dress Rehearsal of the EYFS and KS1 performance today.

12th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - after a tasty roast dinner for tea, we're watching our guided reading text film, Wonder, whilst drinking hot chocolate.

12th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - this afternoon each group is rotating round the land and water activities. Well done everyone for having a go!

12th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - we had a choice of 3 main meals and 2 puddings for lunch. Yes some people did have all 5!

12th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - activities this morning include boating, canoeing and mountain biking.

12th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - everybody got some sleep and woke to a fabulous cooked breakfast to start another beautiful day.

11th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - after a busy evening, finished with hot chocolate, everyone is in their rooms preparing to sleep!

11th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - this evening we have been set a number of problem solving activities.

11th Dec - Yew and Rowan residential update - after a busy afternoon of activities dinner was devoured!

11th Dec - Yew and Rowan visit update - Lunch has been devoured, so now the children are preparing for boating, archery, biking, high ropes and bushcraft this afternoon.

11th Dec - Rowan and Yew class update - This morning the children have been finding out about the National Outdoor Learning Award and learning to make their bed!

11th Dec - Yew and Rowan update - amidst much excitement and illuminated by a rainbow, we've arrived to 10 degrees Celsius and sunshine!

11th Dec - Yew and Rowan class - absolutely everybody is smiling and on the coach.... we're off on an adventure together!

7th Dec - Well done to our 2 teams who represented Petersfield at the Ten Pin Bowling event in Cambridge today.

6th Dec - Well done Yew class! What a fabulous assembly you planned and led today to showcase your learning this term. Thank you to all the parents who joined us.

4th Dec - Thank you to everyone at the Methodist Church for welcoming Rowan class to sing carols together today.

4th Dec - Today Mrs Coulson, our Ely Diocese Regional Advisor, visited Petersfield and was particularly pleased to read our recent SIAMS inspection report.

4th Dec - Thank you to the St Andrew's Church volunteers for leading Pine class in REActive Church today.

1st Dec - School is closed to pupils, parents and visitors for staff training from the County Specialist SEND teacher today.

30th Nov - Thank you to FOPS for the cake, tattoo and jumper sale today and for decorating our school hall for Christmas.

30th Nov - Today we welcomed Mrs Locke into school again in preparation for January.

29th Nov - Thank you to Amanda Tuck for leading such a beautiful Christingle Service today. Well done to all our pupil readers and Christingle bearers. Thank you to all the family members and Mother Goose who joined us in church.

28th Nov - It was delightful to welcome so many 2024 EYFS pre-school children into school for our Stay and Play today.

28th Nov - Thank you to everyone who has joined us in our library to support the book Fair over the last few days.

25th Nov - Thank you to everyone who had a stall or activity, to Father Christmas for making an appearance and to everyone who attended the Christmas Fete today. It was such a wonderful family event and our grateful thanks to Chloe and her amazing FOPS team for raising funds for our school.

24th Nov - Bikeability was a huge success at Petersfield today!

22nd Nov - Well done Elm class! What supper cakes for our FOPS cake sale. Yum Yum! Thank you especially for the beautifully decorated cakes catering for our different dietary requirements.

22nd Nov - We look forward to welcoming parents of pupils who are due to start in EYFS in September 2024 into school this morning.

21st Nov - Thank you to our EYFS parents who joined us for lunch yesterday. The children were very excited to share lunch with you!

20th Nov - Rowan and Yew classes enjoyed a visit to West Stow today as part of their history curriculum topic.

17th Nov - Today we were delighted to welcome Mrs Locke, our new Co-Headteacher from January 2024 into school to meet the staff, pupils and parents. Mrs Locke will be in school on a few days during this term so please do say hello at the gate!

15th Nov - Thank you to Ash parents who joined us for lunch with EYFS yesterday. Well done Reception for showing them all the routines you have learnt in school this term.

15th Nov -Thank you to Pine Class for their assembly showcasing their learning today. Thank you also to the Pine Class parents who came to school to enjoy this.

15th Nov - Thank you to all the children who represented our school so well at the Cross Country yesterday. Their own personal achievements, including a first place, were fabulous as was the demonstration of the value of friendship whilst they cheered everyone on.

13th Nov - Thank you to Amanda and our Standard Bearer for leading our Remembrance reflection in school today at 11am.

10th Nov - Rowan class really enjoyed 'lunch with the teacher' today.

9th Nov - Two more days of our FOPS and School Council organised Sponsored Run week. How far can you run this week?

8th - Wow! Ash and Elm class you looked fabulous on your medieval day today!

3rd Nov - After saying thank you and good luck to our popular band leader Alex before half term, we are delighted to welcome Luke, our new band leader, into school today.

3rd Nov - The FOPS raffle donations look amazing thanks to all the donations from our non-uniform day today, thank you! Watch out for the raffle tickets coming home soon!

2nd Nov - Today it was year 5's turn to participate in the mini medics first aid training with great enthusiasm!

1st Nov - Thanks to our mini medics trainer, our year 6 and 4 pupils are now confident about the actions to take in a medical emergency. They are also great at bandaging!

1st Nov - Today's Headteacher Award and Hollands Cup Collective Worship showcased how are pupils are living life to the full and shining a light to each other. Thank you to all the parents who joined us today.

1st Nov - Thank you to the Young'Uns who led the school is composing a song based on a local story. It was fantastic to be able to perform this to the parents who attended for our Headteacher Awards Collective Worship.

31st Oct - Thank you to all our volunteers who joined today's annual safeguarding update.

30th Oct - It was a privilege to showcase computing at our school during today's Ofsted visit. Ambitious and contentious staff, the curriculum, pupil's enthusiasm, staff expertise and the additional opportunities thanks to our wonderful volunteers were all celebrated.

30th Oct - Welcome back - an hour later with the clock change - to the autumn 2 half term!

20th Oct - School is now closed for the autumn half term. During the school closure, support can be found on the 'Pupil Welfare' webpage. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back on the 30th October 2023. Don't forget the clocks change!

20th Oct - What a super Collective Worship to end the term today. There were lots of things to celebrate together and we enjoyed hearing about the range of learning that has taken place as part of our Black History Month work.

20th Oct - Today we said thank you and goodbye to Alex, the Rocksteady Bandleader, on his last day at Petersfield.

19th Oct - Today we welcomed a member of the English Hub into school for their first visit this year as part of the support and funding we applied to receive. This will support us during 2023-2024 as we implement Little Wandle phonics scheme.

18th Oct - Today we were delighted to be presented with our Gold Sports Award by Claire from South Cambs School Sports Partnership in recognition of all the opportunities Petersfield provides our pupils to be active.

17th Oct - Today we were delighted to feature in the Royston Crow celebrating our SIAMS inspection success.

17th Oct - Thanks to all the parents who joined us for Parents' Evening. This parent partnership is very important to supporting our pupils.

13th Oct - Today year 5 and 6 represented Petersfield in a football match against Barrington, winning 2:1.

12th Oct - Mrs Penrose and Ms Perkins were delighted to be invited to the unveiling of the Orwell Platinum Jubilee Montage this evening. This was unveiled by former Petersfield pupil, Tom, who read part of his contribution to the project written by pupils in school last year.

12th Oct - Thank you to Mrs Tuck for leading our Rowan and Yew class RE lesson in the church.

12th Oct - Today we welcomed the County EYFS Advisor back into school as part of the support with our EYFS provision redevelopment and implementation of Little Wandle this term.

12th Oct - Today we are delighted to share our SIAMS Inspection report on our website. We are proud that the inspection outcome shows our school vision 'Live Life to the Full' is central to all we do and is highly effective at Petersfield.

10th Oct - Today is World Mental Health Day. Please do ask your child about what they have learnt from the focused work on this planned for during this week.

9th Oct - Thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us after school today to share the classrooms and books with their child at the 'drop in' session.

9th Oct - Well done EYFS - your first Invacuation Drill was a success!

5th Oct - Well done to the football team. 4-0 was a fantastic result to open the season, with a very strong second half.

5th Oct - Today some pupils attended the outdoor activity challenge. The children reported back: We went to CVC to complete different outdoor activities. Lots of the tasks involved physical activity where we had to communicate with different people and work as a team.

4th Oct - Today our new Playleader received their training ready to support children at break and lunchtimes.

28th Sept - Our SIAMS (Church school) inspection provided a wonderful opportunity to celebrate everything we already do, and the things we are planning to do next, to Live Life to the Full. Thank you to everyone who welcomed the inspector and talked about our school.

28th Sept - Today's Harvest service was led by Rev Felicity and our pupils. It was a fantastic opportunity to give thanks and to support our local community with foodbank donations and Machemba school with funding. Thanks to our pianist and all who attended.

26th Sept - Thanks to FOPS for running the Swop Shop at the cake sale today. Please do take what you need, especially school jumpers as we look towards autumn.

26th Sept - Yum Yum!! Well done Yew class, the cake sale was very successful and the cakes were delicious!

26th Sept 23 - We were delighted to welcome Dr Simon Hughes into school as our Diocesan representative today. His visit included a tour by pupils, visiting all classes, and training for senior leaders including governors.

25th Sept - Today we are delighted to welcome representatives from Diocese and County to join pupils and staff as we interview for our new Co-Headteacher.

22nd Sept - Today Mrs Bonfield visited school to work with more children on our Great Gransden Show entry. Check out the 'Gallery' to see these beautiful creations. You can see our entries in person at the show on Saturday 30th September.

22nd Sept - We very much look forward to welcoming Rachel Beeson, our SIAMS inspector, into school next week. A letter explaining the SIAMS inspection has been sent to parents.

22nd Sept - As part of Mrs Penrose's work with SACRE, today we welcomed the County RE Advisor into school for a planned curriculum planning session following the launch of the 2023-2028 Cambridgeshire Agreed Syllabus for RE at the end of the summer term.

21st Sept - Today we welcomed the County EYFS advisor into school to celebrate all the modifications Mrs Parkinson has made to Ash class to further improve access to the continuous provision and to plan how we plan to develop the resources and phonics teaching further in 2023-2024.

20th Sept - Well done EYFS! Your first fire drill and you all go out safely and quickly in only a matter of minutes.

18th Sept - Today Commander Joe worked with each class for the first time on a range of missions designed to promote team work and build resilience. It was great to see everyone working together, especially when significant thought was needed to overcome the challenge.

15th Sept - It is really too early to talk about the 'C' word, but the children's Christmas card designs look amazing and are heading home to parents this week.

15th Sept - Thanks to our wonderful volunteer, our first Friendship Club of the autumn term was very busy today!

15th Sept - Well done EYFS pupils. Your first full day at school was a great success!

15th Sept - Over the last 2 weeks, Mrs Bonfield has worked with children on our Flower Festival and Great Gransden show entries. Please do visit the flower festival this weekend at church to see the first of the finished creations.

8th Sept - Following Mrs Lynn's return to piano lessons yesterday, today sees the return of Rocksteady each Friday.

8th Sept - Today in choral worship, we sang our Harvest songs in preparation for the Harvest Festival. Donations of food for the local food bank and monetary donations for Machemba School will be welcomed at the service later in the month.

8th Sept - Yum yum! EYFS stayed for lunch today.

8th Sept - Thank you to our year 6 buddies who met their EYFS buddy today.

8th Sept - Today, we were delighted to welcome a governor visit to review our school priorities of behavour, induction and learning.

7th Sept - Thank you to the first of our EYFS families who welcomed us to the home visits today. We look forward to the remaining visits in the coming days.

6th Sept - Tonight, our Full Governing Body (FGB) met to review the strategic plan and policies for 2023-2024 academic year.

6th Sept - Today we are delighted to welcome 2 member of the SSCO Sports Partnership into school to lead Team Building sessions for Rowan and Pine class.

6th Sept - Well done EYFS, you are already demonstrating our school routines brilliantly!

5th Sept - Today in collective worship, we introduced our revised behaviour policy following our collaboration as a school to edit it last year. This beautifully launched our theme for collective worship for this half term - Wisdom.

5th Sept - Wow EYFS! We are so proud of you today! What a mature start to school today.

5th Sept - Well done everyone - what a super start to term! It is great to have all our pupils back in school!

5th September - Welcome back to the first day of the autumn 2023 school term for pupil.

4th Sept - Today all staff attended INSET training which included Child Protection, Health and Safety, Behaviour and MyConcern. All the updated policies that underpin this training will be added to the website once they have been ratifies by the FGB who meet later this week.

1st September 2023 - As we start the new term, teachers are in school today for the first day of INSET training as we prepare to welcome our pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Tuesday 5th September. We very much look forward to seeing everyone next week!

2022-2023 Events

19th Jul - School is now closed for the Summer Holiday and will reopen to pupils, parents and visitors on Tuesday 5th September 2023. We wish all our pupils and their families an enjoyable break. If you have any safeguarding concerns while school is closed, please see our Covid-19 update page.

19th Jul - We said farewell and thank you to the staff who are leaving Petersfield at the end of this academic year. Thank you for all you have contributed to our school and good luck in your next adventures.

19th Jul - Thank you to the parent who released white pigeons as the Year 6 pupils left through the gate. It was a beautiful metaphor as our leavers fly on to secondary education.

19th Jul - We showed our friendship today as we ate our whole school picnic lunch together. Thank you to the cooks for all our wonderful lunches this year.

19th Jul - Farewell Year 6! You gave an impressive performance this afternoon in your Leavers' Assembly and entertained us all. We will miss you all, but know you are ready for your next adventures. Good luck!

19th Jul - All pupils visited St Andrew's Church this morning for the Year 6 Leavers' Service of Thanks. Thank you to Reverend Felicity for leading the service and to all the pupils for your fantastic singing and readings.

18th Jul - Welcome back to our EYFS pupils who today explored the Ash classroom on their second transition session.

17th Jul - Today reports come home for years R - 5. Please do comment on the slip and return this to school before the end of term.

17th Jul - Today we welcomed our September 2023 EYFS pupils into school to explore our outside play area for the first of their transition session. Well done reception!

17th July - Today the children met their new teachers for September 2023 and enjoyed the first of 2 transition days.

17th July - Good luck to the year 6 pupils at BVC today and tomorrow. Mrs Penrose enjoyed visiting whilst you were there.

14th Jul - Well done year 6. It was a pleasure to share your SATS results with you. Each of you should be so proud of your report (which comes home today).

14th Jul - Thank you to all the pupils who entertained us in our Music Concert and to the family members who joined us to support the musicians.

13th Jul - The weather held for a glorious Sports Day this morning. Pupils completed a carousel of sporting activities before taking part in running races.

12th Jul - Yew class delighted their audiences today with their tremendous production of The Piper, a musical retelling of the story of the Pied Piper. The singing and acting was fabulous and we are very proud of them all!

10th Jul - Today we welcomed Ms Perkins, Mrs Wilson and Mrs Parkinson, our new teachers for September 2023, into school to meet the children in advance of the transition days next week.

10th Jul - Well done to your year 6 pupils for planning, organising and running our activity morning in school.

5th Jul - Today, pupils in Pine and Rowan visited the Cambridge Botanic Gardens as part of their learning about Rainforests and biomes.

3rd Jul - Thank you to all the parents who attended our open classroom session this afternoon to look at learning in books and speak with teachers.

28th Jun - Thank you to the wonderful GenR8 team for visiting Petersfield this afternoon to show pupils the importance of Love and how we can make a difference by showing kindness and helping others.

26th Jun - Monday 26th June is an INSET day and school is closed to pupils and visitors.

23rd Jun - Our Ely Diocese Regional Advisor visited today alongside a Foundation Governor. They spoke with pupils, hearing about how we Live Life to the Full at Petersfield.

22nd Jun - Well done to all the year 5 pupils who completed their Level 2 Bikeability course today.

21st Jun - Congratulations to our Year 3 and 4 cricket team for their excellent sportsmanship and performance at the Dynamos cricket event today.

19th Jun - Well done to our year 5 pupils who took part in the first session of their Bikeability training today.

16th Jun - Thank you to all the fathers and male carers who joined their child's class online today. Pupils shared the reasons their dads are special and cherished. Thank you to all the fathers and male carers, and enjoy Father's Day on Sunday.

8th June - We are so proud of the team of athletes who competed in Cambridge today. The team came 3rd overall and several of our pupils won their events. Well done to the team!

8th Jun - This week is the start of the Chance2Shine Cricket coaching which will continue over the half term. Already we can see good progress in the skills learnt this morning!

7th Jun - Thank you to all the parents who joined us for today's Headteacher Awards. Well done to everyone who received an award or the music award. You are a light to others as you Live Life to the Full!

6th - Well done to the 4 year 6 pupils who represented us at the St Faith's Maths Challenge today. Your 'Countdown' scores were particularly impressive! Our thanks to Mrs Anderson for taking the children.

5th June - Welcome back to a very busy half term of learning. Please do look at this week's Newsletter for Diary Dates which are now confirmed to the end of term.

26th May - School is now closed for the May Half Term Holiday and will reopen to pupils, parents and visitors on Monday 5th June 2023. We wish all our pupils and their families an enjoyable and sunny break.

24th May - Thanks to Rowan class, many delicious cakes were enjoyed as we raised money to support the school during Rowan class FOPS cake sale. Thank you also to FOPS who also ran the Swop Shop during the cake sale.

24th May - Wow Ash Class! Your Class Assembly today was fantastic. A packed hall enjoyed so many highlights of your learning. A particular favourite was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star which you played brilliantly as a class on the Boomwhackers.

19th May - Congratulations to the football team for their great teamwork and determination in their away match against Barrington this afternoon.

19th May - Well done to the team of Year 4 girls who attended the Football Festival this morning. They were a great team and won their first match.

16th May - Today year 2 have enjoyed juice and biscuits as they rose to the challenge of the year 2 SATS papers. Well done year 2!

12th May - After the final SATS paper, cake and biscuits were much enjoyed! Well done year 6 and TEAM Petersfield.

11th May - Today year 6 tackled 2 maths SATS papers - well done year 6!

10th May - Well done year 6! You did a great job calmly completing the SATS reading paper today.

9th May - Following juice and biscuits, our wonderful year 6 are ably tackling the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling KS2 national SATS.

8th May - School is closed for the Bank Holiday for the Coronation of King Charles III.

5th May - We celebrated tomorrow's coronation with great pomp and ceremony, including dance, music and oration. Well done to all the pupils who performed and thank you to all who attended and supported today's event, especially FOPS.

5th May - The weather is starting to brighten up and so we plan to go ahead with this afternoon's coronation celebrations. Please bring umbrellas, waterproofs and something to sit on as seating is limited and the field is likely to be wet.

4th May - Today, all pupils took part in workshops where they learned a dance from a Commonwealth nation in preparation for tomorrow's coronation celebration.

2nd May - Today the children enjoyed a range of activities during today's strike day.

1st May - School closed for the May Bank Holiday.

19th Apr - Thank you to all the family members who joined us for this half term's Headteacher Awards. What a great way to start the term celebrating children 'Living Life to the Full, and being a light to others.

18th Apr - Today we welcomed Rev Felicity into school to introduce our new Collective Worship theme - compassion.

17th Apr - Welcome back to the start of the summer term and our new curriculum topics!

31st Mar - School is now closed for the Easter Holiday and will reopen to pupils, parents and visitors on Monday 17th April 2023.
We wish all our pupils and their families a very Happy Easter.

30th Mar - Well done to the Year 5 and 6 football team on being confirmed as runners up in the local school league following their final match of the season this afternoon. We are very proud of you all!

29th Mar - Today, our Ely Diocese Regional Advisor (EDRA) joined us for our Holy Week Service and asked pupils and staff about collective worship at Petersfield.

29th Mar - Rev Felicity and our volunteer worship leaders led our Holy Week Service at St Andrew's. All families, pupils and staff present were given a palm cross.

27th Mar - Mrs Penrose met with a representative of the Orwell parish council as we continue to work together to manage the challenge that parking presents to schools in rural communities.

26th Mar - Don't forget the clocks have changed to British Summer Time! We look forward to seeing everyone at school on Monday morning.

24th Mar - Thank you to all the pupils who performed at today's Music Concert and to our dedicated music teachers. It was a wonderful celebration of music and was enjoyed by all.

23rd Mar - Well done to the wonderful football team, who continued their run of form with a 4-0 win today. Next Thursday, they play the final match of the season for the league.

22nd - Thank you to FOPS and school staff for organising and staffing a wonderful disco for pupils this evening. Thank you to all who attended.

22nd Mar - Thank you to the hardworking parish members and Rev. Felicity who led three REActive Church sessions at St Andrew's Church today. These sessions further the Religious Education Christianity topics KS2 are studying.

22nd Mar - 'We had an amazing school trip' was one pupil's greeting to their parent after school tonight! Ash and Elm had a wonderful day at Duxford to enhance their curriculum topic learning.

21st Mar - Well done to all the year 5 and 6 pupils who represented Petersfield at today's Tag Rugby tournament.

17th March - Thank you to all the mothers and female carers who joined all classes online this afternoon to hear why they are all so important to their children. Happy Mothering Sunday to all who are celebrating this weekend.

16th March - Pupils enjoyed extra sports sessions and a return visit from the Animal Experience today.

15th Mar - Thank you to all our visiting activity leaders who were in school today to support children's learning in dance, drama and cricket during today's strike day. The children enjoyed the range of activities on offer and working with other children from across the school.

15th Mar - Today we welcomed our County Advisor and Governors into school to look at the RE books and celebrate all the RE learning at Petersfield.

14th Mar - This morning we welcomed our County English Advisor into school as she continues to support teachers as we continually strive to further develop English teaching in our school.

13th Mar - Welcome back to GenR8 who led our Collective Worship today focused on the theme of Easter and forgiveness.

11th Mar - A renovation of the school's Sensory Garden and flower beds took place today thanks to generous donations of compost, seeds, plants, timber and money, and the hard work of a group of enthusiastic school community volunteers - pupils, parents, teachers, governors and locals.

10th Mar - Today we delivered a special NSPCC assembly called 'Speak Out. Stay Safe.' This gave pupils lots of information about how to stay safe, how to speak out to a trusted adult and how to contact the NSPCC's Childline service on 0800 1111 or online.

9th Mar - This morning, Yew class visited the Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology to learn about the Maya. They had great fun learning to read glyphs.

9th Mar - Today, Pine and Rowan classes travelled back to the Paleolithic Period in a Stone Age workshop. They had a go at making tools and learned how to make a fire.

7th Mar - Welcome back Rev. Felicity! After nearly 3 years of virtual attendance it was wonderful to join you in Collective Worship in person today. Thank you for teaching us about Jesus, the Good Shepherd.

2nd Mar - Our pupils looked wonderful in their costumes for World Book Day today. Thank you to all the pupils who have participated in our Sponsored Read in support of FOPS.

1st Mar - Our pupils enjoyed a range of workshops today, including African mask painting, street dance and a drama workshop in addition to World Book Day themed activities.

23rd Feb - Well done to our football team, who won 4-1 in this afternoon's home game against a strong opposing team.

22nd Feb - Today, pupils who are part of Guiding of Scouting wore their uniform for Thinking Day.

22nd Feb - Well done to all the recipients of the Headteacher Awards today. Thank you to all the parents who joined us for this celebration of learning.

21st Feb - As we prepare to receive Bishop Stephen's Lent Challenge, we reflected in Collective Worship about Lent. Whilst flipping pancakes, we talked about 'turning over a new leaf' and how we can live life to the full through our actions - doing something or not doing something - during Lent.

20th Feb - Today, we were delighted to welcome Mr Casey - our County Maths Advisor - into school to work with staff and pupils in Yew class.

20th Feb - Welcome back! We look forward to opening school today and sharing with the children all the building changes that have taken place during half term as part of the ongoing project.

10th Feb - School is now closed for the Spring Half Term Holiday. Pupils return to school at 8:45am on Monday 20th February. We wish you all a safe and happy half term break! Welfare and safeguarding information and materials to support learning over the holiday can be found on our website.

10th Feb - County have advised us that there are vaccinations available for all ages this half term. Visit to book.

9th Feb - Thank you to the parents who attended Parents' Evening today. We value your partnership and your support.

8th Feb - Well done to our fabulous footballers who travelled to take part in the schools' tournament today. We are very proud of the wins and goals scored by the team. Particularly noteworthy was the teamwork skills and the praise for their attitude to supporting each other and other teams.

8th Feb - Thank you to Elm class for sharing their Learning so far this year in their Class Assembly today. It was lovely to have so many parents and family members join us.

7th Feb - Thank you to all the Parents who joined us for Parents' Evening tonight. These parent-teacher conversations are essential as, together, we celebrate learning successes and continue to support children with their next learning steps.

6th Feb - This week is Children's Mental Health Week. Please do read this week's Petersfield Press which contains links for parents to support you to build on the PSHE curriculum work around positive mental health.

2nd Feb - Thank you for all your positive comments about strike day. We know the children had a superb time with all the activities we were able to organise, although the teachers taking action - as they feel so passionately about education system - were much missed.

30th Jan - This afternoon we welcomed our Ely Diocese Regional Advisor into school virtually and were able to celebrate all the fantastic things happening at Petersfield with her.

26th Jan - A team of mathematicians form Year 4 showed great enjoyment and determination on their visit to the Year 4 maths challenge in Cambridge this afternoon.

26th Jan - Well done to our school football team on their 6-3 victory against Great Abington in their first home game of the season. Thank you to all who came to support.

26th Jan - Our Year 3 and 4 pupils have enjoyed learning how to stay safe on two wheels in their Bikeability sessions today.

24th Jan - The year 6 worked with GenR8 today and reported 'It was very fun! It was all about choices and how the ones we take affect our future. I got three chocolates too so I was very happy!'

19th Jan - Our site construction team began work on the refurbishment of the Ash and Elm toilets today. Pupils have quickly learned new routines for moving around the school safely while the work is underway.

18th Jan - The Standards Committee of governors met today. They visited school to look at how pupils are learning in RE following our implementation of the Emmanuel Project scheme of learning last academic year, speaking to pupils about the school and their learning and also looking in books.

11th Jan - Today we welcome the project managers in to school to plan the building project to be completed this term. At a time of funding challenges, we are grateful to have received the capital funding for these necessary improvements which will make a positive difference in school.

10th Jan - This half term's collective worship theme is 'peace'. More information about collective worship can be found on the newsletter each week.

9th Jan - Today we are delighted to welcome back Gog Magog Molly for Plough Monday to explain about the tradition and Molly dancing. As I write this, workshops are underway and we have already enjoyed Pine class performing.

5th Jan - We start the term with an exciting two day visit from the Life Skills Bus to Petersfield to support our pupils to understand themselves, their bodies, their brains and their emotions.

5th Jan - Welcome back to the first day of the Spring 2023 term.

4th Jan 2023 - Happy New Year! Today, staff took part in training for our new phonics scheme. More information about this exciting initiative to follow on the Petersfield Press coming soon.

