Latest News
10th Oct - Today we all have the option to wear yellow for Mind to show everybody we're not alone with mental health. School uniform should worn but an additional yellow item - such as a
hair band, yellow PE t-shirt or sock - can be worn today.
9th Oct - Wow! The BMX workshops and assemblies were fabulous fun and showed us all we can try something new and even when we are out of our comfort zone, with a growth mindset we can succeed.
7th Oct - Today in Collective Worship, we talked about our upcoming elections for our 2024-2025 School Council.
3rd Oct - Children from Pine and Hazel classes visited Comberton Village College to take part in some sporting activities. The children enjoyed trying out new activities and were encouraged by the Year 10 sports leaders.
3rd Oct - Today and tomorrow our Mini Medics are refreshing their First Aid skills. We are very proud of the pupils who have used these essential skills since last year's training.
1st Oct - Thank you to Rev Felicity and our pupils for leading our Harvest Service in church. Thank you for the donations to the food bank and for the monetary donations for Machemba school.
Latest Publications
Is your child due to start school in September 2025? If so, click here to visit our admissions page.
As per County and national guidance, Petersfield will only close in exceptional circumstances or where instructed to do so. The decision will be made ASAP and displayed first on our school website in the 'Latest News' above.
Please see our vacancies page for an opportunity for a Playworker.