21st Dec - School is now closed for the Christmas holidays. We wish the entire school community a very happy and healthy Christmas. We very much look forward to seeing you all in the New Year on Thursday 5th January 2023.

21st Dec - This afternoon, pupils expressed their grateful thanks as we said 'goodbye' to Mrs Wright, our Yew classteacher who will be missed.

21st Dec - Interrupting the Christmas parties this afternoon were cried of 'Santa, Santa' as the whole school greeted Father Christmas. Each child received a gift from him and the children were very excited as they sang with Father Christmas!

21st Dec - Thank you to Mrs Fuller, our County advisor, for joining us in school today as we 'Lived Life to the Full' with a very busy and exciting last day of term.

21st Dec - Thank you to our super kitchen staff who made a delicious Christmas dinner today.

21st Dec - Thank you to Rev Felicity, Reception and Year 6 who led our Nativity service beautifully today.

21st Dec - Christmas jumpers brightened up the start of the last day this morning!

15th Dec - Well done and thank you to all our Ash and Elm pupils for giving such an entertaining final performance of your show this afternoon to parents and carers. We are so proud of you all for learning your parts so well and for your confidence on stage.

14th Dec - Thank you to Rev Felicity and the church volunteers who modified plans due to the snow and led REactive Church in school today for all of KS2.

14th Dec - Ash and Elm Class delighted their audience this morning in their first performance of Baarmy Bethlehem to parents and carers. They filled us with festive joy and inspired the audience to join in with their boogie!

13th Dec - Wow Ash and Elm class! The performance dress rehearsal to the school today was made even more impressive given you missed yesterday due to the snow. Your family members are in for a real treat at the performances!

13th Dec - Petersfield is open today.

12th Dec - We continue to monitor the snowy weather and the impact on the ability of staff to get to school. If school is closed tomorrow, the website will be updated as soon as the decision is made.

12th Dec - Well done to everyone who participated in today's live lessons and remote learning. Check out the picture of the Ash class remote learning maths snowman!

12th Dec - School is closed. Due to the large number of staff unable to get to school at this time, school is now CLOSED today. More info to follow by email.

9th Dec - Today's very well attended Winter Concert was a magical and inspiring celebration of the love of Music at Petersfield. Pupils of all ages showcased their gifts and achievements with our school community.

7th Dec - St Andrew's church was packed this morning as family members, governors and all pupils attended our eagerly anticipated Christingle service. We looked on the candles and reflected on how we are a light to others.

6th Dec - The school smells festive as each class has made a Christingle and prepared for their part as worship leaders for tomorrow's service.

6th Dec - Thank you to the final group of parents who joined their child for a school lunch today. Whilst parents normally attended when their child is in reception, year 2 parents couldn't in Covid so we are delighted to finally offer this opportunity which once again was so positively received.

5th Dec - Well done to a team of Ten Pin Bowlers who won second prize at the tournament they attended.

5th Dec - We were delighted to welcome one of our Foundation Governors and our EDRA (Ely Diocese Regional Advisor) to visit school. They complimented our pupils on how articulate they are about their view on RE, Collective Worship, our Vision and Values.

5th Dec - Today each class welcomed the Young'Uns back to Petersfield and worked together to compose a school anthem for our school.

2nd Dec - Today, the School Council met to discuss their two objectives for this year. The first is to start a Friendship Club with a generous donation from the Orwell Friendship Club. They also aim to improve the school gardens for wildlife and pupils.

1st Dec - Thanks to FOPS, our volunteers and for the generous tree donations which are now decorating the school for Christmas.

29th Nov - Thanks to everyone who supported us at the Book Fair over the last 4 days. As well as providing many Christmas presents for those who attended, this event raised money for school to spend on books.

29th Nov - Today, in Collective Worship, we lit our advent crown and talked about the season of advent.

29th Nov - We enjoyed welcoming more KS1 parents into school for the EYFS 'Catch up' lunch.

28th Nov - Today we welcomed GenR8 into school to talk to us about 'Christmas gifts'.

25th Nov - A very generous number of raffle prizes were donated by pupils and their families today for the FOPS Christmas raffle - the hampers look bountiful! Thank you to all pupils and families for your donations.

23rd Nov - Well done Elm class! What a selection of delicious cakes were brought to school and enjoyed by all whilst also raising funds for FOPS!

23rd Nov - Despite the weather, FOPS provided our regular uniform 'swop shop'. Thanks to them and to parents for all the donations. In response to both financial and climate change challenges, our philosophy remains - give what you can, take what you need.

23rd Nov - Members of the Standards Committee of the Full Governing Body joined staff and pupils in school today to hear from them about the positive impact of our school priorities this year.

23rd Nov - There was much excitement on departure and recounting of key sights and learning on their return as Pine and Rowan class visited Verulamium today.

22nd Nov - Thanks to our EYFS parents who joined us today for lunch. It was lovely to hear such positive comments about how well our newest pupils have settled into our school routines and are so happy. We also are very proud of them.

21st Nov - As a whole school, we watched England's exciting first World Cup match against Iran. It was amazing to see and hear the pupils cheer on our home nation collectively and celebrate a successful major sporting event. Pupils maturely discussed the ethical issues surrounding the tournament.

18th Nov - Today all pupils were dressed in non-uniform and spotty clothes in support of Children in Need.

17th Nov - It was a pleasure to welcome the EYFS parents who joined us in the hall for lunch with their child today. Thank you to HCL for offering these lunches to our new parents.

16th Nov - Yew class shared all their learning so far this term with their parents and the school in a fantastic class assembly this morning, which concluded with a very moving whole class poetry performance.

16th Nov - Well done to all the pupils from KS2 who participated in the Cross Country event at Milton Country Park today. You showed great love and friendship in your support of each other.

14th Nov - Thank you to all the pupils and families who contributed to the Christmas Shoebox Appeal. The shoeboxes were collected today and will be making their way across Europe to families in need this winter.

14th - As part of anti-bullying week, children wore off socks today. In line with our vision, we're all valued and unique.

11th Nov - The school gathered together today at 11am for 2 minutes' silence to mark Armistice Day. Yew class joined the local community service in the village. This was a very still and silent occasion, and pupils reflected on those affected by war in the past and today.

10th Nov - Thank you to Mr Brazier, our local Royal British Legion Standard Bearer, who visited school today to talk about the importance of the Poppy Appeal and his experience in the Armed Forces.

4th Nov - Thank you to all who supported the glow toy sale this afternoon, which raised £135 in support of FOPS. A further sale will be held during Road Safety Week to help children to be bright and be seen at events in the dark over the coming months.

4th Nov - Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our celebration of Headteachers' Awards today - both in school and virtually. We are very proud of all our pupils' achievements and enjoyed sharing them with their families.

3rd Nov - Well done to our team of Year 6 pupils who represented Petersfield at the English Challenge this afternoon. They showed great interest and aptitude during the challenges and displayed our value of 'friendship' through their teamwork.

3rd Nov - Yew Class visited Stibbington Education Centre today. Pupils had a marvellous time conducting fieldwork linked to their 'Rivers and Mountains' topic.

2nd Nov - Today, pupils in Key Stage 2 classes learned more about recycling in Cambridgeshire and how to recycle their waste to minimise their personal impact on the environment.

31st Oct - After whole staff first aid training during today's INSET Day, we look forward to welcoming everyone back for the start of Autumn Half Term 2 tomorrow.

21st Oct - School is now closed for the October Half Term Holiday. Pupils return to school at 8:45am on Tuesday 1st November. We wish you all a safe and happy half term break! Welfare and safeguarding information and materials to support learning over the holiday can be found on our website.

20th Oct - This week, parents and teachers have been meeting to talk about how Petersfield pupils are progressing in their new classes.

17th Oct - Today pupils sang about the 'Power in me' with our eldest pupils modelling the actions. We linked this to our current Collective Worship theme of 'Responsibility'. Children were also able to relate this to our use of our metacognition 'Learning Powers'.

13th October - Today, all classes have been on a Whistle-stop Tour of the musical heritage of the British Isles through online workshops with skilled folk musicians.

12th Oct - Thank you to everyone who attended our FOPS AGM today. FOPS provide so many of the wonderful resources and opportunities for our school so our grateful thanks to the outgoing and incoming committee and all the attendees.

12th Oct - Thanks to HCL for the tasty samples of our food menu at today's open afternoon.

12th Oct - It was great to see so many parents and pupils sharing the children's books and learning at today's open afternoon.

11th Oct - Another fantastic team performance from the football team! Scoring a total of 9 goals and a superb team effort.

11th Oct - Using our 'windows, mirrors and doors' reflection, children have been thinking about the 'Big Question' for the half term in Collective Worship and identified what they are going to do to take more responsibility for their behaviour.

6th Oct - The pupils who visited Comberton VC for the Outdoor Adventurous Activities event reported having a fantastic afternoon developing their teamwork skills through sport.

28th Sept - Today we were delighted to welcome Dr Hughes on behalf of Diocese, to join us for the day to celebrate how we Live Life to the Full at Petersfield.

28th Sept - Well done Yew Class! Today's cake sale was very well received and a great fund raiser for FOPS.

28th Sept - Thank you to FOPS for the Uniform Swop Shop today. We are grateful for the donations from families which enabled this to happen.

28th Sep - Thank you to Rev. Felicity for leading our Harvest Service for the whole school this morning. It was very special to all be together at St. Andrew's for the first time since 2019.

27th Sept - Well done to our football team. A draw was a strong result tonight for your first game. Well played!

26th Sept - Today we welcomed one of our Foundation Governors into our choral worship. Mrs Wilkinson-Smith joined with us in singing our harvest hymns.

26th Sept - Today we were delighted to receive £25 and a certificate for our first prize at the Great Gransden show. The banners are now proudly on display in the school.

23rd Sep - Our pupils' magnificent wall hangings are on their way to the Gransden Show to be displayed and judged. Thank you to Mrs Bonfield for supporting the pupils in school in the creation of these artworks and to our parent volunteer for entering them to the show. Good luck!

20th Sept - Today we joined together in song for choral worship as we practised our songs for our upcoming Harvest Festival. Please see the website this week for more information about how donations can be brought into school for Harvest.

19th Sept - Today we remember and give thanks for the life of Her Majesty the Queen. School is closed for the Bank Holiday.

16th Sep - Well done to our Reception pupils, who completed their first full day and attended their first Petersfield Collective Worship today.

13th and 14th Sept - We look forward to seeing you at the Curriculum Sessions today and tomorrow either in person or virtually. Please see the Learning Link or Newsletter for more information. Entry will be via the school main entrance.

13th Sept - All our pupils were delighted to play together on the field today as our reception pupils joined everyone on the field at break for the first time.

9th Sept - Well done to our EYFS class who enjoyed lunch at school today.

9th Sep - Today we gathered as a school in Collective Worship to reflect on the life and incredible service of Her Majesty the Queen. We have begun a Prayer Tree of Thanks for pupils to add their personal reflections over the coming days.

8th Sep - Petersfield School extends our deep condolences to the Royal Family on the sad death of the Queen. We are so thankful to the Queen for her many years of service and at will be marking her passing at Petersfield in the coming days and weeks.

7th Sept - In our first Headteacher Awards Collective Worship of the year, we celebrated many great examples of learning and heard about some of this week's evidence of pupils living our vision and values as individuals and collectively.

7th Sept - Today our EYFS pupils joined us for the morning altogether and the Ash class year 1 continue to show us what great role models they are.

6th Sept - Well done EYFS! Another great session in school today learning our school routines.

5th Sept - Today we started our new year by reflecting on our Collective Worship theme for the term - rights and responsibilities.

5th Sept - Welcome to 2022-2023! Well done Petersfield! EYFS, what a super first day! Years 1-6, well done for being so welcoming and engaged with learning.

5th Sept - The school gate will open for Year 1 to 6 pupils at 8:45am. We really look forward to welcoming you back! Later in the day, we'll welcome our new Reception pupils. Welcome to the start of the 2022-2023 academic year!

2nd Sept - Today, all staff and governors are attending essential safeguarding refresher training. Staff will then be attending Steps refresher training as we continue to prioritise the therapeutic approach to behaviour at Petersfield.

1st Sept - Welcome to Mr Gardiner, our new staff member and Extra Curriculum Provision Leader, who joins the Senior Leadership Team this year.

1st Sept 2022 - In preparation for children returning to school on Monday 5th, staff are delighted to be back for the start of the autumn term and taking part in staff training today and tomorrow.

25th Aug - Congratulation to our super volunteer, Mr Skipper, for his super GCSE result.

August 2022 - We are delighted that we have a large building project underway over the month of August. During August, the lighting will be being replaced to improve accessibility and energy use. Our grateful thanks to Mr Wilson (a school governor) for supporting us with this project.

2021-2022 Events

22nd Jul - School is now closed for the Summer Holiday. Pupils return to school at 8:45am on Monday 5th September. We wish you all a safe and happy summer! If you have any safeguarding concerns while school is closed, please see our Covid-19 update page.

22nd July - Today, Year 6 leavers reflected on their time at Petersfield and said goodbye to their fellow pupils and teachers during their Leavers' Assembly. From all at Petersfield, thank you for being a light to others - we bid you a fond farewell and wish you every success!

21st July - Our Petersfield value of friendship was demonstrated perfectly by the great teamwork at Sports Day today. Well done to the Blue Team, who won by a narrow margin!

21st Jul - Today, we awarded the Hollands Cup and Trophy for the final time this school year. Well done to the musical recipients for inspiring others through your performances.

20th Jul - Our Year 6 Leavers' Service was held virtually this morning. Pupils from all year groups participated in giving thanks and saying farewell to our Year 6 leavers. The Anglican and Methodist parishes presented each child with a bible to guide them as they move on.

18th Jul - Well done everyone! Icepops definitely helped, but your attitude to learning and looking after each other despite the heat showcased how together we live life to the full whatever the situation!

18th Jul - Today, every member of our school community played their part and showed how they are a light to others and ready for learning in their new class for the 2022-23 academic year.

18th Jul - Despite the heat, the September 2022 BVC pupils attended their transition day today to meet new friends and learn about secondary routines and lessons.

15th Jul - Thank you to all the pupils who shared their love of music with a very appreciative audience at the Summer Music Concert this afternoon. Well done!

14th Jul - Our thanks for the many, many comments reflecting just how magnificent the children were last night. The singing, acting, back stage and hilarity were a pleasure to see and the whole team - staff and pupils - really appreciate the kind words which reflect their tremendous achievement.

13th Jul - Tonight's Upper KS2 production embodied our school vision of 'living life to the full'! The children sang about bringing light and life to all and the performance of Wind in the Willows did indeed shine a light to everyone there.

13th Jul - This morning's Dress Rehearsal was a full 'technical' rehearsal as we adapted to the current situation to arrange both in-person and virtual viewing. Once these challenges were overcome by the fabulous staff team, the performance was superb. Parents coming tonight, you're in for a treat!

8th July - Today was the second full day of transition visits for our pupils transferring to CVC in September 2022.

8th Jul - Well done to the Year 3 and 4 pupils who took part in the Girls Football Festival today. Lots of goals were scored and great sportsmanship was shown by our team.

7th Jul - Our Year 5 pupils visited Bassingbourn Village College today for a Secondary Experience Day. Well done to all for being engaged and enthusiastic participants.

7th Jul - Our Year 6 pupils had their Mini Medics session this morning, learning essential life saving skills.

6th July - Well done to our year 5 maths team who got through to the final of the 2022 Maths Challenge. We are very proud of our team from Petersfield who worked together very well as a team and completed 4 rounds of challenging questions to a very tight time limit.

29th - We appreciate being asked to contribute to the Orwell Neighbourhood Plan. Today the children were given chance to think about their response.

29th Jun - Well done to year 6 for leading the whole school in our curriculum morning fun activities.

26th - Thank you to Wendy, Adam and all the amazing staff and volunteers who raised £2000 for our school whilst having a lot of fun (and exercise) at the fantastic Run Orwell.

22nd June - Happy Birthday Petersfield! 60 day! In Headteachers' Awards celebration Collective Worship today, we sang Happy Birthday and shared examples of how day-to-day we are living our school vision and 'living life to the full'.

21st Jun - Well done to year 4 for participating so well in the SSCO Mini Olympics today. Our school values were on display throughout!

21st Jun- After a busy INSET day for teachers yesterday, we look forward to seeing all our pupils in school this morning.

20th Jun - School is closed today to pupils, staff and visitors for staff INSET.

17th Jun - Thank you to all the fathers and male carers who joined our classes virtually today to hear special messages of thanks from their children. Thank you to all the fathers and male carers who support our pupils.

13th Jun - Today we were delighted to welcome GenR8 into school to lead two key stage Collective Worships focusing on forgiveness. This revisited last half term's theme of courage.

10th Jun - Ash Class had lots of immersive fun during their Pirate Day today. Thank you to Mrs Bonfield for sharing her creativity with the class.

9th Jun - Well done to the athletes who represented Petersfield at the Quadkids Athletics Competition this afternoon - you showed wonderful spirit through the tournament.

9th Jun - All pupils took part in Chance to Shine cricket lessons today and will be learning new skills with a specialist coach each Thursday this half term.

8th Jun - Thank you to all the parents who joined us to celebrate the presentation of the Headteacher Awards, Hollands Cup and Trophy, Maths Challenge and Mathletics certificates. What a super example of our Collective Worship theme explored further this week - being a light to others!

7th Jun - Well done to our super year 6 team who took part in the St Faith's Maths Challenge today.

6th Jun - Welcome back to the start of the Summer 2 half term! We have enjoyed hearing about the children's half term holiday and their Jubilee celebrations this morning.

27th May - School is now closed for the May Half Term holidays. We will return to school on Monday 6th June.

27th May - We celebrated the Platinum Jubilee this afternoon as a school community with a wonderful journey through the decades led by pupils.

25th May - Congratulations and well done to our Year 2 pupils, who have finished their Key Stage 1 SATs today. You have all worked so hard and made us very proud.

19th May - What a wonderful concert! Our Young Voices choir is now departing from Birmingham and we are expecting to arrive back at Petersfield at 11pm, so a little earlier than expected. We will keep you updated if our ETA changes.

19th May - The Young Voices pupils have finished rehearsal and are excited about the concert. Please not that the M42 is currently closed, so if you are driving to watch us please allow more time and avoid the M42.

19th May - Our Young Voices choir members have arrived safely at the Birmingham Arena. We will update you later as we depart with an expected arrival time for our return to school.

12th May - We are so proud of all our Year 6 pupils, who have completed their final SATs paper this morning. Well done to all of you for demonstrating your learning powers brilliantly through the week.

10th May - Today, our Collective Worship theme of courage was beautifully demonstrated by year 6 who showed courage as they conquered the SATs reading paper.

9th May - Well done Year 6, we are so proud of you for your attitude to the first two SATs papers today.

6th May - Ash class impressed the whole school and their parents during their class assembly this afternoon. They made their learning come to life and it was wonderfully entertaining. Well done Ash class.

29th Apr - Pupils across the school took part in National Skipping Day as part of our skipping week. They used our resilience learning power to keep on going to learn new skipping skills.

27th Apr - Thanks to the FOPS committee for their ongoing dedication to raising money spent directly on the pupils. Tonight, they agreed to another donation of funds to the school following on from the recent donation for the musical instruments. Please save the date - FOPS Run Orwell - 26th June.

27th Apr - Thank you to the parents who joined us to celebrate this half term's Headteacher Awards and Hollands Cup and Trophy presentation. It was wonderful to hear about the range of achievements across the curriculum.

25th Apr - Today we watched the school video response to Bishop Stephen's Lent Challenge which we have now shared with Diocese. You can view this video by clicking on the link on our Church School page or this week's Petersfield Press (published on Thursday).

25th Apr - Well done to our year 5 Maths Challenge team who came second in today's County heat. Mrs Anderson was very impressed with their oracy skills and discussion.

20th - Thank you to Mrs Tuck for leading our Easter service offering joint worship with Barrington School today. Pupils from both schools led the readings demonstrating their confidence and oracy skills as the children were still and reflected on the Anglican festival of Easter.

20th April - Welcome back to the start of the 2022 summer term. Please look out for the Learning Link, Curriculum Maps and Homework Menus over the next week to give you a flavour of the exciting plans for the summer term.

19th April - If you have received an offer for your child's September 2022 Reception place in EYFS, please do contact the office at Petersfield to accept the place. We look forward to hearing from you.

1st Apr - School is now closed for the Easter holidays. We will return to school on Wednesday 20th April. Happy Easter to all our pupils and families.

1st Apr - This morning we joined with Barrington School for a Lent service led by Mrs. Tuck, where we reflected on the Easter story. Well done to the pupils who gave clear readings to both schools.

1st Apr - Today we reflected on the Stations of the Cross message from Rev Helen, Whaddon, and the children were invited to respond through art.

30th Mar - Today Mr Casey, County Maths Advisor, visited to work with Mr Carter, our school Maths Lead, to review maths at Petersfield. He enjoyed hearing from the pupils about their maths knowledge and skills.

29th Mar - Today all pupils contributed to the Orwell Parish Council consultation on the local recreation areas.

28th Mar - Today the children welcomed Mrs Meredith into school for a virtual governor visit. The children contributed to the annual report to the local councils.

25th Mar - Thank you to all the mothers and female carers who joined us this afternoon to hear how special, loved and appreciated they are during our 'Mothers in School' virtual event.

23rd Mar - We celebrated World Maths Day by taking part in a range of engaging problem solving activities. Also pupils and staff came into school dressed in a maths themed costume. We were very impressed as many were home made and showcased our school value - creativity.

22nd March - Mathletics holds a global event on World Maths Day for 48 hours across time zones. Millions of students across the world compete in Live Mathletics challenges while also participating in fun activities that highlight the the wonder of numbers. Use your Mathletics login from 7pm!

18th Mar - Pupils have donated to dress down today in support of Comic Relief. Thank you to all who donated and wore red today.

18th Mar - Well done to all the Rocksteady bands, who performed the songs they have been rehearsing for their parents and classes this afternoon. You rocked!

18th Mar - Our grateful thanks for the kind donations from the local community we have received recently. Stationery, books, plant pots and most recently seeds have been gratefully received and will be well used by pupils and staff.

17th Mar - Elm class shared their learning with the whole school and their parents in a wonderful class assembly today. Their singing and dancing were particularly impressive - well done to all in Elm!

16th Mar - Thank you to the Bikeability team for leading fantastic Bikeability sessions for Yew class this week. It is great to see the children developing their confidence and safety knowledge on the playground and on the local roads.

15th Mar - Today year 3 and 4 used their tree planting skills, learnt at Wimpole, to plant a range of native trees and hedging to rewild an area of the school as part of National Science week and the Queen's Jubilee celebrations.

14th Mar - Petersfield were delighted to be part of a interschool Young'Uns concert this afternoon. At this concert, we were delighted to receive our Historic England Heritage School plaque following this fantastic project.

11th Mar - Pupils in Pine and Rowan enjoyed a day full of outdoor adventurous activities at Grafham today.

3rd Mar - Pupils and staff have enjoyed celebrating reading and a love of books for World Book Day today and have taken part in many special book-themed activities.

2nd Mar - Today Rev Felicity led our Ash Wednesday Collective Worship as we begin Lent at Petersfield.

25th Feb - We are so proud of the pupils of Petersfield, who completed the sponsored 2km Challenge today. The children showed great perseverance and our school value of friendship during their runs. Thank you to FOPS for providing all pupils with medals.

24th Feb - Pine and Rowan classes visited Wimpole today to become rangers for the day. They had a wonderful time and demonstrated their love of nature by planting trees, hedges and seeds to promote wildlife.

23rd Feb - After a long time anticipating it, tonight we are very much looking forward to hosting our fun and energetic outside school disco.

23rd Feb - Thank you to everyone who joined us for Headteacher Awards and the Holland's Cup and Trophy presentation today. We really enjoyed sharing the children's learning highlights.

22nd Feb - Rev Felicity introduced our theme for the term - courage - in today's Collective Worship. After hearing a Bible story about courage, the children reflected on their own experiences of courage.

22nd Feb - Brownies, Beavers, Rainbows, Cubs, Guides and Scouts wore their uniform to school today on Founder's Day.

21st Feb - Welcome back to Spring Half Term 2. What a positive start to the term, well done Petersfield!

11th Feb - Happy Half Term! School is now closed to pupils, parents and visitors for the half term break. School will reopen for the Spring 2 half term on Monday 21st February. We look forward to seeing all our pupils then.

11th Feb - Children's Mental Health Week 2022 - A link to resources for parents to support the in school work on emotional wellbeing and positive mental health has been added to the Covid page of the website.

11th Feb - The World Book Day book tokens were sent home with children today as they can be spent from next week on a selection of exciting books. Look out for a parent email with more information about World Book Day - 3rd March - coming soon!

11th Feb - Any child registered for Free School meals (which is not the same as Universal Infant Free School Meals) should have received an email voucher from the Winter Support Grant funding today. Please look out voucher to support with food shopping over the holiday.

11th Feb - Pupils reflected today in Collective Worship on how the characters from the 'Learning Jungle' have helped them to build their learning power this term and demonstrate our theme of 'perseverance'.

8th Feb - Today is Safer Internet Day 2022 and we have been learning around the theme 'All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online'. We have sent home and email containing a pack of resources to share and use at home which can also be found on our E-Safety page.

3rd Feb - Pine Class delighted the school and their families with a wonderful presentation of their learning over the past term. Well done to all in Pine!

1st Feb - Today children witnessed the military aircraft flypast as part of the 80th anniversary celebration.

28th Jan - In Collective Worship today we reflected on hope, and how we can bring hope to others through kind words and deeds.

26th Jan - 'Tickled pink' slips recognising specific achievements by the children were the highlight of today's Collective Worship. These can be found in pupils' reading records so these successes can be shared at home.

25th Jan - In our Collective Worship today, we continued to reflect on our topic of perseverance. The whole school challenge was to identify where we as individuals are persevering and to celebrate ours and other's successes.

20th Jan - Today the School Council met to discuss the events they hope to organise this year. The councillors showed our school value of 'Creativity' in their ideas and will be sharing them soon with the school.

18th Jan - Today we welcomed Governors into school to talk to pupils and staff about all the hard work we are doing in writing. Children explained the strategies that are helping them to improve their writing.

14th Jan - Today in our Collective Worship we learned about Greta Thunberg and how her activism shows our value of 'perseverance'. We learned how we can be a light to others by encouraging those around us to be Earth-kind.

13th Jan - Thanks to the FOPS committee for meeting tonight and agreeing to donate £2000 to school. We look forward to updating you about how we have spent this. We also met to plan the upcoming exciting events including for the Spring term, Easter, The Queen's Jubilee and Run Orwell.

12th Jan - Rowan class introduced their 'kindness' tokens to the school as part of today's Headteachers' Collective Worship. We enjoyed hearing about how children have been a 'light to others' this week.

11th Jan - Today we introduced our half term's theme of 'Perseverance' in Collective Worship. After listening to Rev Felicity tell the Bible Story about Jeremiah, children reflected on times when persevering with telling the truth can be a challenging.

6th Jan - Thank you to Rev. Felicity for leading our Epiphany Collective Worship today. The children reflected on their hopes and aspirations for 2022 and how our school values guide them.

5th Jan - Thank you to all the parents who joined us virtually for the presentation of the Headteacher awards and Holland Trophy and Cup today. Resilience, the school values, progress and perseverance were consistently celebrated as children were a 'light to each other'.

5th Jan - Welcome back! What a wonderful start to 2022 with so much super learning on show in classes all day. Please check out the Curriculum Maps emailed and to be added to the class pages for more information about this term's learning.

4th Jan - Following a busy day of planning during the INSET day, an email has been sent to all parents and carers with the latest County and school updates and we look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning!

4th Jan 2022 - Happy New Year! During the INSET day today, we'll email parents with an update before school restarts to pupils on Wednesday 5th January.

17th Dec - School is now closed to parents, pupils and visitors until Wednesday 5th January. If you wish to contact us, please do by email on Tuesday 4th January when staff will be in school for an INSET day. If there is any updated information, we'll email parents on 4th January. Merry Christmas!

17th Dec - Thank you for all the Christmas greetings, kind words, lovely emails, donations and gifts - these are greatly appreciated. We wish you all a VERY safe and MERRY Christmas and we look forward to the a Happy New Year at Petersfield.

17th Dec - Thanks to FOPS, children took home a sweet treat - a bag of sweets each - for Christmas.

17th Dec - 'Santa, Santa' could be heard far away as the children noticed Father Christmas travelling past school on his sleigh. He stopped and joined us for singing, cheering, chat and to give out presents to all the children. It was VERY exciting!

17th Dec - Thanks to our wonderful catering team for the Christmas Dinner complete with crackers provided by FOPS. Delicious!

17th Dec - Everyone enjoyed today's virtual pantomime, thanks to FOPS funding today....oh yes they did!!

17th Dec - Rev Felicity was joined by our EYFS actors, Year 5 and 6 readers and prayer leaders from all classes in leading our Christmas virtual service today. Thank you to all the family members who also joined our service.

17th Dec - The last day of term began with staff and pupils arriving in spectacular and varied Christmas jumpers and hats.

16th Dec - Au revoir Mrs Peachey! Governors, parents, staff and pupils met virtually to thank Mrs Peachey today. We presented her with a special book created by the school community and a necklace representing our school value of love. We will miss Mrs Peachey but know she plans to keep in touch!

16th Dec - Today's EYFS and KS1 performance of 'It's a Party' included virtual viewers from near and far and was a triumph! One experienced grandparent described it as the best she'd seen! Well done to the staff and pupil team who made this possible and thank you to everyone who joined us.

15th Dec - The Grafham party have returned - very happy and tired! Thank you for the messages of thanks to the staff who made this possible.

15th Dec - Wow! Ash and Elm Class, you did so well in the Dress Rehearsal. What a party! We are really looking forward to the performance tomorrow. Thank you so much to Mother Goose and The Wendy House for joining us.

15th Dec - Another good night's sleep at Grafham ready for the final fun activities today.

14th Dec - A super evening of activities at Grafham ended with marshmallows and songs round the fire pit!

14th Dec - After a fantastic, fun and festive day of 'in school' visit activities yesterday in year 3 and 4 (to replace their postponed Grafham visit) year 3 enjoyed hearing about the year 5 and 6 activities today and choosing what they would like to try when their trip is rearranged!

14th Dec - Tonight our Grafham party enjoyed a lovely dinner in Christmas jumpers!

14th Dec - What a pleasure to talk to the manager of Grafham this afternoon to hear how complementary the centre staff have been about our delightful year 5 and 6 and their great attitude.

14th Dec - Another amazing day of Grafham activities including bushcraft, high ropes, create stacking, problem solving and sailing.

14th Nov - The hampers look AMAZING! Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets by tomorrow.

14th Dec - After a good night's sleep, year 5 and 6 are ready for this morning's activities.

13th Dec - After a busy evening of great activities, the children are settling well.

13th Dec - This evening, the year 5 and 6s are taking part in team games and activities in the Sports Hall.

13th Dec - Teatime at Grafham - it smells good! The children said 'The dinner was yummy and everyone ate their entire meal!'.

13th Dec - We are really proud of the team work, helpfulness of the children to each other and the encouragement they are showing to encourage their peers to be brave, try new things and achieve personal successes. One pupil reported 'The wall climbing was difficult but I carried on anyway!'.

13th Dec - Beds made at Grafham!

13th Dec - A small selection of photos have been uploaded - more to come - showing the fantastic time the children are having.

13th Dec - Sailing, boating, archery and climbing are the activities this afternoon - year 5 and 6 are having a great time!!

13th Dec - Year 5 and 6 have arrived! First up is the briefing about the next few days with Grafham staff and the site tour.

13th Dec - With much excitement and waving from pupils and staff, year 5 and 6 have departed for their much anticipated residential.

9th Dec - Today Mrs Peachey celebrated all those who took part in the Summer Reading Challenge and launched the Winter Reading Challenge. Visit to find out more.

9th Dec - Today Mrs Peachey attended Petersfield onsite for the last time as Co-Headteacher and was presented with flowers.

9th Dec - Today we installed our contribution to the Methodist Tree Festival. Our tree decorations are linked to our work on emotions this term. Do visit if you can!

7th Dec - Today we welcomed Mrs Chadwick into school to meet staff, pupils and some parents at the gate. Mrs Chadwick is really looking forward to starting as Co-Headteacher in January. Do say 'hello' when you see her!

3rd Dec - Today we welcomed our County Primary Advisor, Emma Fuller, into school virtually. She was pleased to report on our effective safeguarding.

2nd Dec - Tonight FGB met virtual to review the work of the school. One action was to agree the 2022-23 term dates which will be uploaded to the website soon.

2nd Dec - This afternoon we welcomed Mrs Coulson, our Diocese EDRA, into school virtually. It was lovely to share our curriculum learning with her and to talk about how our reflective areas have continued to be well used despite necessary modification over the last year.

2nd Dec - What a showcase of your curriculum learning your assembly was Yew Class! Well done! You indeed have the power in you! Thank you to all the parents who joined us.

1st Dec - Today, we explored our next 'Walk through the Bible' story.

1st Dec - Breathe in! Well done everyone, flu vaccinations were administered by the wonderful visiting health team at Petersfield today.

30th Nov - Thank you to Rev. Felicity for leading our virtual Christingle service. This is always a moment of awe and wonder. Rev Felicity lit her advent wreath. Ours is in Ash class this year so our youngest pupils can see it in person.

30th Nov - Today we were delighted to welcome the English Advisor into school to review the fantastic writing in KS1. Whilst she only met with Miss Way and Mrs Penrose to review the books due to Covid, we were able to celebrate the quality of the writing and plan for future teaching and learning.

26th Nov - INSET day. School is closed on Friday 26th November to all pupils, parents and visitors for staff training.

25th Nov - In today's Celebration Collective Worship, pupils and staff who have shown generosity were recognised. Children were tasked with being generous with their time over the INSET long weekend.

24th Nov - Wow Ash class! Your biscuit making looked so fun. What superb biscuits you made.

24th Nov - We enjoyed showcasing year 5 and 6 writing as we worked with the English advisor yesterday.

19th Nov - Thank you for everyone's generosity in donating to Children in Need on Own Clothes day.

19th Nov - Today we virtually shared the Road Safety learning which had taken place in each class this week. The posters to remind us all how to keep safe, especially when it is dark, are to be posted around the school.

19th Nov - Well done to year 3 and 4 for their Bikeability participation today.

18th Nov - 'Brilliant' and 'Fantastic' were just two of the words used in feedback to describe the fantastic Rowan Class Assembly today. Well done done Rowan Class!

17th Nov - Well done to our top 3 finishers, all our runners for taking part and to our fantastic pupils who cheered on their team mates and other schools at the Cross County.

12th Nov - This morning pupils and staff were full of smiles as they headed off to their first school visit - West Stow - in a long time.

11th Nov - Whilst Governor meetings, continue to be virtual, governors continue to dedicate their time to ensuring the strategic vision of the school. The focus for this evening's meeting included the recent behaviour training and the School Development Plan area of writing.

11th Nov - We continue to offer socially distanced, bespoke, external tours of the school for our September 2022 EYFS pupils. Today it was lovely to meet more preschool pupils. If your child is due to start school and you would like to book, please do contact the school office.

11th Nov - After following the standard bearer to the village gathering, Yew class joined the local community to mark the 11th November. In school, we also observed the silence and children brought in photos of family members in the forces to share.

11th Nov - Today, our Local Royal British legion representative joined us to unveil our pupil designed friendship bench, dedicated to the memory of Mr Bob Bryant, a long time great friend to Petersfield.

10th Nov - The range of skills and knowledge showcased through this half term's homework projects are again fantastic to see. The children have started sharing their learning with their class today.

9th Nov - Today our Collective Worship focuses on Remembrance and memories. Mr Hollands' son made a fantastic presentation to show how the wonderful new Hollands Trophy was made.

4th Nov - Thank you to the new FOPS committee who met tonight. Their tireless work to support the school with fun events and fundraising is much appreciated.

4th Nov - Congratulations to our Hollands Cup and and Hollands Trophy winners today for excelling in music this term.

4th Nov - Today everyone was absolutely delighted to receive the Hollands Trophy which has been handmade by Chris Holland. This is a truly magnificent trophy and a fitting tribute in memory of Mr Hollands, a long standing supporter of music at Petersfield.

4th Nov - Well done to all our Headteacher Awards recipients today. Thank you to all the parents who joined us to share in recognising the many successes over the Autumn 1 half term.

3rd Nov - Thanks to our super year 6 English Challenge team, we came third and within 2 points of the winner in today's heat. What a super display of literacy skills and team work!

3rd Nov - Our pupil led basket ball sessions are proving VERY popular at lunchtime. Well done year 6!

2nd Nov - Our new Collective Worship theme is 'Generosity'. Together we have been thinking about examples of generosity shown in our Petersfield school community.

2nd Nov - Today we have talked about changes to break and lunchtimes and the children did a great job of showcasing these changes.

2nd Nov - Welcome back! It is great to have everybody back in school today and so enthusiastic about their learning!

1st Nov - After a busy INSET day of learning and planning, we look forward to welcoming pupils back tomorrow. Today's training focus was on promoting positive behaviour.

22nd Oct - Wow! Our Ash and Elm Black History Celebration was beautifully presented to KS2.

22nd Oct - School is now closed for the half term holiday. If you have a Covid case in the next 2 days, please do contact the school via the school email. Remember the clocks change and Monday 1st November is an INSET day! School will reopen to pupils, parents and visitors on 2nd November.

22nd Oct - Today is dedicated to the memory of Martyn Green.

22nd Oct - Following Parents' Evening, a copy of your child's report has come home today.

22nd Oct - Well done to our Year 6 children who have suggested the basket ball club, set it up, organised the resources, practised and are now ready to run taster sessions. Don't forget to complete their sign up sheet after half term!

21st Oct - Today saw the first of a two-part Collective Worship where pupils shared their curriculum learning, their work as part of Black History Month and linked this to our theme of being a 'light' to others.

21st Oct - Thank you to all the parents and carers who joined us for Parents' Evening tonight.

20th Oct - Thank you to everyone who joined the FOPS (PTA) AGM tonight. Welcome to the new Committee members. Thank you for the agreed donations to the school for the academic year.

20th Oct - Our Year 5 and 6 Playleaders completed the morning of training ready to support their peers at break times after the half term holidays.

21st Oct - Thank you to everyone who joined us for tonight's parent-teacher meetings. These are so important in supporting the children's learning.

19th Oct - Today Rev Felicity continued exploring our theme of respect by encouraging us to think about how we can be a 'light' to others.

18th Oct - Tonight, the children are bringing home their books to proudly share with parents in advance of Parents' Evening.

18th Oct - Year 5 and 6 took part in a virtual Ely Cathedral Day.

15th Oct - Following on from the mask creations last week, this week, Elm class created their own floats for the carnival. Our school value of creativity was on show everywhere you looked!

14th Oct - Today we were pleased to welcome Mrs Coulson, our Diocese link, into school virtually. As usual, our pupils beautifully articulated their thoughts about the school. Mrs Coulson said 'The pupils are obviously keen learners and are so proud of their classrooms and their achievements.'

12th Oct - This week our Collective Worship has explored Respecting Others. Lots of great examples have been identified. Everyone in school continues to be invited to celebrate great examples of this showcased in school.

7th Oct - Today we welcomed Mrs Fuller, our County Advisor, into school virtually. She was very impressed with all the pupils she spoke to. They were bubbling with enthusiasm about their learning and explained out metacognition learning powers to her as well.

6th Oct - Rowan and Pine class visited Chapel Orchard today to create their own Andy Goldsworthy inspired art work.

5th Oct - Today we introduced this year's Shoe Box Appeal. You can find out more in this week's Petersfield Press.

4th Oct - Smile! It is school photograph day today!

4th Oct - It is only 9:20am and as a school, we have already written a school song with the wonderful Young'Uns who are working with each class for musical workshops throughout the day today!

1st Oct - Today we welcomed the County English advisor into school. She was able to celebrate all the fantastic writing evident in school whilst also offering further training for staff as we continue to prioritise developing children's writing skills at Petersfield.

30th Sept - Today, the children reflected on our theme of things that are special. We thought about the support Mrs Roberts has given so many children in school and Puffins as we celebrated her work in our Head Teachers' Collective Worship.

29th Sept - Today, the whole school reflected on what it means to be a good friend, how we play together and show respect. A group of children then work together to assemble another new football goal to play with at break times.

25th Sept - We won first prize at the Gransden show for our Food to Fork banner! Well done to the children and Mrs Bonfield for the fantastic entries.

23rd Sept - Today's Headteacher Collective Worship included recognising pupils who have been demonstrating our values to others. Creativity and friendship have been particularly apparent this week.

21st Sept - Thank you to Rev Felicity for leading our Harvest Service today. It was wonderful to be altogether on the school field and to think about our donations and who they will help.

20th Sept - Today we have begun to think about Harvest in Collective Worship. Our School Council introduced our collection for tomorrow's Harvest Festival. We are collecting money for our Malawi fundraising and food for the local food bank if you are able to donate tomorrow.

17th Sept - Well done to our EYFS who enjoyed learning in school for their first full day today.

17th Sept - Today's second virtual creative writing session led to brilliant extended writing from year 3 and 4.

16th Sept - We look forward to seeing the creative writing from year 3 and 4 following the first of two 'Beneath the Surface' virtual writing sessions today.

16th Sept - Today we welcomed Rev Felicity into school for the first of the session exploring Collective Worship.

14th Sept - Thank you to the parents who joined the first of the Curriculum Sessions for parents this afternoon. Rowan and Yew class sessions are on Thursday this week. We look forward to seeing you there.

14th Sept - Multisports is back today for this term. There are a few spaces left if you have not yet signed your child up to participate.

10th Sept - Ash class enjoyed lunch in school for the first time today. Our Year 1 role models were fantastic and our EYFS pupils followed all the lunchtime routines beautifully.

9th Sept - Tonight, staff and governors met virtually for our essential annual Safeguarding training. Our updated Safeguarding Policy will be published once it is approved at FGB later this month.

6th Sept - Today our new EYFS children mixed as a whole class and are already being great friends to others.

3rd Sept - At lunchtime, pupils and staff identified a project to improve the outside area. School council members have been thinking about how we can work together. Thank you to all the children who helped today. What a difference TEAM Petersfield makes! Community volunteers welcome to help weed!

2nd Sept - Welcome back to all the mums and dads and other family members who adapted seamlessly to the 'normal' end of school arrangements. We very much value the informal communication between home and school which this facilitates.

2nd Sept - Beaming smiles and rekindling and new friendships resulted from the whole school playing together on the field at break and lunchtime today.

2nd Sept - In Collective Worship, we reflected on our feelings as we return to school for the new school year.

2nd Sept - Welcome to all our new pupils and families. Well done for such a confident start to the term.

2nd Sept - What a super start to the term! The earlier school start time, following last year's consultation, resulted in everyone being in school learning in less than 8 minutes despite it being a busy first day! Every minute's learning counts at Petersfield. Well done!

1st Sept - The first day of the Autumn term was a busy INSET day for teachers and included a County briefing. Parents, please see the email sent tonight with details in advance of tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing you in the morning!

2020-2021 Events

22nd July - Whilst we are closed, please see our Covid page (under the class drop down menu) if you need any information on welfare and keeping children safe over the summer. There are also links on the website to resources you can use to continue learning over the summer.

22nd July - School is now closed to pupils, parents and visitors. The school will reopen to pupils on Thursday 2nd September. We will update parents on 1st September with any pertinent information. Happy Summer!

22nd July - In their final assembly, the year 6 pupils reflections, thanks and singing of their personalised anthem (not to mention the baby photos) brought smiles and tears as we celebrated them demonstrated they are indeed 'all that they can be!' Good luck year 6!

22nd July - What a day for a whole school picnic lunch!

22nd July - Year 6 completed the shirt signing today - a long standing tradition at Petersfield!

22nd July - Thank you to Rev Felicity for leading our Leavers' Service today. The year 6 pupils were presented with a Bible from the Parish and the Methodist church to take with them on life's journey.

21st July - Well done Blue Team! Today they were announced as the victorious team from Sports Day! The cup was presented today and now supports the blue ribbons.

21st July - Congratulations to our Hollands Cup winner. Today we also introduced a new award in memory of Mr Hollands who is much missed by the school community. Well done to our inaugural winner for advocating music through her time at school and for writing a fitting tribute to Mr Hollands.

21st July - Our final Gold Mathletics Certificate of the academic year was presented. Well done! Mathletics and the Maths Wonder resources can be used all summer. How many points can each child get before September?

21st July - Well done to all our Headteacher Award winners. What a super range of achievements this half term!

21st July - Today, for the final time this year, we welcomed our new pupils for September 2021 and enjoyed time together in our new classes. We look forward to sharing your 'All About Me' holiday homework creations in September.

20th July - Sport Day fun today! Equally enjoyable were the lollies provided by FOPS afterwards! These were perfect for a hot, thundery day.

20th July - The second transition session was a huge success. The EYFS pupils joined a welcoming Ash class brilliantly. Elm displayed their confident Oracy skills. Pine used their drawing skills. Rowan enjoyed team games and Yew worked together to attempt to beat their maths top score!

19th July - The Library Reading Challenge has been sent to all parents today. We look forward to hearing about all the children's reading when we return after the summer.

19th July - Well done to all the children who joined us today ready to start in Reception in September. Thank you to FOPS who provided your new bag you proudly took home today.

19th July - Well done to all the children who shared their Code Club presentation and to the many children who demonstrated their musical prowess in today's Celebration Assembly. Thank you to the many relatives who joined us to enjoy this with us.

19th July - Today our children met their classmates and teachers for the 2021-2022 academic year. We look forward to more transition sessions tomorrow and Wednesday.

16th July - Today, the Rocksteady bands recorded their performance ready for our concert on Monday. Look out for the link on Monday's Learning Link to join us!

15th July - UKS2's Maya topic culminated in a feast and celebration of learning history day today. You can check out the fun activities as pictures have been uploaded on the class pages!

14th July - 'Stunning!', 'Fabulous!', 'I cried tears of joy!', 'I loved it!'. These are just a few of the many positive comments following the outstanding performance of 'Wow! What a Year!' by year 5 and 6 today.

13th July - Wow! Year 5 and 6 your Dress Rehearsal was amazing! A virtual triumph! Thanks to Mother Goose for enjoying it with us.

12th July - Year 6 were the first to enjoy the Trim Tail today. As a result, we could see smiles and stretching all round!

5th, 6th and 7th July - It was lovely to meet all our new September 21 EYFS pupils and families at the virtual 'Home visits' this week.

30th Jun - Smile! Class photos day today!

29th Jun - Today we welcomed to County Advisors into school virtually. They commented on how the pupils 'speak clearly and explain their learning well' and 'are very polite and show really positive attitudes to learning'.

28th Jun - We are pleased to report after a County wide internet issue this morning, we have internet and therefore email and phone restored now.

27th June - Thanks to the amazing Wendy and Adam (FOPS), a 'dream team' of volunteers and nearly 100 runners, a fantastic day was had by all at RunOrwell. Runners completed a half or full marathon whilst raising money for Petersfield.

25th Jun - Today our year six pupils delighted in writing letters back to our former pupils who are now in year 7 at BVC. We all loved hearing from our ex Petersfield pupils. Many thanks to BVC for organizing this.

24th Jun - Thanks to all the EYFS parents who joined us for the New to EYFS virtual evening last night. We look forward to seeing you and your children at the virtual home visits.

24th June - What a superb Class Assembly today Elm class. You spoke clearly and shared all your interesting learning with us. Thanks to all your relatives who joined us virtually.

21st Jun - Monday is an INSET day. This means school is closed to pupils, parents and visitors. Staff will be busy working and in meetings all day. We look forward to seeing everyone in school on Tuesday 22nd.

18th June - Thanks to all the dad who joined us for our 'Father and Male Carers Day' celebration. The children's messages were heartfelt and we hope you enjoyed hearing these as much as the children enjoyed sharing them.

14th June - Good luck to our year 5 mathematicians representing Petersfield virtually in the County 'Year 5 Maths Challenge' this afternoon!

11th June - Thank you to Wimpole Hall for the donation of the sports equipment received today. The children look forward to using this at break and lunchtimes.

10th Jun - Thank you to the parents who joined us to celebrate the awarding of our Headteacher Awards, the Hollands' Cup and a Mathletics gold certificate.

10th Jun - Well done to our piano pupils who begun this term's piano exams today! We've enjoyed hearing you playing in school and are sure you will have done well.

7th Jun - Well done everyone! The new playtime rota and spacings worked well today.

7th June - Welcome back to the second summer half term! We look forward to seeing you! This term promises to be as busy and fun as ever! Remember the slightly amended start and finish times from today please as we continue our Covid secure measures pending the next Government Guidance.

28th, 29th and 30th May - If anyone who has been in school develops symptoms or has a positive Covid test on Saturday 29th or Sunday 30th May, please notify school immediately via the office email. After this, please follow the newsletter instructions and follow NHS Track and Trace requirements.

28th May - School is now closed for the Half Term holiday. Happy holidays! Stay safe!

28th May - Today we talked about staying safe and E-Safety as we discussed positive pupil reactions to events that can make us feel unsafe. Parents, you should also have received an email update about this.

27th May - Thank you to parents and teachers alike for attending the second of this week's Parents' Evenings. This opportunity to celebrate successes, have a pastoral 'check in' and discuss next steps is so important in our home-school partnership.

27th May - What a super celebration of your learning and what you are proud of Pine Class! Thank you to all the relatives who joined to share this virtual assembly with us.

25th May - Thank you to all the parents who joined us virtually for our Parent-Teacher consultations this evening.

24th May - On our Understanding Christianity Day, the children said 'We really enjoyed retelling the story of creation through Lego. It was nice to be creative with our learning and also share our learning.'

20th May - In our Headteacher Collective Worship we celebrated our pupils who are now published writers. Following the 'Wander in the Woods' story writing, certificates and the published book were handed out.

19th May - Today was National Numeracy Day! Pine class reported they took part by 'Doing problem solving all morning. We had to make 'unmagic' squares, where all the rows, diagonals and columns must add up to different amounts. It sounds easy, but it was challenging!'

19th May - It was fantastic to see our KS2 pupils taking part in the golf session yesterday. It was great to see so many children trying golf for the first time.

13th May - Thanks to Yew Class for leading today's Collective Worship. It was great to hear about the learning taking place in class this term. Thank you to the parents who were able to join us.

7th May - We were delighted to share our first story with our September 2021 EYFS pupils today as we started the transition from preschool to primary school. It was great to hear how much you enjoyed listening to it.

6th May - Ash Class Assembly was well worth the wait today! What a super showcase of just some of your super learning this term Ash class! Thanks to everyone who enjoyed it with us.

4th May - There was much excitement in school today as the KS2 football club restarted after school.

4th May - Every class talked animatedly this afternoon as they explain their learning to our County Primary Advisor who visited virtually today.

4th May - We hope you had a great Bank Holiday! Our thanks to the staff who worked on the school site this weekend to weed and tidy the playground and sensory garden.

30th Apr - Happy Bank Holiday weekend! It was lovely to hear about the children's plans for the weekend today. We look forward to seeing all our pupils on Tuesday (not Monday!)next week!

30th Apr - Today, we joined many others in 'England does the Daily Mile' as every class continued our Daily Mile challenge.

29th - Due to the County wide internet issue, we have postponed today's Ash Class Assembly to next week - 6th May.

29th Apr - Our new phone line has been activated today. The usual school contact number should now been visible when we call you.

21st Apr - Year 5 and 6 were joined by representatives from the University of Cambridge to be awarded certificates and a set of 10 wooden microscopes for the winning images we submitted to the science image award last year.

19th Apr - We are very excited to be launching National Skipping Week with the World Record beating champion skipper, Pete Thompson, coming to demonstrate his skills and run workshops with the children.

15th Apr - Well done to the well deserved winners of the Headteacher Awards and Hollands Cup presented virtually today. Thank you to family members who shared in these achievements with us.

13th Apr - Today, Rev Felicity led our service as we joined with Barrington School virtually. We reflected on a 'Life Well Lived' in our Collective Worship following the Death of HRH Duke of Edinburgh.

12th Apr - Welcome back to the Summer term! What a fantastic start to the term! Our children's enthusiasm for learning and seeing their peers is great to see.

30th Mar - We are pleased to report that the Track and Trace process for the end of the Spring term is now complete with no positive Covid cases to report. If you or your child now develops symptoms, please follow NHS Track and Trace. Happy Easter Everyone!

26th Mar - If anyone who has been in school develops symptoms or has a positive Covid test on Saturday 27th or Sunday 28th March, please notify school immediately via the office email. After this, please follow the newsletter instructions and follow NHS Track and Trace requirements.

26th Mar - School is now closed until Monday 12th April. Happy Easter!

26th Mar - There are lots of Easter trails and challenges taking place this Easter thanks to FOPS, St Andrews and the Methodist church. We look forward to seeing photos of your involvement. The paper copies of the FOPS trail and colouring competitions are in school bags today.

26th Mar - Thank you to Rev Felicity and Barrington School for sharing in today's Collective Worship. A silver lining of remote learning is the opportunity to join together virtually with ease as two schools for our Lent Service.

25th Mar - The Free School Meal vouchers for the Easter holidays will be emailed tomorrow to those eligible. If you think you may qualify, please do get in touch. Don't forget the Winter Grant is available to families in need. More information can be found with today's Petersfield Press email.

23rd Mar - Today at noon, each class took a minute to reflect on the impact of Covid, both in school and in the wider community, over the last year.

22nd Mar - Through drama and poetry, Elm class explored the parable of the Lost Sheep and related this to their class family. They reflected maturely on friendships in Elm class.

22nd Mar - Today on our Understanding Christianity Day, we were impressed by the confident use of the vocabulary children employed to explain their understanding of the story of Easter.

19th Mar - Today we raised funds for Red Nose Day. The wide range of Superhero costumes sparked debate about just how many superheros we know in our community.

12th Mar - Thank you so much to all the Mums who joined us virtually today. The lovely things the children said about you shows just how special you are!

10th Mar - 8:40pm We are pleased to report that the issue has now been resolved and so school is OPEN tomorrow. Thank you to pupils, parent and staff for your support and prompt action today.

10th Mar - 19:35pm We are still at school waiting for the plumbing issue to be resolved. We will update the website before we leave school tonight.

10th Mar - 1:02pm URGENT School must CLOSE due to a major issue with the plumbing. Anglian water are expected but in the interim school must close. Parents, please see the email and your urgent collection time for today.

8th Mar - The smiling, enthusiastic faces today of both pupils and staff made our day! Welcome back everyone!

5th Mar - Our final 'Petersfield Press' update of the week has been sent today as we prepare for all pupils' return on Monday. We are REALLY looking forward to seeing you all!

2nd March - As we further prepare for pupils' Monday 8th return, we have recorded another video for children and parents to share more information about the return. We have also sent the key information to parents in a 'Petersfield Press' email. Any questions, please do ask classteachers.

1st March - The first of several expected 'Petersfield Press' updates has been sent by email today to accompany the latest video update for pupils as we prepare for the full opening next week.

26th Feb - Petersfield Press has been sent by email this afternoon. There are lots of updates so please do read about next week and some full opening logistics detailed in the email.

24th Feb - Today we launched Bishop Stephen's Lent Challenge. Check out Mrs Wright's video to introduce the challenge. We look forward to learning with you over the next 5 weeks and receiving your response to the Bishop's challenge.

22nd Feb - Like you, we have listened to the Prime Minister's address to the Commons today. We will be in touch asap once we have have met with County. We will be asking for provisional Puffins bookings up until Easter for those who need this provision to be able to work.

22nd Feb - Today in Collective Worship, we talked about how we work together to achieve great things. As ever, the children offered very insightful reflections and led our prayer to start the new term.

22nd Feb - Welcome back to the start of the Spring 2 half term. Our critical worker pupils continue in school and our remote learning offer continues for those at home. We eagerly anticipate today's announcement. We have planned for possible eventualities, and have a County meeting booked ready.

12th Feb - School is now closed for the February Half Term. The office email will be monitored over the weekend (13th and 14th Feb) and Covid symptoms or positive cases should be reported promptly. School reopens for critical worker children and remote learning on Monday 22nd February.

12th Feb - Look out for today's end of term update email. This contains lots of information with suggested fun half term activities, Rev Felicity's Lent calendar and advance warning of Spring 2 activities including getting active and Red Nose Day.

12th Feb - I had the privilege of joining lessons virtually and looking on TEAMS today as Yew and Elm class finished and shared their 'hot write'. I enjoyed hearing the brilliant and creative stories read to me and reading the newspaper articles.

12th Feb - The Free School Meal (FSM) vouchers for February Half Term were delivered today by email. If you may be eligible, there is still time to apply. Information about FSMs and the Winter Grant was sent by email today.

12th Feb - Rev Felicity talked to us about Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent in Collective Worship. This year, rather than give up anything further, we are encouraged to do something for others throughout Lent. What will you do to make someone smile?

12th Feb - The 'Animal Experience' for each class today saw us introduced virtually to a selection of wild and unusual animals. The children asked some interesting questions to learn more. This was possible thanks to the FOPS fun run last term and your fantastic fundraising!

9th Feb - This afternoon, Petersfield Press has been sent by email and there are lots of updates about the animal experience, internet safety, half term and much more! Please do check your email to keep up to date.

9th Feb - Today is Internet Safety Day. Internet Safety is always important but during lockdown, it is more important than ever that everyone can keep themselves safe online. In Collective Worship, we linked out Bible story to keeping safe online and as usual, the children shared great ideas!

8th Feb - Today we are continuing our Understanding Christianity series of learning. I enjoyed joining Yew class in school this morning as they explored the story of forgiveness.

8th Feb - County are today allocating vouchers for Free School Meals over half term. If you may be eligible for Free School Meals, please apply online today. The Pupil Premium page (under 'School Information') has more information and the link to click on to apply.

5th Feb - Mental Health Awareness and positive strategies runs through out entire curriculum. In addition, this week's activities - in recognition of Children's Mental Health Awareness week - continued in both Collective Worship and the Ash class story time which it was great to join today.

5th Feb - Read all about it! Yew class explored Newspaper Headlines and demonstrated alliteration in today's live lesson which I had the pleasure of joining.

4th Feb - Today, I really enjoyed joining live lessons and seeing a pupil's English work from yesterday being used as a great example to inspire others when completing the monster's life cycle task today. Great precise vocabulary Pine class. Well done!

3rd Feb - We really enjoyed joining live lessons today and were left on an exciting cliff hanger in the year 5 book, saw super phonics work in Ash class and listened to great ideas from Elm class story boards.

2nd Feb - In the Petersfield Press today, we announced the final totals for the Fun Run fundraising completed before Christmas. A stunning £1883.08 was raised by the pupils. Thank you so much for your support. What an incredible amount!

2nd Feb - This week's Petersfield Press is an email sent today. There is lots of important information for you to read about including details of the exciting things happening next week.

29th Jan - Well done Ash class! It was lovely to join you today in story time. What a great way to end the week by saying thank you to the people who are helping you at home and in school.

28th Jan - What an excellent pupil designed quiz! I really enjoyed sharing this with you in your lesson today Rowan class. Lots of great teaching points for tomorrow as well. Thank you Megan!

28th Jan - Thank you for sharing your 'Show and Tell' Elm class. Great to see and hear from you!

27th Jan - I was delighted to hear the excellent reading and see the super Stig of the Dump art work today in the story time sessions.

27th Jan - Like you, we have heard the Prime Minister's announcement today. We continue to plan for possible scenarios and will keep you informed as we know more. Thank you for all you continue to do, especially today whilst hearing the challenging news that lockdown has been extended.

25th Jan - Petersfield Press has been sent as an email today! There are a number of important updates. Please do read all about it!

25th Jan - Snow fall varied across the County yesterday but thanks to school staff and transport providers we're still open to critical workers' children today despite the difficult road conditions. Remember, lots of learning and fun can take place with snow and ice! Stay safe and warm!

22nd Jan - It is ironic that after our meetings yesterday to review our phone contract and the due replacement, our phone line crackled then stopped working today. Apologies. Please email the office or class teachers if you need us pending BT fixing this fault again. Sorry for the inconvenience!

22nd Jan - Governors met virtually today to review our current position. They joined us in expressing thanks and admiration for the tremendous job pupils, parents and staff are doing to support Remote Learning. Well done everyone!

21st Jan - Today we virtually welcomed our County Primary Advisor to review our Remote Learning Offer. She endorsed the positive praise received from pupils and parents as we discussed what's working well, the positive impact of your feedback and our plans as we continue to support every pupil.

19th Jan - Petersfield Press has been sent as an email today for this week. Please do read all the latest updates.

19th Jan - For those in receipt of Free School Meals, your voucher should have arrived today. Please do look out for the email as it probably arrived in your inbox in the early hours of this morning.

14th Jan - Petersfield Press is again just an email today. Please do read this important information and if you are in receipt of Free School Meals, please respond to the question asked. Thank you!

13th Jan - Thank you to those of you who joined our GenR8 Collective Worship today.

13th Jan - Apologies, the broadband locally appears to be struggling - the issues started at the end of the day yesterday. We are looking to see if there is anything we can do, such as turning off cameras, which can help in the short term.

12th Jan - If you want to read again about our Remote Learning offer, the Policy is on the Covid page under 'Classes'. The explanation email (sent on the 5th Jan 2021) has been added to the appendices. Look out for further emails as we all work together to further refine our offer.

12th Jan - Today in Collective Worship, we continued exploring how we can take time to reflect and how this links to the 4 aspects of prayer we learnt about about before Christmas. Thank you to all those who joined today. Great reflection sharing!

11th Jan - Welcome back to our first full week of remote learning. Great job everyone! If you have not yet completed our laptop survey, please do or email us.

7th Jan - Petersfield Press is an email with attachments rather than a .pdf document today. Don't forget to join us for Headteacher Awards at 1:10pm today!

6th Jan - What a super start to our Remote Learning. So many of you joined for the 3 live teaching sessions and submitted your work online. It was great to see so many faces at Collective Worship. Don't forget, you can contact your classteacher directly via their class email address if needed.

5th Jan - Thanks to everyone who joined our first live story times today. Great to see you! Tomorrow school is open to critical worker children who booked and cannot safely be kept at home. All the live lessons start tomorrow. Parents should have received an email today ready for this.

5th Jan - school is CLOSED to all children today in line with County advice as we respond to last night's announcement and await further government guidance.

4th Jan - Following the government announcement at 8pm tonight, please see the urgent email sent to all parents.

4th Jan - Welcome to the spring term 2021. Staff training today. Please see the email sent to parents this afternoon about tomorrow's opening.

December - For those in need over Christmas, the Winter Grant Scheme is available and you can contact them for support by phone: 0345 045 5219.

22nd Dec - You can now visit the Orwell Benefice website to find out about the Stations of the Nativity and download a map. A link to this is also on our 'Church School' webpage (under the School Information drop down menu). How many can you find before the 6th January?

18th - 20th Dec - If your child develops symptoms of Covid before Sunday evening (20th) you must inform us immediately via the office email so we can undertake contact tracing.

18th Dec - School is now closed to pupils until Tuesday 5th January when we expect to reopen to children for the Spring Term.

18th Dec - Thank you for the good wishes and kind words. These mean a lot. We are SO proud of our school and everyone who has played their part in making the very best of a very challenging 2020. We wish you a happy and safe Christmas and very much look forward to 2021!

18th Dec - 'San-ta, San-ta' Father Christmas arrived on a horse drawn cart with a sack full of presents to MUCH excitement and chanting! Merry Christmas everyone!

18th Dec - Christmas party time everyone! Each bubble enjoyed festive jumpers and accessories and had lots of fun!

18th Dec - Even from a social distance, we can hear the Children enjoying and joining in with the virtual pantomime this morning!

17th Dec - Thank you to our school caterers who are currently preparing our Christmas lunch. It already smells delicious! Thank you also to FOPS for supplying the crackers!

17th Dec - Thank you to Rev Felicity, Ash and Yew class for leading our Nativity Service today. It was fantastic to have so many parents and grandparents join and share in this service with us. Thank you, the children do love having you participate.

14th Dec - Our contribution to the Parish 'Stations of the Nativity' caused lots of excitement and questions...'What could it be?' it was constructed today. Can you find our station and all the others in the villages as they are displayed this week?

11th Dec - Ash class wrote letters to Father Christmas today. Great writing everyone!

9th Dec - Thank you to parents, grandparents and other family members who were able to join us from all over the Country as we staged our EYFS and KS1 performance virtually. As the cheering and positive messages after illustrated, Ash and ELm class, you were all stars! Well done!

8th Dec - Thank you to everyone who braved the cold and joined us for a socially distanced 'Meet and Greet' for prospective pupils. It was great to meet you all and to share with you our wonderful school. There is a second session next week for anyone due to start school in September 2021.

8th Dec - The replacement fence for the EYFS play area looks great and has provided much distanced excitement in EYFS and KS1 over the last 2 days as they have enjoyed watching the installation.

8th Dec - Wow! The Dress Rehearsal of our EYFS and KS1 performance was a huge success despite it being our first virtual performance between bubbles. Thank you to Mother Goose for joining us virtually.

7th Dec - Please see today's email about the Food Boxes available to those in need at this time. We encourage all those in need to contact school or Rev. Felicity.

7th Dec - Work started today on the Parish Council path to improve the entrance to the Recreation Area. Well done everyone for navigating the temporary obstruction.

3rd Dec - The final word has been penned in our entries to the 100 word creative writing competition titled 'A Wander in the Woods' written in class this week.

1st Dec - Thank you to Rev Felicity for joining us on our Understanding Christianity Day. It was great to hear the super questions and reflections as the children considered the Christmas story.

1st Dec - Christmas has come to Petersfield! Well done to the first Elm class recipient of a card celebrating a success of the day through advent.

27th Nov - Well done to everyone for being super Run Orwell Lap-athon participants. Medals are coming home over the next few days. We are very proud of the children for their participation in the sports activity and the fantastic fundraising.

23rd Nov - Following our Historic England Heritage Schools accreditation, staff were delighted to spend a twilight training session exploring the local area history and geography research completed for us. We look forward to sharing the resulting fantastic resources and projects with the children.

23rd Nov - Ready, Steady, Go! Each class will participate in our Run Orwell sponsored Lapathon challenge during a session this week.

19th Nov - Road safety is always important but it is especially important as the nights are darker. Children shared this week's learning today.

18th Nov - Smile! It is photo day today!

18th Nov - Thanks to Rowan class for leading our first ever virtual class assembly. What a triumph! Parent and pupil feedback agrees! Rowan class agree 'I really enjoyed the kennings poem and holding up the words. I enjoyed the square number song. I loved the cardio drumming as it was different.'

13th Nov - We are pleased to have raised £124.65 today, thanks to our non uniform day for Children In Need.

11th Nov - The decorated stones provided a focus for reflection today as we raised £73.50 with our Remembrance collection before our two minutes silence.

9th Nov - The nurses administering the flu vaccination were very impressed with our pupils today. We also had 100 percent attendance and administration of the vaccine for those booked to have it. Well done everyone!

5th Nov - Thank you to all the parents who joined us virtually for the Headteacher Awards. We are very proud of the children and enjoyed hearing about their great attitude to learning resulting in success.

3rd Nov - Welcome back to Autumn half term 2. We look forward to seeing you all this morning after the half term holiday. Please do read the 'Welcome back' email sent last night for the latest updates.

2nd Nov - Remote Learning planning featured on today's INSET day agenda.

23rd Oct - School is now closed for the autumn half term holiday. We look forward to welcoming pupils and parents back to school on Tuesday 3rd November after the INSET day. Happy holidays!

21st Oct - Today we are pleased to feature in the Cambridge Independent Newspaper with photos and an explanation about our positive mental health curriculum.

19th Oct - We had a great whole school RE day today building up our school journey of 'Understanding Christianity'. Our youngest children learnt about what makes us special and how Jesus is special to Christians. Our older children looked into the topic of what is the 'Good News' of the gospel.

16th Oct - Today, our pupils showcased their positive mental health work as a press photographer visited our school to take socially distanced pictures for the newspaper.

15th Oct - THANK YOU! to the parents who have donated slabs (and the time and effort to install them) to make entry to the school gate less muddy!

13th Oct - Despite to power cut, thank you to everyone who is joining us for the virtual Parents' Evening tonight!

12th Oct - Thanks to Pine class, we will now have on display posters to promote positive thinking including word-web phrases and images. They explored what 'Positive Thinking' means and how we can be more positive in our lives and with other people.

9th Oct - The virtual governor visit today was an opportunity to celebrate all the work we have done this week in conjunction with the YMCA and our cluster schools. Please do ask the children about what they have learnt and how together, we are all promoting positive mental health.

8th Oct - In Collective Worship, Rowan class shared their excellent film they produced reflecting on their learning in the run up to World Mental Health Day this Saturday.

7th Oct - Following on from our harvest celebrations last week, Elm class have recorded their thoughts on a pumpkin. What makes them proud and happy decorates one pumpkin whilst the things they are thankful for adorn another.

6th Oct - Ash class are considering our feelings and emotions today and thinking about the actions we can take to make ourselves happy.

5th Oct - Positive mental health is a key part of our day to day curriculum, and this is more important than ever during Covid. This week, in collaboration with our local cluster schools, we have planned specific activities focusing on being positive for the benefit of ourselves and others.

2nd Oct - Today Elm class welcomed one of our governors into school virtually to hear about our plans for our positive mental health week next week.

1st Oct - Welcome back to our YMCA playtherapist who has resumed her work in school to support children and staff today as we continue to think as a school about friendship, anti-bullying and positive mental health.

29th Sept - Thank you to Rev. Felicity for leading our remote Harvest service today where pupils had a chance to reflect on Harvest at the current time. Thank you for all the donations to our fundraising and foodbank contribution.

22nd Sept - Well done reception! What a super full day of learning in school today.

19th Sept - Well done Reception! You did brilliantly staying for your fist school dinner today!

17th Sept - Thank you to FOPS for their tireless work to raise funds for Petersfield despite the current restrictions. At tonight's meeting, we planned the AGM which you can join from the comfort of your own home on Thursday 22nd October at 8pm. More information to follow in the newsletter.

17th Sept - It was great to see Rowan and Yew parents at tonight's curriculum sessions.

17th Sept - Well done to all those who have achieved their gold Mathletics certificates during Lockdown and the summer. After celebrating the bronze and silver awards over the last two weeks, we enjoyed congratulating our gold certificate mathematicians today.

16th Sept - Thanks to the Ash parents who attended today's curriculum session.

15th Sept - Many thanks to Elm and Pine class parents who joined us for the first two virtual Curriculum Sessions. Thank you for the questions - all of this helps us work together as we establish a new 'normal' where parent-school partnership is as important as ever.

14th Sept - Well done reception - you are doing such a good job of saying for the morning this week. Super smiles and great learning all round!

9th Sept - Wow! What an amazing first day for our new reception pupils today. You looked so smart in your new uniform with your bookbags donated by FOPS. Well done!

7th Sept - What a super start, well done Petersfield. Great to see you all today and well done for entering school so confidently.

7th Sept - A VERY warm welcome to the start of the term for pupils!

4th Sept - on our second INSET day, staff and governors are completing their essential safeguarding training. We very much look forward to welcoming current pupils back to school on Monday. Have a great weekend.

3rd Sept - Our first INSET day for staff - please look out for the newsletter and attachments sent to you today.

1st Sept - Following a meeting with County today, we continue to plan for the return of pupils on Monday 7th September (current pupils) and Wednesday 9th (new EYFS pupils). We will email with the latest updates on the INSET days (3rd and 4th). We very much look forward to seeing you next week.

2019-2020 Events

3rd Aug - A toolkit of resources to help parents prepare for a return to school and the latest science magazine have now been added to the Covid page.

22nd July - Whilst school is closed for the summer, please visit the 'Covid-19' page under the 'Classes' drop down menu for resources to support safety, well-being and learning.

22nd July - Tonight, school closes to pupils, parents and visitors as the 19-20 academic year is finished. School will be shut for building work for the entire summer. Should you need to contact us, please do so via the office email, from 3rd September. Happy Summer!

22nd July - Good luck! Well done! Best Wishes to the amazing Mrs Williams, who is retiring this term, and our wonderful year 6 pupils who leave for pastures new today. We are so proud of you all.

21st July - Thank you to Rev. Felicity and our year 6 Leavers - we really enjoyed the Leavers' Assembly today.

19th June - School is closed to pupils, parents and visitors today for staff training on our planned INSET day. We look forward to receiving your work, pictures and emails about your learning today.

3rd June - Another fantastic start to the day. Well done everyone! If you are not in school, look out for the email with another story in today. If you want to send us a story you have read, we look forward to hearing it.

2nd June - We are absolutely delighted to see more parents and pupils today as we open to all keyworkers in all year groups. Every single person came in with a smile on their face and has quickly adapted to the changes. The socialising and learning has been a pleasure to see. Well done everyone.

1st June - Welcome back to Summer Half Term 2. Whilst is is very different to normal, it is great to see a few children in school today and taken the changes in their stride. For those children back in school, we are ringing you! Please listen our for our call!

16th April - This is 'National Offer Day' for new EYFS pupils due to join us in reception in September 2020. Welcome! Despite it not being in term time, please do email the office to accept your place. We look forward to responding to you with our transition plan after the Easter closure.

3rd April - Over Easter, the keyworkers and vulnerable provision is being hosted at Foxton school. For more information or if you need to contact us in an emergency, please see the Covid-19 page under the 'classes' drop down menu.

20th Mar - School is regrettably now closed as per government guidance. Please see the 'Covid-19' page under 'Classes' for more up to date information.

19th Mar - Year 5 and 6 researched, planned and planted the donated trees in the school grounds today.

17th Mar - Despite current events, well done to the year 6 children who participated so well in the 'booster' class tonight.

13th Mar - A huge thank you to everyone who gave so generously for dress down day. We have many chocolate goodies for FOPS.

13th Mar - Well done to all the pupils who received a Headteacher Award today. Their attitude to learning was an example to all.

11th Mar - Well done to Pine class for hosting the extra hand washing facilities and cake sale to raise funds for FOPS.

6th Mar - Ofsted have graded us GOOD IN ALL AREAS in the report published today! Well done 'Team Petersfield'!

6th Mar - Alice in Wonderland was brought to life by Divergent Drama through storytelling workshops with the children and a lively performance with many colourful characters. What a fantastic celebration of World Book Day we have had all week!

6th Mar - Well done to Elm class for showcasing their learning in their class assembly today. We particularly enjoyed the onomatopoeia poem song!

4th Mar - At today's concert in Cambridge, KS2 had an incredible time and brilliant seats! They said 'I liked the story about the musical instrument families'. 'The music made me feel emotional'.

3rd Mar - Thanks to FOPS and all the volunteers, staff and pupils who attended tonight's disco. A great time was had by all whilst fundraising for the school.

3rd Mar - We are very proud of our year 5 and 6 netball team who represented the school brilliantly today.

2nd Mar - Everyone had a fantastic day taking part in dance workshops linked to the book 'The Lorax'. They then performed to the rest of the school. Many children have said that they would like more days like this and said that they 'loved learning new dances and ways to move'.

28th Feb - We were delighted with the variety and diversity of the homework projects shared with parents, staff and pupils today. It is always a pleasure to see the creativeness of our children.

27th Feb - After a fantastic day of learning and discovery, linked to their curriculum topic, at the British Museum, Pine class are currently on track to return on time.

25th Feb - Rowan and Yew visited the Centre of Computing History in Cambridge today, 'It was really cool going on the old video games', 'I enjoyed going on the Twine Program and making up a story'. The leaders at the museum were very impressed with our children's knowledge and behavior.

24th Feb - Two parents introduced how important it is to care for the environment by demonstrating their amazing electric car, which is not only environmentally-friendly but can 'dance' to music with its lights and doors! This introduced the Lent Challenge, focusing on preserving our planet.

24th Feb - Apologies, for the phone fault. The technician has now fixed it.

24th Feb - Welcome back! School is open for the start of Spring Half Term 2.

14th Feb - School is now closed for the Spring Half Term holiday. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Monday 24th February. Happy Half Term!

14th Feb - Well done to all the pupils who received a Head Teachers Award or the Hollands Cup. A special thanks to the children who organised the Music Concert, which was dedicated to Mr Hollands. All the children who participated were able to showcase their talents!

13th Feb - Thank you to all the Parents and Carers who attended tonight's Parents' Evening. If you have not been able to meet the teachers yet or have not completed the questionnaire, please do speak to your child's classteacher.

12th Feb - Four children represented the school at a multisports competition at Impington College. 'It was a great opportunity to try new sports'.

12th Feb - Thank you to Croudace for today's site visit for year 6. This visit provided the inspiration for poetry writing.

12th Feb - We are pleased to report the phone lines and internet are currently working again. Thank you for your patience.

11th Feb - It is great to be welcoming parents to the first of the two Parents' Evening sessions tonight. Working together for the good of the children is so important to us.

10th Feb - Thank you to the children and staff who participated in the Litter Pick of the Rec today. We were delighted to work in conjunction with the Women of Orwell.

10th Feb - Apologies, following the power cuts we still have no phone service. Please use email or come to the office if needed.

7th Feb - Pine Class showcased their learning about 'The Groovy Greeks' today with songs, drama, researched information, and their own written myths. Well done to all involved, you have obviously worked so hard!

5th Feb - Thank you for the messages and chocolate during Ofsted! Mr Mohammed will now write his Ofsted report which is currently confidential. We will publish it here as soon as we are able.

5th Feb - We are delighted to have the Life Skills Bus in school today and tomorrow as part of our PSHE sessions. We were please to welcome parents who came to find out more about the bus.

4th Feb - Year 5 and 6 had an amazing time at the O2 for the spectacular event of Young Voices.

4th Feb - Thank you to all the positive messages - we are very proud of Petersfield and are looking forward to welcoming Ofsted about our school today and tomorrow.

31st Jan - Four year 4s competed in the Maths Challenge at St Faith's school in Cambridge. They all enjoyed it as it was challenging and great fun!

31st Jan - Kid's Takeover Day was fantastic today! Our pupils had written letters giving reasons for wanting specific roles. Across the school day, they could be found 'taking over' in the office, teaching and at lunchtime. The children learnt more about the roles which they then excelled in.

28th Jan - Congratulations to Mrs Course! 30 years Service at Petersfield! Well done!

27th Jan - Careers Week! Pupils listened with great interest to the first of many inspiring talks about the range of jobs parents and local community members have and the skills they require to undertake these roles. What we learn at school can be applied in so many different real life contexts!

24th Jan - Well done to all the children who received their Head Teacher's Award - they really deserved it! School Council met today. We discussed ensuring the initiative 'Change Starts with us' is talked about in classes and plans drawn up.

17th Jan - Our Year 6 pupils performed a wonderful dramatic interpretation of the poem 'The secret of the machines', by Rudyard Kipling, in their class assembly today. This was inspirational for our younger pupils.

15th Jan - Rowan class held the FOPS cake sale today and reported: 'The cakes were delicious', 'I liked being able to sell the cakes I had made' and 'It was well organised'! Well done Rowan class! Thank you everyone for your support!

13th Jan - On Plough Monday, we welcomed the Molly Dancers into school. After two workshops, the dancing showcase was, as always, fantastic!

10th Jan - At our first School Council meeting of the spring term, we discussed behaviour, planting bulbs and the children's takeover day. Later this the month, they are looking forward to taking on the adult's roles in school!

7th Jan - Christmas recounts, greeting friends, and great thinking about the exciting new curriculum topics, what a great start to term! Please do keep looking at the class pages as we learn more about 'Travel and Transport', 'The Groovy Greeks' and 'Earth and Space'.

7th Jan - Welcome back to the start of the 2020 Spring Term!

6th Jan - Happy New Year! School is closed for INSET training. Today, staff are participating in professional development sessions on fire safety and the learning across the curriculum.

18th Dec - School is now closed for the Christmas holidays. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school from Tuesday 7th January 2020! Happy Christmas!

18th Dec - Christmas Parties would not be complete without a visit from Father Christmas! Every child received a gift. Merry Christmas!

18th Dec - Delicious! Christmas Dinner, thanks to our Lunchtime catering team.

18th Dec - Reception and our year 6 pupils led our Nativity service today. Thank you to all the parents who attended and walked with us.

17th Dec - The whole school went to the pantomime...oh yes we did! The children said 'best school day ever' and 'the jokes were funny and the props were good'. Thank you to FOPS for raising the money to pay for this amazing experience. Current ETA at school is as planned.

13th Dec - What an amazing time at the Rock Steady Concert! Thank you to Michael for his inspirational teaching! The Rock Staff Band had great fun singing 'Do they know it's Christmas?'. We truly are a musical school! Well done to the children awarded Headteacher Awards and the Holland's Cup.

12th Dec - Pine Class went to REactive church this afternoon. They reported back: 'I learnt more about angels.', 'Angels send important messages.', 'Angel Gabriel was a boy!'.

12th Dec - The final performance of Lights, Camel Action! EYFS and KS1, you have showcased your learning through your oracy skills, singing, dancing and acting and really impressed us all this week. Well done!

11th Dec - Another amazing performance of Lights, Camel, Action, well done EYFS and KS1! We look forward to the final performance tomorrow! Our children said 'I enjoyed performing to all the parents and to the rest of the school'

10th Dec - Due to high winds, we were relocated to Wimpole Church for our Carol Singing. Thank you to everyone who joined us, sang, read and played. This is an annual highlight! Thank you also to Mr and Mrs Williams, Revd Felicity, Wimpole and FOPS.

10th Dec - 10 out of 10 - my score for Strictly Come Camel! Well done EYFS and KS1 the Rehearsal was superb! The singing was particularly impressive!

7th Dec - Christmas in Cambridge was fantastic! Thanks to FOPS and all the volunteers who made the event possible and such a great fundraiser. The slime making was a particular success with the children, including those who are young at heart!

6th Dec - We currently have a Petersfield Christmas tree at the Methodist Chapel as part of the Tree Festival. The theme this year is considering the environment. All our decorations have been made with recycled material.

6th Dec - Our Year 5 and 6 pupils went to St Andrew's church for REActive Church, where they learnt more about the meaning of Christmas and Gabriel bringing the message to Mary.

4th Dec - Today we were delighted to welcome GENR8 into school to deliver a Christmas message. Our pupils said 'I like the way they speak to the whole audience.' and 'They present the information about Jesus in a fun way with stories, songs and puppets.'

2nd Dec - Thank you for your patience today. The boiler pump has been fixed. School is warming up in stages and will open tomorrow.

2nd Dec - URGENT - Apologies, school is currently closed as we have no heating or hot water. We are expecting the technician before the start of the school day and will update here as soon as we know more.

29th Nov - We held our Christingle service in St Andrews Church today and were joined by Mother Goose. It was a delightful service, led by Revd Felicity. Seeing the pupils' faces under the candlelight is always a joy!

28th Nov - Pupils from KS2 joined other schools in a cross country tournament today. We were delighted with our pupils' performance, winning in the year 6 boy and girl and year 3 boy races. Well done!

22nd Nov - As a whole school, we discussed how to keep safe on the roads at near school, at home and near work environments. We shared the survey results for walk to school week. Well done Petersfield!

20th Nov - Our KS1 pupils attended the Multisports Festival with Barrington and Foxton children. They said: 'It was really fun.' 'We worked with other schools in teams.' 'We played lots of new games.'

19th Nov - Mr Bell (Cambridgeshire County Transport) and Mrs Penrose joined our pupils on the bus this morning and were delighted to hear from both pupils and parents about the improvements to the bus service this term.

18th Nov - Thanks to the staff, parents and pupils who have joined us for Walk to School Week this week. Can you join us tomorrow?

18th Nov - This week is our 'Walk to School Week'. Do please join us each day at the Chequers to form a pupil, parent and staff 'walking bus' from 8.45am. Thank you.

15th Nov - Staff and governors, met with Angela Lawn from the YMCA to discuss the findings from our staff and pupil wellbeing surveys. We will now work on the actions from the surveys as we continue to improve wellbeing in our school and ensure we all understand why this is so important.

15th Nov - Today we wore odd socks for 'Children in Need' and raised £77.02. In assembly we discussed what charity means and the history of 'Children in Need'.

14th Nov - Our Year 5 and 6 pupils had 'Playleader' training today from County. This training is invaluable as it provides our older pupils with the skills to engage and lead a variety of games with all the children in our school.

14th Nov - Thanks to Croudace for allowing a visit, Ash and Elm class learnt about house building as part of their topic work.

13th Nov - Thanks to FOPS funding, Divergent Drama led workshops on Anti-bullying today.

11th Nov - Congratulations to our netball team who finished 2nd in their first competition!

11th Nov - 'We will remember them'. Year 6 joined the local community to mark the 2 minutes silence today whilst the rest of the school observed the silence in school after 'planting' their poppy sculptures.

10th Nov - Staff and pupils attended the Remembrance Service at the Methodist Church today.

8th - At Headteacher Award Assembly today, we were inspired by the attitude to learning of our pupils. Many of the children received an award for their determination and resilience, displaying the attitude of a growth mindset. Well done!

7th Nov - Mrs Sirett was impressed with the children who attended the Outdoor Orienteering Activity Event. For many it was their first experience of competitions yet they really displayed the spirit of the games!

1st Nov - Wow! Another amazing fireworks display tonight! Our thanks to Steve and his team and all of the FOPS volunteers and staff. We dedicated tonight's fireworks to the memory of Susan Walford.

1st Nov - Using their oracy skills, the children explained to parents, grandparents and peers, the home learning they had undertaken over the half term.

31st Oct - Pupils in Y5 and Y6 enjoyed a dramatic theatre group presentation about keeping our air clean and how we need to look after our environment. 'It was fun, with an important message too'.

29th Oct - We now have three choices on our new lunch menu each day. Happy choosing!

29th Oct - Welcome back to Autumn half term 2! It was great to share the children's excitement as they recounted their half term and to see the busy learning today.

28th Oct - First Aid training for all staff today.

18th Oct - School is now closed for the Half Term holiday, followed by the INSET training day for staff. School will reopen to pupils, parents and visitors on Tuesday 29th October. Happy Holidays!

18th Oct - The music from the Rock Steady pupils was truely inspirational! It was a fantastic way to end the half term.

18th Oct - We had an amazing Black History Celebration with Hollands' Cup and concert today. The pupils told us about the lives of Stevie Wonder, how Two Tone music started, we heard African drumming, a biography of Sheku Kanneh-Mason and music by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

17th Oct - Thank you to the parents who had their Parents' Evening appointments tonight. We value this dialogue as we plan for next half term and beyond.

17th Oct - A group of year 5 pupils went to Steeple Morden School today to participate in a workshop 'Creating characters for stage and page'. They said: 'It was good to think of our own characters and see how we could use these in our stories'.

17th Oct - As part of their local environment topic, Pine Class went to Wimpole today. 'We looked around the farm and we stroked the horses and ponies. After lunch we went on the adventure playground.'

16th Oct - Some year 6 pupils represented us at the County English Challenge. They won the certificate for knowing the most about David Walliams and Miss Way was proud of how they collaborated. 'They gave us questions about books and punctuation. It was fun because we got to work to together'.

15th Oct - Thanks to all the parents who attended Parents' Evening tonight. It was great to hear about the many successes shared and to continue to work together to support our pupils' next steps in learning.

15th Oct - Well done to the pupils who took part in the football competition today. They said 'The football tournament was great fun. We came 6th out of 12. In one game we won 6-0!'

14th Oct - As part of 'When Cambridgeshire Sings', Pine Class worked with an award winning folk band called the Young 'Uns to create, write and produce a song based on our local area. This will be published here once the editing process is complete!

11th Oct - Yew class held their cake sale today, raising funds for FOPS. Many delicious cakes were made, bought and eaten!

11th Oct - In assembly we discussed mental health, what it means and how we can keep ourselves mentally healthy as well as physically healthy.

11th Oct - Governors met the School Council today and talked to them about safeguarding, their views on the curriculum and what it is like to be a child at our school.

9th Oct - Our Running Track is finished and the children are so keen to run and to have the field back in use again tomorrow!

7th Oct - Thank you to the family members who joined our new EYFS pupils for the second of our family lunch sessions.

7th Oct - The teaching profession needs new recruits so we are delighted to be working with the Faculty of Education, Cambridge again this year. Welcome to our PGCE students!

4th Oct - At the Headteachers' Assembly today, we presented Mr Hollands with a cake, card and gift. We sang 'Happy Birthday' as he celebrated his 90th birthday last week. Well done to all the pupils for achieving a Head Teacher Award, we are proud of you.

2nd Oct - Fundraising and fun at the school disco this evening! Our thanks go to our staff and parent volunteers.

1st Oct - Our EYFS pupils confidently showed their parents and grandparents how to get, eat and clear away from lunch as they all enjoyed a school lunch together today.

28th Sept - Congratulations Petersfield! We won 1st and 2nd prize at the Gransden Show thanks to our DT sewing projects completed by pupils of all ages with Mrs Bonfield.

27th Sept - In assembly today, we discussed British Values; what they mean to us and how we see them in action at our school.

27th Sept - Thank you to all the bakers, donations of cakes and the friendly faces who joined us for the annual Macmillan Coffee Morning today. We also had an end of day cake sale, we have raised well over £100, but are still counting!

26th Sept - After several weather related delays, the running track work started today! The diggers were of particular interest to Ash class!

24th Sept - EYFS joined Rev Felicity for Collective Worship with the whole school for the first time today. They listened brilliantly to the year 6 play, illustrating the Bible story.

20th Sept - The Harvest Service at church was led by Revd Felicity. We gave donations of food for Jimmy's Night Shelter and monetary contributions to the families in Malawi, who have not had a good harvest this year due to flooding. Our prayers and readings reflected our messages of thanks.

17th Sept - Smile! We saw excellent behaviour on school photograph day today! Well done to our eldest siblings and role models.

13th Sept - We are delighted by how well our new reception pupils have settled as they had their first full day in school today.

9th Sept - Our new EYFS pupils were the best EVER (from our staff's collective memory) at independently entering the dinner hall, selecting their food, clearing up and leaving the lunch hall on their first school meal day. Well done Reception and thank you to the proud sibling role models!

7th Sept - Mrs Gwynn, Mrs Peachey and Mrs Farrell attended the Orwell Show on Saturday. It was a great opportunity to showcase Petersfield and meet old and new friends to tell them about our wonderful school.

6th Sept - All our pupils have settled well at the beginning of the new academic year. It was a delight to see all our Reception pupils learning together in class today.

5th Sept - Well done to our second groups of EYFS pupils who started school today!

4th Sept - Welcome back! School is open to pupils, parents and visitors for the 19-20 school year and we are very impressed with the positive start to learning this year. Well done Petersfield pupils - new and old!

3rd Sept - Today, staff training focuses on safeguarding and behaviour. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school tomorrow - Wednesday 4th September.

2nd Sept - INSET day. Thanks for all the pupil and parent feedback on our school curriculum. This informed our planning and training on INSET day today.

2018-2019 Events

24th Jul - School closes today to pupils, parents and visitors. Good luck year 6! Have an amazing summer and we look forward to welcoming you back to school on Wednesday 4th September. Happy holidays!

24th Jul - Following two and a half very successful transition days for all our pupils and the new reception children, this afternoon, our pupil returned to their 2018-19 classes to celebrate the year.

24th Jul - Thank you for all the gifts and kind words on the last day of term. They mean a lot. We are very proud of all our pupils and staff.

24th July - Well done to our 'Year 7' who presented the pupil ideas for FOPS spending to the committee today. We are very grateful for the tireless work of FOPS to raise much needed funds for the school and we look forward to receiving the requested resources in September.

22nd Jul - Welcome to our new reception pupils. We were VERY impressed with how well you came into school today.

22nd Jul - Smiles and responsible behavior all round for day 1 of our transition programme.

22nd Jul - Pupils were excited to share their ideas with our year 6 who will cost and draft a proposal to FOPS this week in order to spend some of the excellent FOPS fundraised money on the children.

19th Jul - We were so proud of our Year 6 as they demonstrated their skills and talents at their Leavers Assembly. They recounted their wonderful memories of life at Petersfield from YR to Y6. We wish them all much success and happiness in the next, exciting part of their school career.

17th Jul - Our pupils enjoyed the last disco of the year, organised by FOPS. They displayed their dance skills and had fun together whilst fundraising!

17th Jul - Our Leavers' church service was a wonderful chance to reflect on our fantastic year 6. They were presented with Bibles.

16th Jul - We were delighted to welcome so many parents to our Open afternoon and Celebration of Learning. It was wonderful to see certificates for so many swimming and sporting successes.

16th Jul - Thanks to Mrs Tuck for leading REActive Church for Rowan Class today.

12th Jul - we held our last Head Teacher Awards and Hollands Cup for this year. Well done to all who gained certificates. Mr Hollands presented the cup to a child for her musicality and love of music.

11th Jul - Our Sports Day was described by some 'as the best ever!' and was incredibly well attended. Thank you to Mrs Peachey, Mr Seagrave and Mr Herd and the staff for organising a well-run morning. Yellow Team won the cup this year!

11th Jul - We were delighted to hold our FOPS AGM in the beautiful sensory garden before Sports Day. Reports were read from the Chair, Head and Treasurer about the amazing work done this year to raise much needed funds. FOPS still need a secretary and more committee members. Can you help?

10th Jul - Year 6 attended REActive church for the very last time as a year group today.

9th Jul - Bikeability: the pupils are learning road skills today.

9th Jul - Well done to our excellent year 6 learning leaders who led the carousel of activities for the whole school this morning. This included inside and outside learning in our mixed age buddy groups.

8th Jul - Thanks to the dedicated volunteers and Puffins children for their 'Groundwork' session after school to tidy, weed and fix the greenhouse!

8th Jul - Mrs Peachey and Mrs Squires have continued to visit our new reception 2019 pupils as part of our home visit transition programme. Thank you for being so welcoming!

8th Jul - As part of Bikeability Level 1 today, our upper KS2 have demonstrated their cycling skills on the playground.

5th Jul - Secondary school is the place to be today, with pupils at BVC and CVC as part of our transition programme.

4th July - An 'excellent' day of tennis at Wimbledon thanks to the staff team who organised a long but inspiring visit.

4th Jul - Year 6, who are heading to CVC in September, participated in their first transition day today in preparation. Tomorrow they join CVC for sport.

4th Jul - Year 5 visited BVC for a 'Taster day'. They are looking forward to the second day tomorrow!

3rd Jul - GenR8 Collective Worship is always great fun! Today, they talked to us about great stories and The Bible.

2nd and 3rd Jul - The 'Pirates of the Curry Bean' performance had 3 different audiences laughing, amazed and impressed by the oracy, dancing, singing and technical support demonstrated so ably by KS2. Wow! What pupil and staff teamwork!

30th Jun - Run Orwell was a huge success today. With thanks to the runners, community, volunteers, staff and of course FOPS (led brilliantly by Wendy and Adam) who made the event such fun. Pupils in Rock Steady performing throughout was the icing on the cake!

28th Jun - We were so proud of all the pupils who took part in the Rock Steady Concert this afternoon, they were absolutely amazing showcasing their musical talents. Thank you to the audience for their participation, it was a truly memorable experience enjoyed by all!

27th Jun - Well done to Ash Class, who raised an amazing £86.20 from their cake sale. Thank you to all the bakers, the cakes were enjoyed by all!

26th Jun - Smile! Class Photograph day today.

25th Jun - The cricket World Cup shaped our PE lessons today.

24th Jun - Wicken Fen provided a fantastic environment for the art and science learning for Ash and Elm class today.

21st Jun - Rowan Class enjoyed Peer Mediation training with Mrs Gwynn today. They role played scenarios to experience how they will be able to support other pupils next year. They explained why they want this role: 'I want to be a Peer Mediator as I want to make people happy'.

20th Jun - It was lovely to welcome our 'New Reception 2019' parents to school tonight to begin (or for some continue) the exciting and essential journey of parent - school partnership which is so important throughout the children's time at Petersfield.

20th Jun - Ash class demonstrated their skills and knowledge at Forest Schools today. Thank you to all the helpers who continue to make this possible.

20th Jun - Aspirations for scientific careers were further discussed today as year 6 completed their science investigations with a very interesting and informative visit to Johnson Matthey.

19th Jun - Ash class were delighted to welcome Mother Goose preschoolers for their second session in preparation for 'Big School' in September.

18th Jun - School is open, on Tuesday, after Monday's INSET day.

17th Jun - INSET day. School is closed to pupils, parents and visitors today as staff attend the training day. This is one of 5 required days set throughout the academic year. Please see the 'Term Dates' section of this website for next year's training dates.

14th Jun - We were delighted by the huge turnout of male carers who attended our Father's Day lunch and afternoon activities. It was wonderful seeing the children enjoying the company. The 'bee-related' activities mean the honey bees now have many homes!

14th Jun - Our 'Walk to School' week finished with the sun shining! Thank you to the volunteers who walked with us throughout the week. They enabled so many children and staff to have more exercise before the start of the school day.

12th Jun - Our year 4 pupils attended the first session of our new coding club, thanks to Mr Anderson and our parent volunteer. We look forward to seeing the outcome from all their new skills.

11th Jun - We were delighted to be joined by Bishop Stephen, Beverley from Age UK and many members of the community to celebrate the work of our Lent Challenge. Bishop Stephen led collective worship, was given a tour of our school by the pupils than had a cup of tea with the Petersfield Community.

11th Jun - Mrs Penrose was joined by a County representative for a bus ride along today. The positive comments about the bus escort and children were a delight to hear.

10th Jun - Well done to all those who joined us to walk to school, despite the weather, as we started Walk to School Week.

9th Jun - Thanks to parents, governors, pupils, staff and the community, our Sensory Garden looked amazing following the final touches and the addition of our pupils' sculptures. Ice-creams added to the enjoyment and we were delighted to welcome so many people in as part of Orwell Open Gardenss.

7th Jun - It was, once again, a delight to see the incredible variety of learning that had taken place over the half term. Rainforests, quizzes, home-made clocks, dazzling artwork and so much more!! Thank you to the parents who came to see and hear about the learning.

6th Jun - Some pupils in KS2 took part in an inter-school 'Quad Kids'. They enjoyed this event and worked well together.

6th Jun - Well done to the pupils who took part in the Maths Challenge in Cambridge. They demonstrated their amazing fluency and reasoning skills.

6th Jun - We were absolutely delighted to welcome all of KS2 from Barrington and Foxton to our BFP Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies Oracy day. What a showcase of oracy skills with new friends!

3rd Jun - Welcome back to the first day of the busy, exciting and final half term of the 18-19 academic year.

24th May - School is now closed. We wish all our children and their families a lovely half term break. Enjoy the sunshine and we look forward to welcoming you back into school on Monday 3rd June.

23rd May - Today, our Year 6 pupils had the wonderful opportunity to do practical scientific experiments with Claire from the Children Challenging Industry (CCI) programme (primary schools and science-based manufacturing companies working together) as part of the science curriculum.

22nd May - Wow year 2! You should be very proud of your attitude and achievement over the last two weeks as you have taken SATs in your stride showing all you have learnt. We are very proud of you!

21st May - Excellent fun in the river was had by all Rowan and Yes class at Stibbington!

17th May - We celebrated the pupils' varied achievements in assembly. All of year 6 achieved an award due to their hard work and positive attitude this week. Mr Hollands presented his cup to a child who demonstrated a great willingness to learn the piano and play in a band in the Rock Steady group.

16th May - Well done Year 6. SATs are done! You are a credit to yourself and Peterfield School!

15th May - School is open, we have power!

14th May - Whilst the repairs are still underway and power has not been restored to all of the village yet, they expect the power to repaired fully by the start of school tomorrow and therefore school is expected to be open as usual on Wednesday 15th May. Any necessary updates will be posted here.

14th May - Due to a power line that is known to be damaged, school has no power, water, email or phone line. We are therefore contacting Puffins parents to inform them we cannot run Puffins tonight.

13th May - Well done year 6! You greeted the start of SATS week with a smile and brilliant concentration in the tests. The juice and biscuits were also a highlight!

10th May - Next week will be SATS week for our Year 6 pupils. We are very proud of them! We are sure they will do their very best and showcase all they have learnt in their time at Petersfield. We have encouraged them to have a restful weekend in preparation for next week.

9th May - Thank you to the Women of Orwell who invited Mrs Gwynn to their meeting to speak about our school and how the wide variety of support and skills shared by members of our local community makes such a difference to our pupils.

9th May - Not only did Pine Class learn so much to support their topic work on their visit to the Botanic Gardens but the bus driver said that in all his years of driving schools he had not had such well-behaved children. Well done Pine Class!

6th May - School closed for the May Day Bank Holiday.

3rd May - Children in year 3 and 4 took part in Bikeability training today. They had to show balance and control skills on their bikes, whilst having fun too!

3rd May - The pupils in Ash class presented their learning in their class assembly this morning in a variety of ways, from counting numbers to reciting 'We're going on a bear hunt'. It was uplifting hearing them sing 'This is me!' from 'The Greatest Showman'.

2nd May - Our KS2 pupils took part in a cross county inter-schools competition. They all worked hard, running the course with enthusiasm and determination.

2nd May - We were very proud of our 4 year 5 pupils who took part in the Maths Challenge in Cambourne. They demonstrated they could work well as a team and used their reasoning, fluency and problem solving skills. Well done!

30th Apr - Thanks to Elm class for the delicious cakes and to the whole school for supporting this event to raise money for FOPS.

26th Apr - Today, we had our first Learning Council meeting. Our pupils will be part of designing Petersfield's new and bespoke curriculum. They have organised a board where all the pupils can write their ideas down.

24th Apr - School reopened to pupils, parents and visitors for the start of the summer term. Welcome back! What a wonderful display of enthusiasm with some excellent learning shared with us today. A great way to start the term!

23rd Apr - Thanks to our community volunteers for their work in our Sensory Garden. This was followed by cake and a moment to enjoy it both the garden and the cake!

23rd Apr - Our INSET Day training for staff is focused on further developing our creative curriculum.

5th Apr - Whilst school is now closed for Easter, extra curricular drama and sports clubs are running throughout the holidays. Happy Easter! School will reopen to pupils, parents and visitors on Wednesday 24th April following a day of staff INSET.

5th Apr - We were thrilled to be joined by so many parents and members of our community for the Rock Steady Concert. It was a delight to witness the children performing in the bands with so much enthusiasm and talent! We all finished by singing 'When I'm 64'.

5th Apr - This morning, in the sunshine, we walked to the church for our Lent Service. We laid our decorated stones outside the church entrance to make a cairn before the service. 'It was good fun putting together I am a disciple, get me out of here!' reported a year 6 pupil.

3rd Apr - The children really enjoyed the GENR8 assembly: 'I enjoyed the songs', 'They are fun', 'They make the story interesting' and 'I love the puppets'.

3rd Apr - Today, whilst visiting the church, each class had the opportunity to explore 7 prayer stations of their choice and decorated their rock in advance of Friday's Lent service.

2nd Apr - Staff completed their Resus training, ready for the swimming season, today.

31st Mar - Petersfield pupils, mums and grandmas made Mothering Sunday cards and brooches for all the ladies in the congregation when Bishop Stephen came to the Wimpole service. They were delighted to receive the special gifts and passed on their thanks to our children.

31st Mar - Don't forget the clocks change to BST today. School is open tomorrow (Monday) at the usual time. Please remember you'll need to be up an hour earlier than last week due to the clocks change!

29th Mar - Thank you to all the mothers and grandmothers who came into school to have lunch and work alongside the children in our Mothers in School afternoon. Beautiful brooches and sculptures were made and even a bug hotel!

29th Mar - Pine Class attended REactive church today thanks to Rev. Felicity and the church volunteers.

28th - Thank you to all the parents who have completed the Questionnaire and provided feedback at Parents' Evening.

27th Mar - Well done to Elm class who raised £33.86 for our Lent Challenge by making lemonade to sell.

27th Mar - Today is a day of fantastic costumes and drama workshops on Petersfield Book Day.

26th Mar - Parents' Evening at Petersfield - a chance to celebrate pupil success and discuss next steps together.

26th - Yew Class learnt about Easter at REactive church today.

22nd Mar - Mr Hollands was delighted to give The Hollands' Cup Achievement in Music Award to a child for her commitment to learning to play the recorder, using notation and being so enthusiastic!

21st Mar - 27 pupils from year 5 and 6 took part in a tag rugby competition and festival. They were awarded the Spirit of the Games Award for demonstrating good sportsmanship and respect. Two

children received prizes for team work and honesty. Well done!

18th Mar - Back by popular demand, every class participated in the Young'uns workshops as the award winning folk band return to perform, share tales, educate and entertain. British values, history, oracy, team work and music combined and resulted in a school chant recorded by all our KS2 pupils.

15th Mar - Well done to the pupils who received a Headteacher Award today, we are proud of your achievements.

14th Mar - We welcomed Mrs Gibson into school to talk in assembly about her experiences of her childhood and school days. We listened intently to tales about her visit to London to see the coronation celebrations as a young schoolgirl.

13th Mar - Well done to Pine class for the delicious cakes and the excellent fundraising for FOPS as a result of selling them.

8th Mar - Elm Class showcased their learning in their class assembly this morning. We heard stories, had a weather report complete with hand held auto-cue, sang songs and all joined in the dancing. It was an uplifting experience for all!

7th Mar - On World Book Day, pupils from the classes who were not on a visit dressed as their favourite characters. Petersfield Book Day will be held later in the term when all children are in school.

7th Mar - Rowan and Yew classes learnt much new information when they went to the Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology and the Fitzwilliam Museum. It was a wonderful opportunity to see and handle the Mayan objects.

6th Mar - We were joined by Vivien Beck, a representative from Age Concern UK. She spoke about older people and their needs. Our children showed great empathy and Mrs Beck commented on how 'incredibly well-behaved' the children were. Age Concern UK is our 'Bishop Stephen's Lent Challenge' charity.

1st Mar - We welcomed parents and governors for the celebration of half term learning. As always, we were impressed by the creativity and diversity of the work. Our pupils were able to demonstrate their oracy skills, as they explained their learning to others or asked questions about it.

27th Feb - Thanks to FOPS and school staff for the fun, fundraising disco tonight.

25th Feb - We hope everyone had a lovely half term holiday! Welcome back! School is now open for the second half of the Spring Term.

15th Feb - School is now closed for half term. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Monday 25th February

15th Feb - Congratulations to our Holland's Cup winner for demonstrating her musical skills this term.

12th Feb - Well done year 6! Your enthusiasm, questioning skills and enjoyment of the text were a credit to you during the first early morning booster session today.

8th Feb - Today we were joined by our Health and Safety Governor for a meeting with our representatives, followed by a Health and Safety walk around the school site. Together, we worked to identify any Health and Safety issues.

7th Feb - As part of their topic work, Pine class visited Flag Fen today. This was a fantastic opportunity and will support their further learning back in the classroom.

7th Feb - In their class assembly, we were delighted to see all the learning the pupils in Rowan class have achieved this term. The Mayan headdresses and painted faces were very effective!

5th Feb - E-Safety Day - 'We have learnt that there are many websites and organisations which might ask us to give them permission to use our personal data and what we should do to keep our date safe'.

1st Feb - We were delighted to welcome our EDRA into school today. She visited each class, celebrating the work on show and commented on how she could see the positive impact of our oracy work.

31st Jan - Our KS1 children joined in our E-Safety workshops, learning interactively how to stay safe online. They learnt that we do not always know who we are messaging and we must not share our details online.

30th Jan - Thank you to the parents who joined us to enjoy and join in with the reprise of the O2 performance today.

29th Jan - Year 5 and 6 participated in the amazing O2 Young Voices performance with 1000s of other children. Our pupils' behavior was outstanding. We are very proud of them and appreciate the parent helpers and staff team who made this possible.

28th Jan - Thanks to the catering staff, MSAs and pupils, today's new lunchtime choice system worked very well. Pupils now choose their lunch main meal in the morning, resulting in everyone getting their first choice and significantly less wastage.

25th Jan - We are so proud of our year 4 pupils who represented us at the Maths Challenge held in Cambridge this afternoon. They conducted themselves very well and used their maths strategies, oracy and collaborative skills to find the answers. A big thank you to Mrs Anderson for transporting them.

22nd Jan - It was great to share stories with pupils this morning as parents joined us for our weekly reading cafe in EYFS and KS1.

18th Jan - Yew class demonstrated their acting and oracy skills through their dramatic presentation in their class assembly this morning. The audience were impressed to see how they could present the poem about cliff erosion in such a powerful way.

16th Jan - Ash and Elm class had really enjoyed playing with a range of toys, searching for clues as archaeologists and then making their own toys as part of the history topic experience day.

14th Jan - Our thanks to Gog Magog Molly for teaching Pine and Rowan classes two traditional and local dances to perform to the school on Plough Monday.

11th Jan - Our pupils are really excited to be working on their fluency and tables in maths. They have been challenging themselves on the computers to see how fast their mental recall of tables is.

4th Jan - We are focusing on handwriting and sentence punctuation this week. Our pupils can now enthusiastically articulate how they are improving their own work.

3rd Jan - Happy New Year! Welcome back as school opens for the Spring term.

19th Dec - School is now closed for the festive season. Merry Christmas! We very much look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Thursday 3rd January 2019.

19th Dec - Father Christmas joined us for our Christmas parties today and gave out gifts to the children. Ho Ho Ho!

19th Dec - Thank you to Rev Felicity for the Christmas service today. Our reception pupils were outstanding as they acted out the Nativity.

18th Dec - Thanks to the catering staff for a delicious Christmas dinner and to FOPS for the Christmas crackers.

14th Dec - We had a real treat, this afternoon, watching Divergent Drama's 'Cinderyeller'. Our pupils said: 'It was wonderful. When I grow up, I want to be an actor like them' and 'It inspired me to think that I might write a play'. Thank you to FOPS for providing the funds for this.

14th Dec - Two Governors visited school to discuss children's extended writing which is one of our school priorities. The pupils were able to talk about their learning using their oracy skills and share their learning in their books.

13th Dec - The final EYFS and KS1 performance was the very best! Wow!

12th Dec - The carols under the tree in Wimpole Stables were fabulous tonight. Thanks to Sandra at Wimpole, all those who attended - especially the children on the instruments - and to FOPS for the warm minced pies.

12th Dec - Thank you to all the parents and supporters who enjoyed the EYFS and KS1 performance today. We all agree it was fantastic!

12th Dec - Rowan class attended REActive Church today. Thank you so much to Rev Felicity and the volunteers for this season's sessions.

11th Dec - Elm and Ash class, your dress rehearsal was fantastic! Thank you for Mother Goose who joined us for this performance.

10th Dec - We were delighted to be invited to sing carols at the Methodist church. Thank you to Mr Holland

for playing and for the display of Christmas trees, the train and lights.

7th Dec - Pine Class led a Roman Celebration of Learning assembly. They shared artwork, stories and poems

and had a quiz on Roman numerals.

6th Dec - Today, Pine class enjoyed REActive Church.

5th Dec - GenR8 are visiting today to tell the Christmas story.

5th Dec - Thanks to Mrs Bonfield and our creative pupils, we now have a beautiful, hand made advent calendar in the hall.

4th Dec - Yew class attended REActive Church today as we prepare for Christmas.

3rd Dec - Thanks to FOPS for bringing that Christmas feel to Petersfield today with all the Christmas decorations. Don't forget the bauble competition to decorate the tree. Due Monday 17th December.

1st Dec - Join us today, 10am to 4pm, for the wonderful FOPS Christmas Fair. Christmas trees, Father Christmas, amazing stalls and delicious food are all available at the Lordsbridge Arena.

30th Nov - The Christingle was a beautiful service at church, the children looked in awe and wonder at the reflections from the light of the candle flames.

29th Nov - Following help from a large number of parents today, we now have our Christingles ready for tomorrow's church service.

23rd Nov - We were again delighted to welcome our EYFS parents into school today to share a lunch with our youngest pupils.

23rd Nov - Our pupils shared what they had learnt in Road Safety week. The youngest pupils told us to stop, listen and think and Elm class shared these words in Spanish. KS2 completed a traffic survey, discussed the pros and cons of walking home alone and discussed road safety.

22nd Nov - Well done to all the KS2 cross country runners who participated in the event today. We were impressed by your perseverance.

21st Nov - We were delighted to welcome so many parents, grandparents and children to our 'Stay and Play' today in preparation for reception 2019.

20th Nov - Thanks to all the parent volunteers and staff for a fantastic disco tonight. A great time was had by all!

20th Nov - Thanks to the EYFS parents who joined their children for lunch today. The children really enjoyed it and we were pleased to receive all the positive comments about the new lunches.

16th Nov - For the first time, the BFP partnership schools (Barrington, Foxton and Petersfield) brought all the classes together for an AMAZING morning of Oracy. Behaviour was outstanding and our children enjoyed meeting new friends and working with others they already know from outside school.

16th Nov - In response to the Oracy Day, pupils said: 'It's amazing how detailed the stories were', 'They were all different, some we listened to, others we watched' and 'It was incredible some little kids mde up stories I would never have dreamt of'.

15th Nov - In the Anti-Bullying celebration of learning, we thought about respect. Ash class talked about being a good friend, Elm class retold the Willy the Wimp story. Pine class were inspired by Mark Rothko and painted their emotions. Rowan and Yew classes responded to poetry about bullying.

13th Nov - We continue to hold a 'Meet the SENDCo' drop in session for parents regularly. The session, like this morning, is for any parents who would like to ask any questions about supporting any additional needs in school.

11th Nov - We are honored to continue our longstanding relationship with the Royal British Legion and today attended the Remembrance Service in Croydon and the Orwell centenary roll call. We will remember them.

9th Nov - We were joined by Mr Bob Bryant today to talk about Remembrance. He unveiled a wall hanging made by the children and designed by Mrs Bonfield to mark the centenary.

8th Nov - We have our own WW1 soldier in the hall, thanks to Mr Bush, who has put a wonderful display of WW1 memorabilia.

6th Nov - Well done to the 8 pupils who represented us at the orienteering competition and said 'This is so much fun!', 'Can we come again?'. They behaved wonderfully and worked well together as a team to increase their effectiveness following different styles of maps to complete the challenges.

4th Nov - We were delighted to contribute to and attend the Remembrance Concert and Display. Our pupils have hand sewn and printed our remembrance wall hanging which was on display.

2nd Nov - 'Stunning!' and 'What an amazing always' were just 2 of the many, many comments following the outstanding fireworks display this evening. Thank you to Mr Gwynn and his team, to FOPS and for the amazing community support which made Fireworks at Petersfield so special.

2nd Nov - Celebration of Learning - The fabulous range of homework projects shared with parents, pupils and staff was further enhanced by our pupils showcasing the oracy skills we have been learning.

30th Oct - Welcome back as school re-opens to pupils, parents and visitors for an exciting and busy second autumn half term of learning.

29th Oct - Thanks to Voice 21 and our BFP partnership for a great INSET day training to further develop out Oracy work in school.

19th Oct - School is now closed for half term. However, holiday sports clubs are running throughout the holiday week. Monday 29th is a staff INSET training day so school will reopen for the new term to pupils, parents and visitors on Tuesday 30th Oct. Happy half term!

19th Oct - Mr Hollands presented the Hollands' Cup to Thomas for his musicality and love of music. He also gave us a treat by dancing for us!

19th Oct - Well done Petersfield, we raised £104.64 for the Shine charity. It was delightful to see all the children dressed in yellow. This money will really make a difference to families in Cambridgeshire.

19th Oct - We enjoyed a wonderful Black History assembly. Children presented work inspired by: Frank Bowling, Chris Ofili, Lublin Himid, Uno Egonu and Hurvin Anderson. The children's work was so good that it was difficult to see the difference between the artist and the children's.

15th Oct - The Lunchtime Company, new lunch providers as of today, received rave reviews from pupils and staff who commented on the amazing taste, delicious smell the moment you entered the dining hall and the significant improvement in the school meals today.

15th Oct - School started with much excitement in assembly as our Story Teller challenged our understanding of stories. Each class is participating in an exciting workshop in preparation for sharing stories with children from Barrington and Foxton school after half term.

12th Oct - Well done to Yew class for their delicious FOPS cake sale fundraiser.

8th-12th Oct - Thank you to our amazing careers' week parent volunteers. Our pupils said: 'fascinating, we didn't know how many jobs there are in the world, quite exciting listening to the people, incredible to hear about the jobs, interesting to hear what other people do for work, and inspiring!'.

10th Oct - We were delighted to welcome The Lunchtime Company into school to tell us all about the exciting and tasty new menu for school meals from October 15th.

8th Oct - Welcome to our PGCE students working in Ash Class.

8th Oct - Our careers week is already inspiring conversations about 'What I am going to be when I grow up' thanks to our talks today on careers in epidemiology, working with wildlife and being a human rights lawyer. Many thanks to out inspirational volunteers.

5th Oct - Our year 6 pupils visited Ely Cathedral today, along with 600 pupils from schools in the Diocese. Their focus was WW1 and what life was like at the Home Front. It ended with poppies falling in the octagon. 'It was so beautiful'.'I loved looking up and seeing the falling poppies'.

5th Oct - As today was World Smile Day, in Collective Worship we discussed the importance of smiles and how it makes you and others feel when you smile. We asked our pupils to go home and give their families a big smile!

5th Oct - It was wonderful to hear our cook praise the whole of Rowan class for their polite manners today. She said that every child thanked her and was so polite. She said that in all the schools she has worked in, she has never had a whole class do that before.

3rd Oct - We are really focusing on our learning behaviours in school and went through this together in assembly. After reading the children's comments in their behaviour questionnaires, we have amended our plans including how we sit in assembly.

28th Sept - Well done to our first Headteachers' Award winners of 2018-19. What a good example to set to others.

28th Sept - Our pupils were delighted, excited and inspired by Jamie, who came from Rocksteady Music School to work with our pupils. They said: 'I want a band of my own when I get older!' and 'It was fun playing the electric guitar'.

28th Sept - Thank you to all who supported our Macmillan Coffee morning and cake sale today. We raised £160 for this worthwhile charity.

27th Sept - Rowan and Yew classes enjoyed a busy day explored Wicken Fen as part of their curriculum topic.

21st Sept - We went to church today to celebrate and give thanks for harvest. The children donated food and money to the Royston Food Bank. Our children read the prayers they had written in buddy groups.

20th Sept - The primary focus of our first Full Governing Body meeting of the academic year was on our Petersfield Priorities to further raise standards. Please do see how you can help your child by reading the weekly update on the newsletter.

20th Sept - Our Playleaders received training to support them in their role at breaks and lunchtimes.

14th Sept - Congratulations to our EYFS who are now in school full time. We are very proud of your smooth transition to school.

14th Sept - Well done to our Peer Mediators who produced a role play to illustrate their function. They successfully demonstrated how powerful Peer Mediators can be in supporting their peers.

13th - Thanks again to the parents who attended the second set of curriculum sessions. You should now have a pack of important paperwork to check, complete, sign and return. Please contact the school if you have not yet received this and return it promptly.

13th Sept - Today, we welcomed into school Nina, our new playtherapist from the YMCA.

12th Sept - Following the first meeting of the year, our thanks go to FOPS (Friends of Petersfield, our PTA) for their tireless work to raise funds for the school. Do look at the FOPS page on our website if you want to find out more or volunteer to help.

11th Sept - Thank you to the parents who attended our curriculum sessions today to find out the 2018-19 academic year in Yew and Elm class.

11th Sept - Welcome back to Mr Hollands and Rev. Felicity who led our Collective Worship today.

11th Sept - Well done to our EYFS pupils who attended school at lunchtime for the first time!

10th Sept - In our first 'Buddy Group' Collective Worship, we used our Oracy skills to write prayers for harvest.

7th Sept - We are very proud of all our new reception pupils who have started school over the last 2 days.

6th Sept - Welcome back to the academic year 18-19.

2017-2018 Events

24th July - School is now closed for the summer. Best wishes for a safe, happy and fun summer to all our community. We look forward to opening the doors to pupils, parents and visitors on Thursday 6th September 2018.

24th July - Our very best wishes to Miss Smith, Mr Ashford and Mrs Johnson as they leave our school today. Pupils spoke of these teachers' successes in our Staff Leavers' Assembly.

24th July - Welcome to Miss Way who joined us for our transition day as all our pupils moved to their new classes.

23rd July - Cambridge water have confirmed that the water supply has been restored and the pressure should return to normal by the end of the day. School will be open on Tuesday 24th July for the last day of term.

20th July - Yr 6, you are truly incredible! Never stop aiming high and being great friends. It's been a privilege to watch you fly so high at Petersfield. Tears of happiness at amazing memories are treasures. Good luck to you and your family who joined us for the wonderful Leavers' Assembly.

20th July - Pine class attended REactive church and said 'It was fun, as we got to do lots of different activities', 'I enjoyed learning all about Jesus' and 'We were able to use our acting skills and get involved in what we were learning'.

19th July - Our FGB started with a Parents' Forum where we welcome parents to 'meet the governors'.

19th July - Exciting times! We welcomed our new EYFS for 2018 for the first of their three transition visits over the next week.

18th - Our thanks go to Rev Julie Norris for leading a lovely leavers' service at church.

17th July - Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our open afternoon and certificate presentation and year 6 leavers' tea party.

16th July - Today's school reports provided the opportunity to say 'Well done!' to pupils and staff for a year of hard work.

16th July - Dress in bright colours day raised over £70 for our playworker to take to Africa for her charity work this summer. Well done Petersfield!

13th July - Congratulations to our Hollands' cup winner for his use of his voice both in and out of school to great effect.

11th July - The FOPS AGM today was an opportunity to say thanks to FOPS members and the committee for their amazing hard work this year, to welcome volunteers for next year and to plan for the future - including the ground work day next Tuesday. Can you spare half an hour to help from 3:30pm?

11th July - Yew class visited church for REactive church today.

9th July - What an fantastic visit for Rowan and Yew. The Tower of London trip was linked to the topic and the recent Darwin Rocks production.

6th July - What an amazing day at Wimbledon for the year 5 and 6 pupils following our recent tennis coaching. Thank you to Ms Catchpole and Mrs Peachey for enabling a very busy, exciting and memorable day in London.

5th and 6th July - Our year 6s, who are moving onto CVC in September, took part in their 'Move up' days.

5th and 6th July - Year 5 enjoyed their taster secondary experience at BVC.

4th July - We given another amazing performance tonight of 'Darwin Rocks!'. One of the songs was 'Nothing beats being you!'. This message is very important, as they demonstrated in song, dance and acting.

3rd July - Wow! The singing, solos, dancing, props, costumes, acting and oracy at the dress rehearsal and evening performance were incredible. We are looking forward to tomorrow's performance.

2nd July - Thank you to Ash class for the excellent refreshments at the FOPS cake sale.

29th June - Ash and Elm classes enjoyed their visit to Woburn Safari Park seeing many animals up close. These included the spider monkey enclosure and giraffes and lions in the grasslands. They also learnt from a talk about habitats, saw a giant stick insect and felt various pelts.

28th June - Well done to our year 3 pupils who represented us so well at the cricket festival and competition.

28th June - Well done to all those who took part in the run before school. Thank you again to Wendy Randall for organizing this with England Athletics and Run Together.

27th June - The FOPS committee met. The AGM is booked for the 11th July straight after school. Please do join us for this meeting.

27th June - From storytelling to radio adverts, our Oracy Presentation Day showcased all the oracy skills we have been learning since January. Well done to each class who presented and our Governors for attending the event! Keep practicing these skills over the summer!

26th June - Thank you your for your support and communication as we all worked together to deal with the challenge of the closed road.

26th June - Today we welcomes two governors into school to monitor the specific areas of maths and pupil premium use. Please read their report on the good progress and how you can further support your child at home in the school newsletter this week.

25th June - Mrs Peachey and Mrs Squires begun home visits for the new 2018 reception. Thank you for being so welcoming!

24th June - WOW! What an incredible inaugural Run Orwell. Thank you to the runners and the community, and of course FOPS, for this spectacular event which was so inspiring as people tried their best, supported others and had fun!

21st June - We were delighted to welcome parents and carers of our new 2018 EYFS children to our 'New Intake' evening tonight.

21st June - Year 5 really enjoyed participating in the Tag Rugby competition and festival at Cambridge Rugby Club. The team won the 'Spirit of the Games' award for demonstrating good sportsmanship throughout the event, even when decisions didn't go their way.

20th June - We are looking forward to the next phase of transition as BVC visit our year 6s tonight.

20th June - Today, we were delighted to welcome Mother Goose's rising fives into school as part of their transition to school.

19th June - After an informative day of staff training on Monday, school is open to pupils, #parents and visitors on Tuesday 19th June.

18th June - Monday: school is closed to pupils and parents as all staff will be attending training. We look forward to Tuesday 19th when pupils will resume learning in school.

15th June - We enjoyed a very productive afternoon with dads, granddads and male carers participating in artwork with the children. Before this in an assembly, the children were given the opportunity to these special people for all they do for them.

11th June - Today, our pupils were inspired by the Young'Uns: an English folk group who previously won the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards 'Best Group' award. Specialising in singing unaccompanied, they worked with all of KS2 to bring history to life, sing, move and perform. Wow!

11th June - the Bikeability instructors started this week's sessions with a bike check and skills session. Thank you to parents for getting the bikes to school so pupils can learn these vital life skills.

8th June - Norwich FC came in for the first of a series of sessions. The pupil's summarised these enjoyable and educational sessions by saying: 'They come in to improve our PE skills; strength, ability and speed'.

8th June - Elm class began the whole school summer program of tennis coaching. Pupils reported: 'I enjoyed doing the catching and throwing' and 'I really enjoyed passing to my partner even though it was tricky. I want to do it again.' The coach complemented our pupils on their listening skills.

8th June - This morning, our Celebration of Learning event, for the half term homework projects, showcased our oracy skills as pupils and parents shared their learning. Our pupils said: 'There was lots going on and you could share your learning with your friends' and 'It was very worthwhile'.

7th June - Well done to our quad kids who represented the school today at this sporting event.

7th June - We're swimming! We are delighted that the pool is up and running for the swimming season. This announcement was greeted with much excitement from the children!

6th June - always a highlight, GenR8 visited school for Collective Worship today. The theme of God's masterpiece was explored.

6th June - Thank you to the pupils and staff for a wonderful residential visit. Our pupils said: 'It reunites you with your friends and makes a stronger bond.' and 'I enjoyed Jacob's ladder because it was great seeing how far you could get!'.

6th June - Kingswood update: after a fabulous visit, we are expecting a return time of 3:45pm.

6th June - Kingswood morning update: a good night's sleep, beds stripped and they're off to climbing and nightline this morning. We expect them back by the end of the school day but will update the website as they leave and travel if this changes.

5th June - Kingswood evening update: after exploring rock pools and making sandcastle volcanoes, tonight's fun activity was a disco! Hot chocolate has been consumed and now they are all in bed!

5th June - Kingswood early evening update: after activities designed to develop team work, resilience and communication skills, this afternoon our Kingswood adventurers enjoyed beach activities.

5th June - Kingswood lunchtime update: fun activities today include Jacob's ladder and fencing.

5th June - Kingswood morning update: a good night's sleep. Children and staff are looking forward to a cooked breakfast with generous portions before a day packed with activities!

4th June - Kingswood evening update: after an exciting evening and hot chocolate, everyone is in bed! Some are sleepy. Some not so sleepy!

4th June - Kingswood early evening update: after a 'really yummy' dinner, the evening activity is mini olympics.

4th June - Kingswood 4:30pm update: archery and den building this afternoon. Staff are very proud of our pupils who are very happy and enjoying new experiences.

4th June - Our Kingswood party have arrived and have already started go-karting, zipwire and aeroball. They will be ready for their lunch!

4th June - An early start for Kingswood pupils! We look forward to regular updates about your exciting adventure this week!

4th June - School is open! Welcome back to pupils, parents and visitors for our last half term of the 2017-18 academic year!

25th May - School is now closed for half term. We wish you a happy half term holidays! We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Monday 4th June.

25th May - A moment of awe and wonder was evident today as Ash class released their butterfly. They have watched it transform and hatch from a cocoon throughout the half term. The discussion this inspired was remarkable.

25th May - Well done to all those who received their certificates in today's Headteachers' Awards assembly. We were particularly proud of our Mathletics gold certificates winners!

25th May - Congratulations to Alice for her enthusiasm and duet playing. She was a worthy winner of the Hollands' Cup today.

23rd May - Well done to our year 2 pupils who today completed their final SATS test. They worked very hard and we are very proud of them!

17th May - Four year 6 pupils did an excellent job (especially as it was just hours after their last maths SAT!) representing Petersfield at the St Faiths' Maths Challenge. Our thanks go to Mrs Anderson for leading this visit.

17th May - Well done year 6, you completed the final SATs test today and remained a credit to yourself and the school throughout the tests. The beautifully iced cakes were very well deserved!

16th Mar - We were delighted to be joined by Mrs Jane Johnson, one of our school governors, in assembly today. She spoke to the children about the importance of reading and told them the results of the recent Governor Reading questionnaire.

14th May - What an incredible year 6! We are so proud of how you have tackled this week's SATS! Keep it up all week, year 6. Well done!

8th May - With the swimming season nearly upon us (much to the delight of our pupils!) staff attended our annual first aid and resuscitation training in preparation for swimming.

8th May - Year 5 representatives attended a creative writing masterclass at BVC where they took part in a variety of fun activities focused on generating story ideas before writing a short story and reading it aloud.

7th May - Happy May Bank Holiday! Puffins is open from 7:45am, as normal, on Tuesday 8th May.

4th May - What a fantastic assembly Ash class! Thank you for the positive feedback from parents including 'such a lovely assembly, wish school was like that in my day'!

3rd May - Well done to our Year 5 maths competition competitors who were praised for their team work. Thank you to Mrs Anderson for organising attendance at this event.

2nd May - Thank you to Ute for leading the Book Club assembly. Ute, our local published author, runs 2 lunchtime clubs a week to inspire young writers.

1st May - Fabulous cakes were on display and sold by our very eager Elm class. Thank you for supporting this event to raise funds for FOPS.

27th Apr - An emotional Collective Worship was held to thank Mr Hollands' for his VERY longstanding support of our school. Among the pupil comments were 'thank you for playing in church', 'thank you for being part of our school family' and 'I will always remember you for playing the piano'.

26th Apr - Mrs Peachey, our Sports lead, organised for our runners to attend the Cross County competition in St Neots after school. We were very proud of their effort, the response of those who were competing for the first time and the 1st place! Well done!

25th Apr - As our Walk to School week finished with the highest number of participants today, we awarded certificates to all those who had taken part.

25th Apr - Ash class explored, created and marveled in their first Forest Schools session today.

25th Apr - Pine class visited the Fitzwilliam Museum today to compare their skills mummifying a tomato to the Egyptian mummies on display!

24th Apr - Congratulations to all those who took part in the Cross Country event today. Our results included a 1st, 3rd and 4th!

23rd Apr - Curriculum Maps, Homework Menus and Oracy Information and Guidance for Parents has been sent home in your child's Learning Link.

20th Apr - Mrs Gwynn met with the Peer Mediation councillors today and was delighted with their attitude. Why do they want to be a peer mediator? Replies included 'Because I want to make people happy','I want to make our school a happier place' and 'I want to make a difference'.

20th Apr - Excellent, over a third of pupils walked to school today during 'Walk to School' week. With 3 days to go, more pupils can now join us for the morning exercise as part of our travel plan.

19th Apr - Well done to all those who joined us for the start of Walk to School Week. Please do join us at each morning until Wednesday 25th to 'Walk to School'.

18th April - Following the exciting Archeological Dig on our school site two years ago, the team returned today to geophys the area in an attempt to explain the stone found in the test pits. We eagerly await the results!

16th Mar - Today is 'Offer day' for pupils due to start at Petersfield in September 2018. Please do contact school to accept your place. We very much look forward to welcoming our new pupils and parents to our school family.

16th Mar - Excitingly, our sensory garden is taking shape thanks to FOPs, Tesco tokens, the Community Chest grant and the work so far by Meadow Nursery. We look forward to seeing this garden evolve and grow over the coming weeks.

16th Apr - Welcome back to pupils, parents and visitors as school opens today for the start of the exciting and busy summer term.

29th Mar - School is now closed for the Easter holiday. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Monday 16th April. Happy Easter!

29th Mar - Today we welcomed our Diocese Advisor into school. She spoke to pupils about the Collective Worship which they are increasingly leading. They explained about our 'school family' the benefit of 'time for reflection' and how 'it is fun now, we get involved'.

28th Mar - Thank you to the parents who joined us for the phonics training session this afternoon. Two of our school governors also attended this session as part of their monitoring of reading across the school.

28th Mar - Thank you to Revd Felicity for leading our church service at St Andrew's this morning. As we enjoy our chocolate Easter eggs on Sunday, we have been tasked with reflecting on God's love and the love of the special people in our lives, including those who give us these tasty eggs!

26th Mar - As we are an inclusive school, Mrs Gwynn attended excellent Stonewall equality training today.

26th Mar - To launch Autism Awareness Week, Miss Smith led Collective Worship.

23rd Mar - Today was the final day of our Sports Relief Fundraising daily mile. After a week of fun and fitness, please do return your sponsorship forms for this great cause. Our pupils said 'I love running', 'I can feel my heart beating fast' and 'running makes you fitter'!

23rd Mar - It was inspirational to see the KS2 Streetdancers perform their routine in Headteachers' Assembly today. They danced with enthusiasm, agility and lots of pom-poms!

23rd Mar - Congratulations to our Holland's cup and Headteachers' Awards winners. We were please to welcome Mr Hollands who presented the Holland's Cup to a child who plays both the piano and trumpet, she was delighted and surprised to receive this award.

22nd Mar - Well done to our KS1 performers who showcased their dancing after school today. The positive feedback included: 'they were really good', 'they had big smiles throughout' and 'lovely skipping in time to the music'.

22nd Mar - Rowan and Yew class enjoyed a fantastic day out at the National Space Centre, linked to their current topic. Pupils said 'It was really interesting to learn more about Space than we ever imagined possible' and 'the Planetarium was really cool, it was like flying through the Universe'.

22nd March - Ash and Elm classes visited Ickworth as part of their curriculum topic. The children had a wonderful time and reported: 'It was great', 'We walked a really long way', 'I loved the lambs', 'We worked with our friends to build a den'.

21st Mar - Pine class participated in REactive Church today, thanks to church volunteers.

21st Mar - Rev Felicity came into school again today to work with Rowan class in advance of the church service next week.

21st Mar - We welcomed GenR8 into school to explore the Easter story with the usual enthusiasm, drama and music. Our pupils said 'they made a song with actions which was really fun, we all joined in'.

20th - 21st Mar - Thank you to all those parents who attended our Parents' Evenings. We very much appreciate you taking the time to fill out our questionnaires and speak to Governors. Please do contact school if you have not yet arranged your appointment as this close home-school liaison is vital.

20th Mar - Puffins pupils were delighted to received their morse code certificate today thanks to our local Duxford Radio Society experts Peter, Martin and Eric. Puffins are very much looking forward to the 'advanced' session next.

20th Mar - Thank to Rev Felicity for supporting the pupils who led our collective worship today.

16th Mar - It is always a pleasure to hear about the learning successes of our pupils in the Headteachers' Awards assembly.

16th Mar - Rev. Felicity joined pupils to collaboratively plan our Lent church service which we hope you can join us at. The service is at 9:30am on Wednesday 28th March.

16th Mar - We were delighted to welcome Mrs Murfet into school to lead science activities with science club and two classes as part of British Science week. Exciting activities included lava lamps, George's marvelous medicine and rainbows!

16th Mar - Yew class participated in REactive Church today. Thank you to volunteers who make this possible.

14th Mar - Thank to Pine class and the school community for making the FOPS Pine cake sale such a fundraising success whilst enjoying tasty treats!

14th Mar - It was wonderful to welcome Mrs Bonfield back into school today to launch our handmade values bears. We are very grateful for her skill and time to make these for us. They are a beautiful replacement for the much loved values dolls which represented the old school values.

14th Mar - Rowan class attended the first of the REactive Church sessions as we prepare for Easter.

12th Mar - We were delighted to welcome Andy Richardson, from local business Volac, into school today to view Clicker7 and talk to the pupils about it. We are incredibly grateful to Volac for purchasing this fantastic educational software that can be used to support learning at home and school.

9th Mar - We were delighted to have so many mothers and female carers in school for lunch and Mother's Day activities. Pupils worked with their mums and grannies to make bridges, plaques, towers and also took part in a scavenger hunt!

9th Mar - In our Elm Class assembly, they shared their learning about Great Britain through artwork, oracy, music, songs and a wonderful retelling of the Feeding of the 5000 Bible story.

7th Mar - Pine Class walked up to Wimpole Hall Farm as part of their 'United Kingdom' topic focusing on their local area. Whilst there, they took part in an activity making butter in the Victorian dairy.

5th Mar - Mrs Grieves launched 'Malawi Monday' our fundraising challenge to cover her giant map of Malawi in donated coins. These funds will be taken to Malawi in August 2018 to continue the charity work of providing useable school building and resources for children to learn in.

2nd Mar - Thank you to the parents who braved the snowy weather to attend Headteachers Award Assembly. We were pleased the weather was such that we could keep the school open all week as the snow really came down at 3pm on Friday to start the weekend. One child thanked us for staying open!

28th Feb - For World Book Day, Helen Moss delivered workshops to all our pupils thanks to FOPS fundraising. Our pupils were inspired and one summed up the day by saying 'The author was really interesting. I learnt a lot and I even got a book!'.

28th Feb - Today we welcomed Andrew Reed, Director of Education for Ely Diocese, into school to celebrate the progress made against our Ofsted actions. The developing oracy skills and our inspired young writers were showcase by World Book Day.

23rd Feb - Thanks to FOPS and all those who attended the Petersfield Quiz. It was a very enjoyable night which raised much needed funds for the school!

23rd Feb - We were impressed by the half term learning which produced the homework challenge work. All pupils had the opportunity to talk about and show their varied creations during our celebration assembly today. Well done to all our children and their carers who obviously contributed to this.

21st Feb - We were delighted to welcome a member of the Ely Diocese team into school today as we again embark on Bishop Stephen's Lent Challenge.

19th Feb - Welcome back to school, open today for spring half term 2, to pupils, parents and visitors.

9th Feb - School is now closed for half term. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Monday 19th February. Happy Half Term!

9th Feb - Our Headteachers' Awards Collective Worship yet again showcased the talents of our pupils both with the live music and the awards to celebrate learning.

9th Feb - Congratulations to our Holland's cup winner today, who was awarded this because of her increased confidence to try out playing new pieces of music on the piano.

7th Feb - Thanks to the Post Office staff in Orwell who enabled Ash class to purchase their stamps as part of their project work.

6th Feb - Safer Internet Day. Pine class reported that 'In class, we thought about and discussed what emotions we'd feel if different things happened to us online and we created a 'wanted' poster for a good online friend.' Please do see the website for more information about staying safe online.

5th Feb - Well done to the KS2 pupils who represented Petersfield at the curling competition today.

2nd Feb - Year 5 and 6 visited Bassingbourn Village College to enjoy the dance show performed by the BVC pupils. This great opportunity inspired our pupils, illustrating what they can achieve when they reach secondary school.

1st Feb - We were delighted to be joined by many parents and friends to hear the beautiful singing of Petersfield's Young Voices Choir. They sang a selection of songs from those sung at the O2. They were truly inspirational!

31st Jan - Today was the 'Best School trip ever!' according to our pupils. We are so proud of our 'Young Voices' singers after their fabulous performance at the O2.

30th Jan - Congratulations to the Year 4 Maths Challenges teams who did a stunning job of representing Petersfield at St Faith's School.

26th Jan - Yew class led an inspirational assembly reporting back on what they had learnt at the Mental Heath conference in Cambridge. We learnt about mindfulness: we all sang together and played body percussion and discovered how concentrating on our breathing can help us relax!

19th Jan - Well done to our year 3 and 4 pupils who participated fully in Bikeability. They learnt new cycling skills, including safe cycling in cold weather.

19th Jan - School is OPEN today. All power and sanitation are now restored.

18th Jan - School is closed today as we still have no power, and crucially no running water.

12th Jan - Our year 6 pupils found the Mental Heath Conference very interesting with many new experiences: 'I learnt about mindfulness', 'It was amazing when we put a piece of music together and added a verse!'.

12th Jan - In our Headteachers Assembly today, we enjoyed listening to a pupil who was awarded The Hollands Cup for Music last term because of her beautiful singing voice. It was a delight and an inspiration for the pupils to hear how a voice can be used like an instrument.

8th Jan - Thank to the Molly Dancers for working with Elm and Pine class. Both classes performed the challenging dances well. This performance was really enjoyed by the rest of the school.

4th Jan - Happy New Year and welcome back to the spring term! What a positive start to learning for the term. Well done Petersfield!

3rd Jan - We look forward to welcoming back all our pupils, staff and visitors tomorrow, on Thursday 4th of January, for the start of the Spring term.

3rd Jan - Happy New Year! Today, for our INSET training day, all school staff and 2 of our governors were delighted to join Barrington and Foxton schools to launch our Talking Together project.

19th Dec - We wish you a very Merry Christmas as school closes today for the Christmas holiday. School will remain closed to pupils until we reopen on Thursday 4th of January (following an INSET training day for school staff on the 3rd of January).

19th Dec - What a fantastic way to end the autumn term with our Christmas parties and a visit from Father Christmas!

19th Dec - Thank you to Rev. Felicity for leading our Christmas nativity service at church. Our reception pupils acted out the Christmas story which was narrated by year 6.

18th Dec - Thanks to CCS for cooking Christmas dinner and to FOPS for supplying the crackers. What a festive meal, eaten as a school, on the penultimate day of term.

15th Dec - Congratulations to our Holland's Cup winner and all those who received certificates at the final Headteachers' awards of 2017.

14th and 15th Dec - What fabulous Christmas Production performances Ash and Elm class, well done!

13th Dec - Wow! The EYFS and KS1 Christmas Production Dress Rehearsal was stunning today. Lines, singing, dancing - what a performance from our younger pupils. Thanks to Mother Goose for enjoying this with us.

12th Dec - CANCELLED - it is with regret that we have cancelled tonight's Carols at Wimpole due to ice and sickness.

12th Dec - Thanks to Mrs Norie and our French club for their wonderful presentation in assembly.

11th Dec - Year 6 were delighted to be invited to the Methodist church to join in with rousing renditions of Christmas carols today.

12th Dec - Thanks to the Johnson Matthey team for analysising and presenting the results of the salt experiment in this afternoon's science session.

11th Dec - Thanks to our school staff and our local knight in shining armour (with his own snow shovel and energy!), school is open for learning and all the paths are clear.

11th Dec - Snow update: 7:30am School is open. Please follow staff instruction about the route to enter school safely and bring coats, hats, gloves etc for outside.

9th Dec - After reflecting on the star in the nativity story, our contribution to the Methodist Tree Festival (thanks to a donation by Arrington Nurseries) was decorated with stars.

10th Dec - Thanks to Pine class for sharing their learning with pupils, parents and staff in their Class Assembly.

7th Dec - Our pupils were treated to a Panto paid for by FOPS (PTA). They laughed and joined in with the classics panto lines. After the panto, some classes had workshops learning more about the characters and ideas used in pantos.

6th Dec - Our children responded to the wonderful GenR8 assembly by saying: 'I learnt that Christmas is not just about presents, stockings and chocolates', 'It was good that the little ones can understand the true meaning of Christmas' and 'The puppets were great fun!'.

6th Dec - Pine class were the first class in KS2 to enjoy and learn from REactive church thanks to Rev. Felicity and the volunteers.

4th Dec - Today was a day of fabulous tales for each class as our Norfolk Children's Book Shop storyteller read extracts of interest to pupils. This was followed by a fabulous book fair which raised commission to buy some of these high quality books for our school.

1st Dec - At the Christmas Fair, there were many amazing things to purchase. The children enjoyed making secret gifts for their loved ones and a good time was had by all whilst making much-needed funds for the school. Thank you to FOPS committee for all their hard work.

1st Dec - The Christingle Service, held at St Andrews church, was beautiful; the light reflecting from the candle flames into the children's faces left us with a feeling of awe and wonder.

30th Nov - Thank you to the parents who joined us during the morning to make Christingles with their children.

29th Nov - Our school hosted Ed Williams, from Elite Swimming Academy, to talk in assembly about his recent solo swims across the English Channel, Gibraltar Straits and the Irish Channel. Ed spoke about the importance of courage, perseverance and resilience.

24th Nov - Exciting investigation today at the first science club lunchtime session.

24th Nov - Thanks to all the donations for the FOPS Christmas Fair on 'Non Uniform' day.

24th Nov - As it is Road Safety Week, we have been learning more about how to stay safe on the roads. Our pupils presented this message in a variety of ways, through posters, writing and our youngest pupils explained how to cross the roads safely.

22nd Nov - our 'Stay and Play' session at Peterfield welcomed prospective parents and pupils for September 2017. The application deadline for the first round of EYFS admissions is 15th January 2018.

22nd Nov - Pupils from Petersfield attended an award ceremony and were presented with our Bronze Travel Plan award and a prizes of bike and scooter storage.

21st Nov - Thanks to FOPS for the dancing, sweets and fun had at tonight's school disco.

17th Nov - The whole school dressed-down and dressed-up for Children In Need in return for giving a donation to this worthwhile charity. In assembly we learnt about how the money is raised and how it is spent. Our pupils reflected children who are not so fortunate.

16th Nov - We were delighted to host one of our regular induction sessions. We highly value the parent and local community support we receive to enrich the learning of our pupils.

16th Nov - In our Anti-Bullying Assembly today, we listened to how to be a good friend, why we are all unique, special and equal and the varieties of bullying. The pupils learnt more about how to deal with cyber bullying and we all agreed that Petersfield is an anti-bullying school.

15th Nov - Hands on science in Rowan Class thanks to Miss Ball! 'Mr Ashford made his hands wet, scooped up the bubbles and Miss Ball then set light to a long, long, long stick before setting Mr Ashford's hands on fire! Twice! When the flames went out, Mr Ashford's hands weren't even singed!'

14th Nov - Year 6 participated in the first of an exciting series of science lessons thanks to Johnson Matthey as organized by one of our wonderful parents.

14th Nov - we continue to invite parents and carers into school to find out more about how we support any specific needs of our pupils at our 'SENDCo parent drop in'. Please see the diary dates for the next session in the Spring term.

8th-14th Nov - Thank you to our teachers and FOPS for staffing the book fair and to our pupils and parents for supporting this event and grabbing a good read!

11th Nov - We were very proud of our pupils, past and present, who joined us and the local community to observe 2 minutes silence. Our thanks to Mr Bryant for organizing the poppy campaign at Petersfield and to the Standard Bearer who led us from school to Chequers.

10th Nov - Pine class enjoyed an excellent visit to the British Museum. Thanks to our staff and volunteers for enabling this visit.

10th Nov - Congratulation to those who deserved our Headteacher Awards today. We are very proud of the excellent learning and attitudes to learning being demonstrated.

9th Nov - We were delighted to welcome prospective parents to our Open Afternoon for September 2018 intake. We were very impressed with how the children joined in with the learning in class. We look forward to welcoming new pupils and parents back. The deadline for applications is 15th Jan 2018.

8th Nov - What an exciting medieval day in EYFS and KS1 today! Music, dancing, arts, crafts, cooking, and of course a banquet, were all enjoyed in costume. What a great day of learning!

6th Nov - Classes plan to plant their poppy seeds as we are proud to take part in the 'Ribbon of Poppies'. Together with scouts and guides, we have pledged to plant poppies whilst supporting the Royal British Legion this week. These seeds will grow by the centenary of the end of World War One.

6th Nov - Thank you to Mrs Grieves for her inspiring assembly about Malawi and her work there using the money we raised in the Summer term.

3rd Nov - THANK YOU! To Mr. Gwynn and his team; our FOPS and staff team; parents and pupils past, present and future; and the local community for a wonderful evening of fireworks, fun and food.

3rd Nov - Wow! What a Celebration of Learning for this term's homework. If you do not already have the next date in your diary - 9am 23rd Feb 2018 - please do save the date as the learning on display at these assemblies is very inspiring.

1st Nov - the FOPS committee met in preparation for the dazzling and incredible fireworks display planned for Friday night. Do come and join us at 6pm on Friday 3rd November for a spectacular display and a great evening of entertainment for all the family.

31st Oct - Welcome back to our pupils, parents and visitors for the first day of an exciting new half term of learning!

30th Oct - Teaching staff attended a packed and exciting day of INSET training in preparation for the new term. This training included Clicker 7 training. Thanks to an AMAZING donation from Volac, we are introducing Clicker7 - a literacy toolkit - to all our pupils.

20th Oct - School is now closed to pupils until we reopen for lessons first thing on Tuesday 31st October. Happy Half Term!

20th Oct - Congratulations to our Hollands' Cup winner of our music award this half term.

20th Oct - Our Black History Assembly focused on black authors. Parents, staff and pupils were inspired by the works of Trish Cook, Mallory Blackman, Pharrel Williams, Langston Hughes and Joseph Coelho, Our pupils spoke about their lives, read poems, sang, danced and showed us pieces of artwork.

19th Oct - We were delighted to be given the opportunity to say 'Thank you Vicar' to Revd. Felicity on Thursday afternoon. Our pupils thought carefully about the importance of her job and the variety of roles that she undertakes. They were able to tell her that she was special.

17th Oct - Thank you to the parents who joined us at Parents' Evening to discuss your child's strengths, progress, attainment and next steps. If you have not attended or booked an appointment, please do see your child's classteacher to arrange this essential meeting.

17th Oct - Well done to the year 6 pupils who represented us at the small school football competition today and did us proud!

13th Oct - Well done to Yew class for holding their delicious FOPS cake sale.

13th Oct - School Council discussed how to further improve lunch time in school with classes and a CCS representative.

13th Oct - Rowan class assembly showcased their learning and they sang 'Search for the Hero'. We were very proud!

12th Oct - Year 5 and 6 visited West Stow and learnt many facts to support their ongoing topic in a hands on, exciting way.

5th Oct - Each class voted for a Health and Safety Representative. During the meeting, we discussed their roles and what it means to be a Health and Safety Rep in school. Each class has a book to record anything that needs addressing. The pupils are taking their responsibility very seriously.

5th Oct - We were again delighted to welcome more of our EYFS parents into school for lunch today.

3rd Oct - Well done to our year 5 representatives who participated in the County English Challenge. We were very proud of their teamwork and knowledge.

3rd Oct - It was delightful to welcome Rev. Felicity and Mr Holland back into school this term for Collective Worship.

3rd Oct - We were delighted to welcome parents of our new reception pupils into school to share a school lunch with us.

3rd Oct - Year 6 visited Ely Cathedral with Barrington School and many other pupils from around the Diocese.

29th Sept - We have raised nearly £200 for Macmillan Cancer Support. Special thanks go to Mrs Seiler who helped organise this. It was wonderful to see so many members of the community and old and new parents enjoying a delicious cake, cuppa and chat!

29th Sept - We held a reflective, thoughtful harvest service led by Revd. Felicity in church. Our pupils gave thanks for the food we eat and donated produce for Jimmy's Night Shelter in Cambridge. They understand how lucky they are and how we need to remember those who are not so fortunate.

28th Sept - We welcomed Mrs MacFarlane from Cambridge Catering Service into school to talk about our Healthy Lifestyles project.

26th Sept - Today we welcomed Mr John Lucas, our Ofsted inspector, into school.

25th Sept - We look forward to welcoming Ofsted into school tomorrow. Parents, please do click on the link to Parentview at the bottom of the page to share your views about our wonderful school.

22nd Sept - Big smiles could be see as individual and family photos were taken to send home and to update our welcome entrance board.

21st Sept - Mrs Miller led our assembly providing an interesting report on the items discovered at last year's archeological dig at Petersfield and at other locations in the village.

21st Sept - Thank you to Barrington School for hosting the Parenting Course taster session.

20th Sept - We are delighted to have been awarded our Bronze level Modeshift STARS accreditation as a result of our Travel Plan. Our aim, through this work is ensure safe, healthy and active travelling to and around our school.

20th Sept - Today our collaboration partner Headteachers - Mrs Davies from Barrington and Mrs Davies from Foxton - joined us in school and commented on the wonderful learning environment, high quality display of our pupils' work and the calm behavior.

19th Sept - We welcomed a member of the County Attendance team into school to review our Attendance procedures. More information to follow, but please do keep an eye on new weekly monitoring of our whole school attendance figure in reception.

15th Sept - Well done to all our wonderful EYFS pupils who attended their first full day at Petersfield!

15th Sept - Congratulations to those children who were selected to receive the first Headteachers' Awards of 2017-18 thanks to their great attitude to learning so far this term.

13th Sept - We were delighted to welcome Ute, who runs our school Book Club, to Collective Worship to share her new book with us and donate a copy. See the 'Notice' section of the website to follow the link to her recent article in the Royston Crow which we feature in.

12th and 13th - Thanks to those parents who attended our Curriculum Evenings detailing the plans and routines for 2017-18. If you were unable to attend, please see Thursday's newsletter which lists the paperwork to be sent home. Also, please do arrange a time to speak to your child's classteacher.

12th - Want to try your hand a circus skills? We enjoyed a skillful demonstration in Collective Worship to launch our lunchtime club.

12th Sept - Spanish could be heard in KS2 as Spanish lessons, taught by language specialist Mrs Clover, started this week.

11th Sept - Our new sports coach taught all pupils PE for the first time today. Well done to everyone for participating with such enthusiasm.

11th Sept - Book clubs restarts at Petersfield.

11th Sept - Miss Smith and Mrs Penrose joined cluster schools in additional dyslexia friendly training.

7th Sept - Magical Maths and Premier Sports launched our 2017-18 after school club provision in assembly.

6th Sept - Despite it being the first day back, the PTA met to plan events and allocate funding to purchase equipment for school. We are especially pleased they will again be making a contribution to funding visits this year to facilitate our exciting curriculum.

6th Sept - Welcome back to pupils, parents, volunteers and visitors! It was lovely to see the excitement on the playground this morning. Welcome especially to our new pupils and parents. We are delighted with the behaviour, presentation and learning occurring in school this morning. Well done!

5th Sept - All staff participated in Behaviour INSET as we prepare to revise our behaviour policy in the Autumn term.

4th Sept - Our teachers are working and training in school today in preparation for welcoming our pupils back on Wednesday 6th September.

2016-2017 Events

21st July - School is now closed to pupils for the summer holiday. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Wednesday 6th September. Have a wonderful summer holiday!

21st July - Today we celebrated the fantastic learning during 2016-17 as children returned to their old classes for the afternoon and we said good bye to pupils and staff who attended Petersfield for their last day.

20th July - Rowan's Got Talent! and they showed this to the whole school and their parents.

19th and 20th July - Our new reception children for September 2017 met Mrs Robichaud and visited our school to prepare for their exciting September school start.

19th July - Mrs Johnson introduced the Summer Reading Challenge - how much can you enjoy reading this summer?

19th and 20th July - Using their vast knowledge of Petersfield, our year 6 pupils produced a 'Transition Booklet' to support new parents and pupils who join our school.

19th-21st July - Our new transition arrangements were a huge success. We are now all prepared, ready and enthusiastic to start on the first day of the Autumn Term (6th Sept)!

18th July - The Year 6 Leavers' Assembly demonstrated perfectly why we are so, so proud of our year 6 pupils!

17th July - The Year 6 Tea Party speeches eloquently thanked all those who have enabled our wonderful year 6 pupils to be the successful, confident and social group that they are.

17th July - Our Church Service of Thanksgiving celebrated the success of 2016-17 and gave thanks for our wonderful year 6 pupils who were presented with a Bible each.

14th July - 'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside'...our seaside lunch took place whilst our gardening club worked hard to ensure we continue to grow our own produce!

13th July - The Full Governing Body (FGB) met in school to review the 16-17 academic year and continue to plan strategically for the 2017-18 school year.

13th July - Our French lunchtime club confidently shared their exciting language learning with pupils and parents in assembly today.

13th July - We are absolutely delighted to have been awarded the Silver School Games Mark award in recognition of our commitment, engagement and delivery of competitive school sport in 2016-17.

12th July - Thanks to all our parents, grandparents and Governors who joined us for our Open Afternoon and Certificate presentations today.

12th July - Rowan class reacted at REActive Church today.

11th July - Year 6 organised an exciting cross curricular morning of activities for the whole school. 'When can we do it again?' pupils asked after sessions including sport, drama, mapping skills, computing and art were thoroughly enjoyed.

10th July - Yew class celebrated their hard work and recent achievements with a visit to St Neots, practising their bowling skills and visiting Priory Park.

10th July - Ash and Elm participated in an exciting exploration of Hinchingbrooke Country Park which included a session pond dipping.

7th July - Today Hazel class participated in REActive church. This always gets our pupils thinking and asking questions!

6th and 7th July - Year 5 pupils enjoyed a taste of secondary school as they attended BVC.

6th July - Today it is the turn of our CVC year 6 pupils to attend the first of their 2 transition days which includes sports day.

6th July - Pine class were the first to learn from the KS2 REActive Church summer sessions which are planned over the next two weeks thanks to Rev. Felicity and church volunteers.

5th July - Mrs Peachey and Mrs Squires have begun the Home Visits to new reception pupils for 2017. We very much value the home school partnership which is essential to ensure all our pupils thrive.

5th July - Mrs Daw, Mrs Slator and Mrs Tovey received awards at the Governor Service 'Celebrating Success' Presentation Evening. This recognised their outstanding contribution to governance at Petersfield over many many years.

5th July 2017 - The final performance of Alice was a resounding success! What a musical extravaganza!

5th July - An exciting day of Science for our year 6 BVC pupils. This is the first of a series of planned transition days to support a smooth continuation of our pupils learning journey as they move to secondary school.

4th July - Thank you for all the wonderful comments about our amazing KS2 production performed this afternoon and evening. We are VERY proud of our school team - pupils, staff and volunteers who made these performance possible and so entertaining!

3rd July - 'Alice' at Petersfield - our KS2 pupils performed the dress rehearsal to KS1 and our visitors. What a delight and what catchy songs!

1st July - Thank you to our amazing PTA - today's Petersfest was a triumph and raised the huge amount of £1782.03! A stunning amount and much needed fundinging for the school. Thank you to all those who attended or worked tirelessly to supporting our school!

30th June - We now have our own 'hedgehog house' thanks to the Elm class project!

29th June - Cooperation and a competitive spirit were both evident during the buddy group activites and races at our well attended Sports Day. Our thanks go to Mrs Peachey for her planning and organization to ensure the event was a huge success.

23rd June - Our PTA AGM was attended by our dedicated committee and volunteers who raise such vital funds for the school. Please do ask any member of the PTA or ask at the school office if you can help with the upcoming events.

23rd June - The Music Marathon was an amazing event, the singing was truly beautiful and the musicians were inspiring. We were delighted to be joined by parents and members of the community. We hope to have raised a good amount of money for The Cambridge Cancer Help Centre.

22nd June - You really know it is the summer term when the Sports Day practices start. Our buddy groups, as ever, worked cooperatively before children had the chance to practice the competitive races. Please do join us for our Sports Day morning on the 29th of June if you can.

21st June - Our thanks to Jacquie McBride for leading the singing practice in preparation for our Music Marathon this Friday. Do join us on Friday afternoon if you can!

20th June - Despite the heat, our year 4s did us proud as they represented our school at the Mini Olympics competition, joining many other Cambridgeshire schools in this energetic and competitive day.

19th June - Don't forget school is closed to pupils for the Staff INSET training on Monday 19th June. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school at 8:45am on Tuesday 20th June for another busy and exciting week of learning.

16th June - Thank you to all the dads who were able to join us for Fathers' Day lunch and afternoon. The variety of fun activities including mint and lemonade based physics, gingerbread and collaborative 'three handed parcel wrapping' emphasized all our new school values in particular love.16th June - Thank you to all the dads who were able to join us for Fathers' Day lunch and afternoon. The variety of fun activities including mint and lemonade based physics, gingerbread and collaborative 'three handed parcel wrapping' emphasized all our new school values in particular love.

16th June - Wow! What a difference 1 gardening session has made to the Growzone thanks to the community volunteers and pupils who attended our first new Gardening Club. We look forward to reaping the rewards of the planting.

15th June - We were delighted to welcome our new reception parents for September 2017 to our 'New Parents' Evening' tonight. As ever, this evening was an exciting first step together in our new pupils' educational journey.

15th Jun - Mrs McBride inspired our pupils to sing in today's Collective Worship in preparation for next week's 24 hour music marathon.

14th June - Our thanks go to Ash class and our parent helpers for the PTA cake sale. The cakes looked and tasted delicious whilst raising money for school!

14th June - What wonderful smiles from all during our class photographs!

13th June - Thank you for supporting our Book Fair over the last week. Our pupils enjoyed browsing the selection of books perfect for avid readers.

12th June - 3 classes welcomed a specialist sports coach into school to improve their athletics skills.

12th June - Essential skills for road safety and cycling were being demonstrated by Yew and Rowan today at the start of this week's Bikeability training.

9th June - The website images provide just a flavour of the spectacular independent learning from the half term homework menu challenge. This learning was shared in Assembly today with parents, pupils and Governors. Governors then held the first of their new sessions to seek feedback from parents.

8th June - In Assembly, as a school, we discussed what a general election is, how this relates to British Values and democracy and prepared to vote for our school motto.

7th June - The first two of the specialist coaching sessions from our local tennis coach at the Orwell tennis courts, funded by the Sports premium, started today to encourage our children to enjoy more sports. We are very fortunate to have a fantastic tennis club and facilities on our doorstep.

5th June - Welcome back to a busy and exciting half term of learning. To start the term, as a school, we reflected on excellent learning behaviours and how we best care for the school environment.

26th May - Swimming continues at Petersfield after the half term holiday which starts today. This is very popular: 'I love swimming, especially when it is hot!', 'It's the best thing ever!'

15th - 26th May - We are delighted with how resilient and hard working our year 2s have been during the SATs weeks which are now complete. Despite the hot weather, they all worked through the papers with enthusiasm and smiles to the very end!

26th May - Our new Health and Safety Representatives joined staff and governors to discuss the importance of the role and conduct a site walk. They were so excited to take on the role and identified completed actions and next steps.

26th May - Our dear friend, Mr Hollands, presented the Hollands Cup for Musical Achievement to Jessamy. She had been nominated by our piano teacher for her enthusiasm and determination to challenge herself.

25th May - Our thanks go to Mrs Crafter for her science session with Rowan class. Our pupils were very enthusiastic and engaged scientists.

25th May - At our Elm class cake sale, those purchasing said 'the cakes were wonderful', Elm class reported that they 'enjoyed selling and eating them'! Thank you for supporting the PTA at this event.

25th May - Following the NSPCC workshops in school, our pupils said 'It was really helpful and reassuring' and 'I know that I can phone Childline if I have a worry'.

19th May - The School Council organised their whole school 'PJ run' to raise funds for school. We were delighted to welcome parents (described by our pupils as 'very supportive'). Parents said it was 'wonderful'! Our pupils said it was 'tricky', 'fun' and identified how they 'did not give up'.

18th May - Petersfield welcomed the NSPCC into school to support pupils to be confident to 'Speak Out, Stay Safe'. Pupils reported 'It really helped me' and 'I think Buddy was right to say those things'.

18th May - Year 5 also fielded a talented team of mathematicians for the Year 5 County Challenge - different competition and venue, same day!

18th May - Year 6 put forward a fantastic team for the 'Maths Challenge' competition. They enjoyed working as a team, rising to the challenge and meeting new people.

15th May - Much excitement was evident in school as the Swimming season started today.

14th May - Entertainment and amusement was had by all at the 'Pop Up' Circus organized by the PTA. The juggling clowns and the magician were particularly enjoyed!

12th May - Year 6 enjoyed a VERY well deserved 'post SATs picnic' before continuing with their learning for their last weeks at Petersfield.

8th - 11th May - We are SO proud of year 6 pupils. SATs demonstrate only one aspect of all the brilliant and talented pupils that we have in year 6 but they have all excelled in their attitude and effort of this element this week!

5th May - The pictures on the Pine Class webpage illustrate the amazing visit that inspired and educated our pupils as they continue to learn about the Rainforest.

3th May - Thank you to those parents who joined Mrs Peachey and Mrs Johnson for the phonics and reading workshop for parents. The presentation is now available on Ash and Elm class pages.

28th Apr - Ash class shared their 'pirate' learning in their class assembly through counting, facts and by walking the plank! We were especially proud of their confidence and clear voices.

26th - Our dedicated PTA members braved the cold to continue selling tickets to the fabulous 'Pop Up Circus' on the 14th May. Click on the link below (in the Notice Section) to find out more or catch them in the playground after school!

26th Apr - The Cambridge Picture Book shortlisted entries were introduced today ready for the grand vote next week!

25th Apr - Following our Kingswood meeting for parents and pupils, we look forward to the residential visit for year 5 and 6 next year.

20th Apr - Our archery club has been launched with a whole school assembly.

19th Apr - We are very proud of the Year 5 and 6 Cross Country runners who represented our school in the County Competition.

18th Apr - Welcome back to the Summer Term at Petersfield as school reopens after Easter.

1st Apr - The school's outstanding 53 percent increase in funds raised to support the Royal British Legion, through the 2016 Poppy Appeal, was recognised at the award ceremony where Petersfield pupils received their certificate from the Lord Lieutenant.

31st Mar - School closes today for the Easter break. We look forward to welcoming pupils, parents and visitors back to school on Tuesday 18th April.

31st Mar - A beautiful reflective service at church to end our Spring term. Pupils, staff and parents considered the plight of refugees and then reflected and gave thanks for all our blessings.

30th Mar - Hazel class were final KS2 class to attend Reactive Church over the last 2 weeks to reflect on the Easter story.

29th Mar - As well as scoring multiple tries as a class, one of our Hazel teams was awarded the 'Spirit of the Games' for their outstanding team ethic at the Tag Rugby competition. We are very proud!

27th Mar - Thank you for your support to raise money for school funds at the successful (and tasty!) Pine Class Cake Sale.

27th Mar - Ash and Elm class visit to Shuttleworth was described as 'Amazing'.

27th Mar - Hazel class enjoyed a hugely enjoyable and successful class visit to Tescos to summarise their learning this term.

24th Mar - Thanks to the wonderful Bikeability trainers, Hazel and Pine class learnt how to maintain their bikes, how to balance, about road safety and how to change gears.

24th Mar - We raised an impressive £118.00 for Comic Relief with our Dress Down Day. Pupils told their favourite jokes including: Knock, knock, who's there? Justin. Justin time for tea. What do you call a 3 legged donkey? A wonky. Why was 6 scared of 7? Because 7,8,9.

24th Mar - Congratulations to those who received certificates for taking part in the CAYAC(Cambs Area Young Artists) competition. Also congratulations to the winners of competition to dress up as characters for World Book Day who were awarded a book token.

23rd Mar - We were delighted to welcome 48 mums into school for our Mothers in School Lunch and Afternoon. Our mums had a lovely session including being serenaded in Collective Worship and creating water colour picture and constructing frames. Some of this art was given out in Church on Sunday.

22nd Mar - Thank you for the overwhelming support of the 'Fairer Funding' Consultation response. There is still time to write to your MP and sign our petition.

21st and 22nd Mar - We welcomed parents into school for Parent Teacher Consultations. We highly value this collaboration.

17th Mar - We are delighted that we now have a well established programme of pupils performing their musical talent at the start of Collective Worship on a Friday.

17th Mar - Congratulations to our Holland's Cup winner for their contribution to music at Petersfield.

14th Mar - As a school, we considered how we keep ourselves safe before Mr Carter introduced our new E-Safety policy.

10th Mar - 'Fantastic' commented one parent after Elm class shared their learning in their Class Assembly.

1st March - Personalised illustrations and messages from Matt were recorded in the popular after school book signing during which the children's World Book Day art work and illustrations were on display to parents.

1st March - Matt Long, author of Super Happy Magic Forest, was delighted with the participation of all our children and adults on World Book Day. After an assembly where we shared our book character costumes, we drew illustrations in class based sessions.

28th Feb - Delicious pancakes were made on Shrove Tuesday.

24th Feb - 'Outstanding' is the best description of the Homework presented by all year groups in Assembly.

20th Feb - Welcome back to Spring Half Term 2. The homework projects that are now being brought into school look interesting, colourful and exciting. We very much look forward to the learning we will be hearing about in the celebration assembly this week.

10th Feb - We were delighted to celebrate the Learning in Hazel class as they led our collective Worship.

9th Feb - We are delighted to announce that our new School Values - voted for by everyone who attended - are Friendship, Creation, Love, Peace and Trust.

8th Feb - As ever, our pupils rose spectacularly to the challenge and presented our 9 shortlisted values through dance, poetry, wordles, weaving, geography, drama, art, and outdoor activities. Everyone present voted for our new School Values to be announced tomorrow!

7th Feb - As part of their curriculum topic, Rowan and Yew class visited the Fitzwilliam Museum, which as ever was interesting, exciting and educational.

3rd Feb - Congratulation to our Holland's Music cup winner Ella!

2nd Feb - We raised over £150 for Allayance to fund essential playtherapy in our school thanks to the Non Uniform Day fundraising.

1st Feb - Petersfield's Proud Open Morning showcased maths, the resources we use and the calculation policy to parents.

1st Feb - Following a vote in Collective Worship for the final value as we had a tie, we have shortlisted our nine values in preparation for our Values Day on the 8th Feb.

31st Jan - We are incredibly proud of our year 4 team who entered the Maths Challenge at St Faith's school and came 20th out of 34 schools on their first entry.

27th - Our pupils and staff voted for the Values in the shortlisting activity in advance of our Values Day on 8th Feb. Parents, please do continue to return your votes.

27th - We were delighted to welcome so many parents into Pine class' presentation of their current curriculum topic food. Their ideas were presented through poetry, music and drama during Collective Worship.

26th Jan - The Antidiscrimination assembly, delivery by Mr Rome from Cambridge United, generated lots of ideas about how we can be more inclusive in sports. The children related this to our current Values consultation.

25th Jan - Hazel class welcomed Mrs Hollins to talk about the important work of Cambridge Food Bank as part of the curriculum topic 'food'.

20th Jan - Rowan class, who have been learning new programming skills thanks to the support of The Technology Partnership plc (TTP) and David Anderson, were filmed designing and making Lego 'frogs' move.

16th Jan - Xavier and James wrote an acrostic poem to celebrate this exciting sports opportunity for KS2. Archery, Right hand grip, Careful aiming, Hard pull back, Extra fun, Racing arrows, You must be sensible.

13th Jan - Congratulations to all those who took part in the recent Mathletics challenge! In our Headteacher award, we celebrated the successful maths work from the last month.

11th Jan - Cambridge United started this term's fun and energetic sessions.

9th Jan - Plough Monday, the first Monday after Epiphany, was marked at Petersfield by dancing thanks to the Molly Dancers who taught Rowan and Pine class two traditional dances. The demonstrations in assembly were very impressive!

6th Jan - We are delighted with the carefully considered contributions to our Christmas values task. All your thoughts and ideas will help as we work together to revise our school values this term.

5th Jan - Our youngest pupils demonstrated their 'Balancability' on the bikes today.

5th Jan - Well done to our pupils for the very positive start to Spring 2017.

4th Jan- Our new teaching team attended inspiring INSET training led by, our writing subject leader, Mr Ashford.

20th Dec - Thanks to parents for providing such a wonderful feast for our Christmas parties. Santa obviously agrees with our assessment that our pupils behaviour has been very good this year as Father Christmas visited each and every pupil.

20th Dec - Well done to our year R and 6 pupils for telling the Christmas story at church. The whole school carol singing was brilliant! Our thanks to Rev Felicity and Mr Hollands. Also to the Policemen who happened to be nearby who beautifully illustrated Ash class' 'People who help us' topic.

19th Dec - Christmas Dinner was a wonderful meal, shared with the whole school. Our thanks to our catering team, the PTA for the crackers and our pupils and staff who truly entered into the Christmas spirit!

16th Dec - As part of their 'Mountains' topic, we were delighted to welcome Mr Sutton into school to inspire Rowan and Ash class following his successful Three Peaks Challenge.

16th Dec - Congratulations to our Holland's cup winner, Felix, for his outstanding contribution to music at Petersfield during Autumn half term 2. Particularly impressive where his rhythm and creativity.

13th Dec - Carols and readings in the stable block at Wimpole. Our thanks to Mr and Mrs Williams, Wimpole Farm staff and our parents, governors, staff and pupils - past and present - for a fabulous evening.

13th, 14th and 15th Dec - We are SO proud of our EYFS and KS1 pupils who were amazing in their Dress Rehearsal and 2 performances. The singing, acting and dancing were fantastic as they told the Christmas story in the 'Sleep Shepherd'.

12th Dec - Year 6 were delighted to be invited to join the local community singing carols at the Methodist Church.

9th Dec - Rowan class assembly was very thought provoking and inspiring.

6th Dec - Dancing, light sticks and fun at the PTA School Disco, thanks to Will (our DJ) and the dedicated group of PTA parents and our school staff!

6th Dec - The first of our KS2 classes were offsite to participate in REActive Church. Thanks to Rev. Felicity and her volunteers for these exciting and thought provoking 4 sessions for KS2 before Christmas.

2nd Dec - Thanks to all the Parent Teachers Association (PTA) members for the Christmas Fayre. Money was raised for school funds whilst as providing fun and Christmas gifts. Pupils reported 'I liked the Year 6 games...there were lots' and 'I liked running the stall so other people can join in'.

2nd Dec - Christingle service at church. This is always an event that inspires awe and wonder. Pupils said 'I liked blowing out the candles', 'I really enjoyed singing the Christingle songs' and 'It is very important that we have Christingle as it refreshes our minds about Christ and God'.

1st Dec - Decorations Day at Petersfield. Our pupils said 'It's great having your mum or dad in to share the fun' and 'It was enjoyable making the Christingle'. Thanks to all the parents who joined us and helped make Petersfield festive.

29th Nov - At the Cross Country there were over a 1000 children competing and we are very proud of all the children who took part. They all tried their very best and had a great time. We even had some super finishing positions with children from Petersfield finishing in 5th, 9th and 10th.

25th Nov - Road Safety Week and Assembly: Ash class learnt how to cross the road safely and sang about safety. Elm class produced road safety posters. Hazel class used verbs connected with road safety. Pine role played and wrote instructions. Rowan class wrote poems and Yew class held a debate.

21st Nov - The GenR8 team led our Collective Worship. As ever, GenR8 captured pupils attention with their songs, waves and stories and left pupils to reflect on the message.

18th Nov - Our Anti-bullying week culminated in an assembly which delivered a powerful message from all our classes and the School Council about being a good friend, the effect of exclusion and unkind words and strategies for preventing bullying in the form of talks, pictures, role play and posters.

18th Nov - Fundraising for Children in Need at Petersfield.

16th Nov - A group of year 4 and 5 children were trained as 'play leaders'. This will mean they can run activities for children in KS1 at playtime and lunchtime.

15th Nov - We were very proud of the children in Years 4 and 5 who took part in the Small Schools Tag Rugby competition. They had a great time and played really well as part of a team against some much older and more experienced teams. For some of our team this was their first competitive event.

11th Nov - Pupils (with their created poppies) and staff joined Bob Bryant (British Legion) and the Standard Bearer in school to reflect on Armistice. Year 6 represented Petersfield in the village as the whole school observed the silence at 11am.

4th Nov - Thanks to the amazing work of our PTA and the spectacular fireworks display provided by Steve, we raised lots of money to support our school whilst having a thoroughly good time! Thanks to pupils and parents (past and present) and members of our local community who enjoyed this with us.

4th Nov - 'Phenomenal' was the best description we heard to sum up the homework celebrated at our sharing assembly. From volcanoes, to bats in a box and stone age tools - what fantastic half term challenges.

31st Oct - Our teachers joined other cluster schools on our INSET day to learn about 'Write Away' designed to help improve all pupils' writing.

21st Oct - Stand Up to Cancer Day raised over £900 on the day - do please visit our Just Giving page to donate. Pupils had wacky hair, dressed down, sold cakes and enjoyed being the teacher. Pupil comments included a plan to be strict and a question for teachers 'How do you manage it?!'.

21st Oct - We are very proud of Ben who was awarded the Holland's Music cup for his enthusiasm and self motivation. He is a role model to others as he is always practising and keen to improve.

18th Oct - Congratulations to our year 5-6 football team for their excellent team spirit in the cluster competition. 7th was a great achievement and the first game was won 5-0 despite the heavy rain!

17th and 18th Oct - Parents' Evening at Petersfield with the opportunity for parents to have a sneak preview of the stunning whole school poppy Remembrance display.

17th Oct - We are incredibly proud that Petersfield was represented on the successful Cambridge United Under 11s Latvia Tour, the first of the season starting with a tournament win.

12th Oct - Following a visit last week from a tortoise, Elm class welcomed a pet snake into school as part of their snake topic. Many thanks to the pet owners for such an interesting visit.

11th Oct - We were delighted to share in the excitement and enthusiasm of our returning year 6 pupils who learnt about Christian Aid at the Ely Cathedral Day.

5th Oct - Congratulations to our 'Gobblefunk' Roald Dahl Day fabulous words winners announced in assembly today.

3rd-5th Oct - Today we welcomed our first new reception parents to share lunch with us. Well done to our Mums, Dads and pupils who received clean plate stickers! We appreciate the comments reflecting how much you enjoyed the event and look forward to the next parent lunch on Decorations Day.

30th Sept - We were delighted to welcome members of the school and local community to our Macmillan Fundraising Coffee Morning (raising £140) and our 'Petersfield's Proud' Internet Safety and Art showcase.

30th Sept - Our first Headteacher Awards of Autumn 2016 (with our Celebration Collective Worship now being led by our Year 6 pupils) recognised the work and learning behaviours we are most proud of. Please see our weekly 'Petersfield Press' for more information.

28th Sept - CONGRATUATIONS! To our first Writers of the Week: Alice, Emma, Nicolas, Noah, Thomas, Liam. Please visit Mr. Ashford's class page to find out more.

27th Sept - Rowan and Yew class explored Chapel Orchard as part of their science topic work.

23rd Sept - Our Service of Thanksgiving reflected on our many uses of water. The preserved food was donated to the Jimmy's Night Shelter whilst money was raised to go to All We Can - helping to provide clean water in Uganda and other countries.

22nd Sept - Our PTA AGM demonstrated that we are incredibly lucky to have a small but dedicated and enthusiastic PTA team who raised £1000s last year for our school library. If you would like to get involved, please do ask at the school office for more information.

22nd Sept - Thank you to our volunteers who attended induction.

13th and 14th Sept - We welcomed a significant number of our parents to our Curriculum Evenings to hear about the timetables, curriculum, homework, Learning Links and very high expectations for 2016-17. If you missed these evenings, please see your child's classteachers to find out more.

13th Sept - Watch out for the ENORMOUS crocodile lurking in school, made by our pupils as just part of our Roald Dahl day.

6th Sept - Governors attended the first FGB meeting of 2016-17 to plan the strategic direction of Petersfield. Do you have the skills and enthusiasm to join our Governing Body?

5th Sept - We are incredibly proud of our pupils for their very positive attitude to learning on the first day of the 2016-17 school year.

2015-2016 Events

21st July - Time to say a final goodbye to staff and pupils who are leaving us this year as we looked forward to and exciting new academic year in September.

20th July - Rowan classes considered how to stay safe during their drama day.

19th July - Our fabulous year 6 showed us just why we are so, so proud of them as they produced their final, Oscars inspired, Leavers' Assembly. Good luck year 6!

18th July - Our Leavers' Thanksgiving Service led by Reverend Felicity and our pupils.

15th July - Rowan and Yew class explored crime and punishment at the Tower of London (and enjoyed an ice-cream!)

14th July - Pine class at Reactive Church.

12th July - Great fun and fantastic dancing, thanks to the splendid organisation by the PTA and our fantastic DJ Will, at the Summer Disco.

11th July - We were delighted to welcome parents and grandparents into school to read together, celebrate progress shown in books and enjoy the presentation of swimming, Mathletics and Bikeability certificates.

8th July - Ash class got up close and personal with a variety of animals at Paradise Wildlife Park.

7th and 8th July - Year 5 enjoyed curriculum days at BVC.

6th July - Year 6 visited BVC for 'Move up Day'.

5th and 6th July - A member of the audience reported that the KS2 production was the best school play they had ever seen - it got better and better each performance.

4th July - Wow! Porridge, our KS2 production, dress rehearsal was a real success with lights, fabulous understudies and fantastic singing!

28th June - Hazel and Pine pupils are super scientists at the Science Museum in London.

25th June - races, games, stalls, a raffle, face painting, a BBQ, a wonderful atmosphere, lots of fun and much, much more at our fabulous PTA Summer Fayre fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who helped and everyone who attended.

24th June - Well done to everyone who took part in Sports Day and thank you so much to our school community for the fantastic support. This year, our deserving winning team were Green team!

23rd June - Pine and Hazel's turn to visit Wimpole.

22nd June - We are very proud of our Year 5 representatives who participated in 'Mathsfest' with local cluster schools.

22nd June - Ash and Elm class visit Wimpole

Wednesday 22nd June - Elm and Ash classes explored the Capability Brown installations in the ground of Wimpole despite the variable weather.

16th June - Petersfield Archaeological Dig found a possible piece of medieval pot.

13th June - GenR8 led our Collective Worship.

13th June - Bikeability was enjoyed by year 5 and 6 despite the rain!

10th June - Petersfield's Proud showcased the wonderful and varied project work from this term's Home Learning project to pupils and parents.

10th June - Our school community dressed in red, white and blue and enjoyed a picnic lunch as we celebrated the Queen's birthday.

10th June - Sue Miller outlined the exciting plans for the 'Petersfield Dig' to the whole school.

7th June - Learning about photosynthesis, plants, trees and flowers and making leaves out of clay were just a few of the exciting and challenging learning opportunities enjoyed by Elm class at Stibbington.

25th May - Rowan and Yew classes were inspired by Scene: a new way of looking - celebrating the 300th anniversary of the birth of Capability Brown - whilst visiting Wimpole Hall.

19th May - Year 5 girls initiated, planned, baked and raised an amazing £79 from the cake sale for our school. Wow!

13th May - Well done Elm class for raising over seventy pounds for the PTA whilst providing the school community with delicious cakes.

9th May - We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 pupils who started SATs week by maintaining their hardworking,calm and confident attitude through the Reading SAT.

5th May - Our reception pupils enjoy Forest School activities.

3rd May - Our School Council raised funds to plant the front entrance flower beds according to their design with their successful teddy bear sale.

29th April - Our second successful PTA Friday Cafe was well attended. Thank you for supporting fundraising for our school.

22nd April - Ash class shared their spectacular learning and led Friday's Collective Worship.

20th April - Even higher expectations are agreed as pupils and staff implement the new presentation standards and Marking and Feedback Policy.

18th April - First day back for the Summer Term and pupils are treated to a sight of the engines moving.

2nd April - Pupils receive the award from the Lord Lieutenant in recognition of our fundraising for the British Legion.

23rd March - Easter Service at St Andrew, Orwell. We all built a whole school cairn in the graveyard before the service.

21st March - We were delighted to welcome so many parents into school for Parents' Evening, continuing our close working partnership.

18th March - Whole school fundraising and fitness at the Sports Relief Challenge.

15th March - Delightful treats and fundraising at the Hazel PTA cake sale.

11th March - Hazel class lead our Collective Worship and shared their learning this term.

8th March - Fantastic fun and fabulous fundraising at the PTA Chocolate Bingo.

4th March - A morning of Mothers' Day activities and a shared lunch.

3rd March - Staff and pupils shared books and dressed as their favourite character for World Book Day.

26th February - Wow! What a fantastic display of Home Learning in our sharing assembly.

11th February - We welcomed Mr Lancaster to school for our SIAMS Church School Inspection.

10th February - Mrs Gwynn and Mrs Penrose were delighted to be appointed as Co-Headteachers of Petersfield.

3rd February - Parents and Governors were invited into school to see our work on SMSC, British Values and E-Safety.

CrocodileHarvestBritish LegionCairn BuildingRe-active Church Easter WorkshopWorld Book Day

Latest News

1st Oct - Thank you to Rev Felicity and our pupils for leading our Harvest Service in church. Thank you for the donations to the food bank and for the monetary donations for Machemba school.

25th Sept - Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Open classroom session. It was great to hear so many conversations between pupils and parents sharing this term's learning.

23rd Sept - Well done to our EYFS pupils who attended for their first full school day today!

19th Sept - Today 'Data Sheet' documents have been sent home with children. Please do check these documents carefully to make sure we have up to date emergency contact information. Signed documents (whether changes are required or not) should be returned to school on Monday please.

18th Sept - Today our Full Governing Body (FGB) met for the first time this academic year. One of the agenda items was approving our updated Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. You can read this on the Policies and Safeguarding Policies pages of the website.

17th Sept - Thank you to our volunteers who renewed their volunteer safeguarding training today. This is required to volunteer in school. We have another session planned on the 1st October if you can join us then.

Latest Publications


Mental Health support, including crisis support:
YOUnited offers support to children and young people aged 5 to 17 with their emotional wellbeing and mental health.

Click here to access their resources including a link to 'Help in a Crisis' info.

Is your child due to start school in September 2025? If so, click here to visit our admissions page.

Have you visited our 'Reading for Pleasure' page where local published author Ute Maria is adding stories regularly? Click on the 'Curriculum' tab to enjoy the stories.

Have you tried any of the experiments in the science magazines you can find on the 'Science is Fun' webpage? Click on the 'Curriculum' tab to find out more.

Save yourself time naming uniform and raise money for school. Visit Quote code 15787

As per County and national guidance, Petersfield will only close in exceptional circumstances or where instructed to do so. The decision will be made ASAP and displayed first on our school website in the 'Latest News' above.

Funding for Petersfield - As you may have read in the media, school funding is under threat. Please click here to see the information about how you can continue to help.

As we explained in a newsletter, we have updates our policies and privacy notice about how we process data in line with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). Click here for the updated policies.

Please see our vacancies page for an opportunity for a Playworker.

Are you interested in being a Governor? Do you have HR or Finance skills? If so, please do visit our Governors' webpage to find out more about the strategic role of our Governors.



